    Is your wallet the only thing in your pocket?

    economy,Taxes,Goverment.Gas prices

    +1  Views: 617 Answers: 3 Posted: 12 years ago

    3 Answers

    I don't carry a wallet, puts holes in the seat of your pants and looks goofy.  Other than that, I don't understand the question. (?)

    Haaaaaaaaahahaha!!!  My pocket isn't big enough to carry our economy's debt!!!!!


    Here is what is in my pockets...Red jacket that I wore into the woods today: cell phone, hair tie, $2.00, lighter, tick (I knocked him out of my pocket and left him in the woods). Jeans: matchbook, refresher on speaking tadpole (much different then frog or toad), how to kindly ask ticks to stay out of your pockets (apparently I need a refresher course), how to ask fleas to stay off of your cat (worked well!! But, then, KOTF is a friend!!!!), and a receipt for food I bought yesterday.

    Being female I don't carry a wallet in my pocket, but I do in my purse.  What I DO carry in my pocket are receipts of any debit purchases  made that  day to record into the checkbook when I get home,  then discard.  Also, always my Lyric hearing device remote control to adjust the volume in my ears  as I have moderate genetic hearing loss, as well as a little loose change now and then. That is it. Nothing else.

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