    what is the best way to sell my 60 acre 3bedroom property in Queensland,Australia as we need to sell property fast

    +1  Views: 601 Answers: 1 Posted: 12 years ago

    1 Answer

    This is a good start.  Post it on craigslist and other free or low cost websites.  Consider owner financing.  List a good price.   Descibe the feature of the property?  Is it farmland?  Desert?  Wilderness?  Flat? Hilly?  How much land is developed?  Describe the house and buildings.  Does it have electricity, water, cable, etc.    How far is it from a city?   Consider a local real estate agent with a worldwide internet connection.  Make a contingency plan if it doesn't sell as fast as you'd like, perhaps lease it out.  Good luck!


    thank you

    i have tried real estates agents with no responce and i have posted it on every site that i could fine (gumtree,escapeto the country,plus 9 other sites) As we are moving to wa as soon as this queensland property sells .as it is a small crop farm I find that people are having trouble in getting money from the banks.The property has been valued at $570,000 and we are only asking $550,000 without machinery and we can talk if they want to buy property with machinery so how can i advertise where people would have that kind of money to buy to buy this beautifull property as we do need a sale very quickly Regards

    Robyn: I don't know if the economy is as bad in Australia as it is here, but you should seriously consider dropping the price to below $500,000. Also, the number one rule in real estate is location, location, location. I suspect your property is in the middle of nowhere, which is not an attractive place for buyers. Finally, advertise worldwide because you might find someone outside of Australia looking to buy. Good luck!

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