    What would you do for 10 million dollars, if no one else would know about it.

    +2  Views: 1114 Answers: 14 Posted: 12 years ago

    Hmmm, sounds like something out of a good old fashioned movie to me, mister! :)

    14 Answers

    No one would know, not even you guys? I'd probably sleep with whoever is giving it to me. 10 million can erase a lot of memories............


    Very honest!
    I'd do the same, male or female.

    "You mean that ROMOS ??I will see my Bank manager.

    jhharlan .Would ten million IOU`s be Alright? Little bit short just now .

    LOL..honesty sparks alot of interest I see. :)

    "Buy my Mother-in-law a new motorised  "Broomstick " With "No Parachute !!

    Nothing illegal. Karma is a b!tch and I do believe in karma.  Not really sure what I would do for it as 10 million is a ridiculous amount of money and no one needs that much. I can say what I would NOT do for it, I would not sleep with a man to get it. No amount of money is worth that. 


    I was going to get ROMOS and myself to "Baby sit your "three little "darlings You know ROMOS.DOWSA. FLEA. "OH .We will take the "Ten Million of your hands "DEAL !!

    Serious MAN issues.

    No, serious SEX with a man issues. Would you have sex with a man for 10 mill?

    ...and you've had them dashed. You'll get over it :)

    What would I do for 10 million dollars?   Well I wouldn't compromise my moral values.  Work hard ... speaking of which... BYE!  Have a good one. :)

    give me the money first, i promise you no one else will know about it..


    I know where you live daren !!.Your good lady just told "Me.

    I'd sell your soul, Padovenick! lol ;)

    I don't even buy lottery tickets, so I have no idea. :)


    Yikes...hope there are no buyers! lol What about an unlikely inheritance...from the street person you gave a bottle of water? No need for lotto. peace :)

    That is an enormous amount of money!!!!  I guess I would have to calculate the cost of living- like I am now (nothing special or fancy) so I could do volunteer work & do what I love.  Help out a sibling who has financial woes.  Make sure my parents can live until they die.  Then I would donate most of it through Doc. Doo's International Wild-life Fund and through Doc Doo's lets feed our kids first! Fund.  Of course, the IRS and State taxes would gobble u some before I even got started.

    Oh, I have to do something for the money- like what???  I get to chose. Well, Ok, If I must Id go to Africa and see all of the animals.


    So, you're still mulling it over, Doo? ;)

    good tip :); also I can do something like what you suggested for much less let's start with half million. Remember, this is just between the two of us, promise?

    agreed; send me directions to "here" C U

    I would be happy to take my dog for a walk, clean the cat's litter box, and do the dishes in my sink for $10 million.  I might even throw in folding and putting away the laundry just to be generous. 


    WoW!! Would you iron too?

    Bring it on, doo!

    depends on what it was and, if I could live with myself, great, I'd keep a couple and  then help out some people that really need it, cancer research , last wish foundation etc

    IT'S A SECRET!!!


    You will only get paid in invisible money, then! lol .)

    Does that mean, I won't have to pay taxes?

    LMAO! Hey, that's right! :)

    There was a movie about this very question.  Indecent Proposal (1993) starring Robert Redford, Demi Moore and Woody Harrelson.  In it, a wealthy businessman (Redford)  offered $1 million to Demi Moore to have sex with her for just one night.  I think he actually asked Woody's character the question.

    Is there any straight woman out there who would not have sex with Robert Redford for $1 million?  Be honest.

    country bumpkin

    Robert Redford, mmm mmm mmm. I would pay him to have sex. LOL

    Country: You're just an ornery little vixen, aren't you? :)

    Funny you mentioned Robert CB it would have to be Sundance Kid/Jeremiah Johnson/Electric Horseman days. ;)

    Yup, saw that movie...might it be different if the proposition be given to someone single??

    You, your conscience - if you have one - will know and will not forget untill you die - probably sooner than you otherwise whould have because you did something unacceptable to you.


    (pssst..chose something that you already do or want to my trip to Africa)

    Ok ..I'll go to Africa..then swing by give you 1/2 a mil. and meet you back here to discuss the rest (psst: what are your plans?)
    padovenick's saddening how many assume that if it is something no one else knows must be bad. Peace.

    What do you have in mind? :)


    Colleen just posted a similar question...she has something in mind ;)

    I would take all the money I already have (which is NOT 10 mil.)and use it to anonymously bless as many people as possible in ways that they would never forget...with a note attached saying with love, from J.C....then enjoy the stories that followed. :) peace

    I'll let you know after I receive a check for $10 million from Colleen.  I think it's in the "male".

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