    do you like pets of any type

    please tell what pet it is

    +3  Views: 1131 Answers: 12 Posted: 12 years ago

    12 Answers

    Yes I do just like Dr. Doolittle do!!!""


    I love all animals and have had birds of all kinds including Owls,Raven,Crows,Chickens,Budgies,,Cats,Dogs,looked after Horses,Cattle,and have cared for Red Faced Magees,Chimpanzee,Wooley Monkeys, and a Spider Monkey,Tarantulas,Boa Constrictors,a Rattle Snake,Scorpions,many varieties of Fish like Oscars,Blue Sharks,Pakus,Lion Fish,Plecostamus',Lizards,Rabbits,Mice,Rats,a Kikijou,a Fruit Bat,Turtles( Box,Snappers),as well as Homo Sapiens but they're not pets...they're people!!!

    Thank You Lindilou!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    where did you keep all these??

    LOL I worked at a massive pet shop called Noah's Ark ... LOL

    I am really fond of my cat "Worthless" and I once had a ferret named "Louis" that I was particular to....

    Cute little kittens""


    cute baby! i`d like to kiss his little nose!
    Headless Man

    Great photo.....

    I would like to snuggle with this little one!!!

    He's plum tuckered out from a hard day of playing..

    He is beautiful.happy and content.

    He's really cute and cuddly.

    OF COURSE I LIKE PETS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


    Doo, I recently stayed at a resort that had a magnificent variety of Macaws, but it saddened me to see these beautiful creatures caged, even be it a big one, what do you think???

    I like most but prefer Dogs....




    They are adorable.
    Headless Man

    Not shy.......

    Mans best friend.

    i love cats, birds, frogs and fish. never had anything exotic. my daughter had a ferret i liked. he liked to lick your face.

    I love pets and have owned many different kinds... four dogs, five cats, countless fish (saltwater, fresh water and brackish), three turtles, two birds, one parrot ( which is a bird but should count as six), two chinchillas, one lop eared rabbit, 32 hamsters, two gerbils,  all sorts of frogs and toads and one snake that lived far longer than it was supposed to... eek!

    Like a lot of others, I like all animals, can't say that some don't give me the shudders, like spiders and snakes, but I guess that's my problem not theirs and never injure or kill anything  intentionally,I believe all creatures are here for a purpose and I would often rather share my world with them than some human creatures I know

    P.S I have 2 pussycats

    lots of Magpie friends, a few wallaby's and still have a scar from saving a koala that bit me (he didn't like the vet)


    I have a bit of trouble with tanks and cages myself ...I used to let my caged animals out to play outside- my dog would babysit them! I don't like animals to be caged or tanked unless it is for their safety or for educational purposes. (Some animals born and raised in captivity wouldn't make it if released). But I am totally into freedom!!! and I agree with you- I would like some human creatures I know to move Faaar away! I would love to hold a koala!!!!

    I didn't have all these critters at once though it would have been a blast! The primates were all a part of my work as were the snakes,spiders scorpions.The wild birds were all healed,rehab'd and released though the Crows hung around for years!The Snowy Owl was a beauty but she had to be fed live bait as they do not care for carrion!Her mate hung around the compound where she was...he had followed the trucker she had hit as he saw the driver capture her off the road in a snowstorm and followed him to the shelter!That was trippy!!!I also lived on a farm in Alberta!

    Doo, koala's aren't as cute as they appear, they are dreadfully noisy during mating season (sound like wild pigs)they smell something awful,especially the bigger ones, and wow, can they bite.

    lindilou, your work sounds fascinating

    I like all animals, we have two cats . When I was a boy I had a cat, dog, rabbits,chickens, and a goat, great times.

    I don't like my pets, i love my pets, in fact i love all animals.As my name suggests "Pythonlover"i have 2 pythons that are truly beautiful 2 dogs 2 cats 4 birds.I couldn't imagine life without them.


    you have a whole food cycle

    No...not really.


    Oh dear!!!! Well, that is responsible- if you don't like them let animal fanatics like me have them!!!!!!!!!!!!

    rat and yes


    ooh thats the only animal I don't like, but if you love them I'm sure they love you.

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