    Who do you thumb up and why?


    +7  Views: 780 Answers: 11 Posted: 12 years ago

    11 Answers

    The answers that make sense, the answers that have been researched are worthy of my thumbs up, some of the members here go all out to help provide an answer, they are the ones that truly deserve recognition.

    I try to do my part.  I am a bit of a Thumbs Up enthusiast.  If the answer is not completely hideous and the recipeint has not insulted me on a grand scale within a period of one week ... I TU as much as I can.... the TUs are a bit overwhelming.  I have a lot of them.


    I know they are a lot. I’m not sure they mean anything. However, when you’re the one to reach one billion it’s lovely to get greetings.

    I'm with the fishlet.  I TU quite enthusiastically as well.  Why?  I currently have over 4400 TU's available to me to use.  Why do I have that high number if not to use them?  If I shouldn't be TU-ing like a maniac, perhaps I shouldn't be given so many. It causes me to believe that I do not need to be selective at all, ever.   I'll just continue this way, until I'm told otherwise.


    The amount of TU you can give just goes up with your karma. It's the way the app was created. I've never seen it as a reason to give them all away, just that senior members should know how to use them wisely so they get more to give out. I have over 11,000 to give out per day. I still only give TU's to valid answers. But anyway, the system will never work right so give, give, give to whomever ;)

    Well, I am somewhat selective! I DON'T give to rude, crude, arrogant, creepy or any responses that are totally opposite to my opinion. Otherwise, I'm just a happy little TU-er!! la la dee dah da da dee dah dah! :)

    I TU if I agree with the answer, or if it makes me laugh.


    Me too, Sunny.

    I give TU's to answers I can agree with, or somewhat understand that person's point of view. I might not always agree with every answer, but I agree with that person's right to express their opinion in a non-offensive, or threatening way, and have given TU"s to answers I haven't always agreed with. I say this, as regardless of whether or not I agree with someone, they've allowed me to see their perspective...and I appreciate that fact.

    I also enjoy a good laugh, and have an appreciation for good humor, and give TU's for answers that bring a laugh or smile like this one.



    Hey, I'm with You! ...and thanks for the giggle-still giggling-very funny comic strip!

    I must admit I am a little stingy when it comes to giving TU's, but it is not because I am mean-spirited, but because I feel the karma system is given too freely. I almost never give more than two TU's in any thread, and those are to the ones I feel are the best answers and also to show that person I agree with their answer. Having said that, I also try not to be selective as to whom I TU.


    That is a good point you made about being selective,karma points should be given on the merits of an answer not because of favoritism to a member.

    So far, you're one of the two who have posted here that TU's for the correct reason. If the answer actually answers the question in a correct way. Yes, I agree. That karma is too freely given here.

    I TU every good answers and some extra good questions.

    I have loads of TUs and I give freely to those I know are to deserve them. I TU honest answers tho I don't agree with them, make me laugh and it's thumbs up..........


    Makes me laugh ALWAYS gets a TU from me. Sometimes I laugh so much I wish I could give more than one to the post.

    I’m a born, wild thumbupper.

    Only you Itsmee. It's all about you girl! Luv ya! LOL


    Yep, tommyh ... You should see my smile! Only you. <3 <3

    A Thumb's Up from me is for an answer that makes sense, is appropriate, makes me laugh, or echoes my thoughts. Sometimes the effort made is worth the TU. 
    I'm not overly particular who gets them, but am careful about "new" members; sometimes I will check their profiles before voting up.  I was voting up any question I answered, but haven't been doing that lately.  
    There are some people who NEVER give me a TU.   One of them thinks almost exactly as I do, but has always been somewhat hostile toward me.   A couple of others have been stuck up and/or insulting to me.  I now pass over those people with no response unless the answer is far above average.  That doesn't happen often. 


    I think we ALL have people who NEVER give us a TU. I wonder if they TU anyone, ever? To me, a TU can even be just an acknowledgement that I'm glad that the person is here! I also see it as very simply...thank you. Of course, as you have said, the sensible, appropriate and/or funny always get that TU from me. :)

    I give TUs to everyone that has made an effort to answer a question of what they think is the right answer. I dont agree with many of the anwers, but it  is the effort that counts.

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