    have you ever needed an ambulance?

    +8  Views: 1109 Answers: 19 Posted: 12 years ago

    19 Answers

    Yes i have.......I had an operation that involved drilling into my head to separate a nerve from a blood vessel which was causing significant pain. This particular nerve is  located under the brain, so it was a major operation.The operation was a success, but after returning home 5 days later the wound started to leak brain fluid, so an ambulance was called and i was put back into hospital ,where a lumbar puncture was performed to access drainage and also intravenous anti biotics around the clock for 7 days.


    you are scary, pl..............but also agree in a roundabout way!!

    Oh my goodness!



    I am so glad you recovered and are here. You are a stable influence here and I appreciate your questions, answers, and moderation.

    yes...i need them on a regular basis to bring us patients to A/E!!;-0

    Oh, yes. I am diabetic and have had a few "lows" that required ambulance and firetrucks and cops...The last was a couple or three weeks ago. Damn, those firemen were cute!


    Help Mr Fireman "please I am burning from head to my "Knees" its "Love!!

    Right, hadn't thought of that.......

    No, never.... very fortunate after reading a few other's experiences.



    Thankfully, never!



    Just once when i wore a younger mans clothes, i caught my hand in a snowblower(thank GOD for swade gloves) , i slipped on the ice and snow and my hand went right into blower paddles and stalled the machine out. It was a $480 lesson in which I'll never forget..


    cheap lesson, dollar-wise. Scary, too.

    You were lucky it stalled out.

    if it were not for the gloves i know i would have lost at least 4 digits..


    Ya but I had to lay on the road with a friend for about an hour before they got there.



    We were trying to get home he had a tire going flat. I was on a 3 wheeler he was on a 4 wheeler, I couldn't see him anymore so I stopped when I looked back he was right behind me still doing 50+ mph. both me and the 3 wheeler flipped over top of him, I went into a ditch rolling with the 3 wheeler he went bouncing down the road. It took about 1/2 hr for someone to come along and find us then bout another 1/2 hr to get the squad and every damn cop in the county out there it was 6AM Sunday morning... Cost me a month off of work

    Yes, I have been twice, with out it what would some people do.

    yes i did but not now


    that is just as well, hey.

    maybe i can go there, too!!

    Not yet, although there were a couple of times it wouldn't have hurt (when I broke my fingers and had to drive myself to the doctor/hospital and when I got hit in the eye by a line drive softball during a game one night),   I can think of several occasions where my kids and mom could have used one, but have been fortunate that personal transport was sufficient 

    A couple of times or 3. Heart attack 2003.Had a fall when a scaffold collapsed when I was about 30 and once when I was in the army. With any sort of luck I won't need them again.

    Yup- twice.

    Only once, but there was also a time where I was transported about 250 miles to another hospital in one. I didn't really care for either ride, but thankful they were available.

    yes. several times. hope i never have to see the inside of an ambulance or hospital again!

    Yes and the people who manned it can't be thanked enough

    I had a brain haemorrhage 23yrs ago, without the ambulance and police escort to the specialist hospital I wouldn't be typing this now, you can't put a price on these services.


    TIC WON 3-0 Pal Follow Follow.

    I know mate, I was watching.
    Follow Follow.

    Wow, that's amazing you survived. Did it give you a different perspective of things? My best friend, whom I lost, died of a brain aneurysm. Gone in seconds. :(

    Live every day as if it was my last, and I'm quite enjoying it.

    YES, it made it easier getting my patients to the Hospital.


    you're a LEGEND.

    I don't know about "LEGEND" but, I went into the field because my FATHER died when, I was 16 because there wasn't an ambulance service then they used one of the funeral homes and they couldn't respond because they had a FUNERAL SERVICE so, instead of one they had two!!!

    on a few occasions when in my early teens (14) yrs old appendicites then a car crash then stone in my kidneys then when I had viral menigitise (sorry about the spelling but I am sure you get the drift haaaa

    yes, a few times they saved my life and I am in awe of how compassionate and professional they are, it's also a really cool way to travel, much smoother ride than my 4wd, they also saved my ex husbands miserable existence, not quite  as grateful for that


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