    Do you know anyone personally who truly has charisma?

    cha·ris·ma:  a spiritual power or personal quality that gives an individual influence or authority over large numbers of people. 

    If not, what celebrity or politician do you think has charisma?  (Okay, ladies, I'll give you George Clooney. Maybe Bill Clinton). 

    I think of charisma as that charm and magnetic personality that draws people to them.  The kind of person that everybody instantly likes.  A charismatic person is not necessarily attractive, but that helps.

    Tell us about him or her, please.

    +7  Views: 1408 Answers: 19 Posted: 12 years ago

    Russ, you are on quite the roll... making friends and influencing people.

    19 Answers

    My father is very charismatic and in younger days, extremely handsome.  My ex-husband used to be like this as well.   Everyone paid attention to him even me! 

    A hard find.

    When they  use to come into  the room ,It came alive wth Energy ever time when they walk in,

    My little brother and though I didn't know him personally, JFK...............

    Hitler had it unfortunately. He could have used it for good, but didn't. Millions of Germans followed him. You only need to watch a documentary and see them seig heiling.

    I can't think of anyone else.


    John Jones in Guyana. Got a thousand people to commit suicide on grape cool aid. (My stats aren't correct - but you get the idea?)

    Actually, any cult leader would have to have Charisma.

    Yes, that's right.

    ME ME Why not every once in a while people blow there own "Trumpets" I charm the Girls they like my talk the talk.Even old ladies fall for my "cheeky patter lines Guess I got it from my Dad "But I never stray ! I am like a  "Four legged "Friend Faithful right up to the end.  To have "Charisma.One has to be Honest kind to show respect make one happy .saying nice things about them.Make them laugh and "Sigh .All that comes from the "eyes smile Most of all the "HEART !!


    Sounds like my bulldog William.

    Was that for Hitler too. He wasn't any of the above.

    EGGY. Hilter smiled at his "Mother!! I think??

    hector5559. Sounds like a faithful dog.good on you William.Four legged "Friend.

    People can have big-time charisma like JFK or Clinton ... or people can have small-time Charisma, like me.

    I have charisma with preschool kids. I worked with them for twenty years plus. Sometimes I'd have 12 and could pretty much keep them doing right. I smiled a lot. I saw their sorrows and tried to helped. I wore bright clothes and pretty things in my hair. I wore light fragrance. I always played music to set the mood. I used every last bit on enthusiasm that I had.

    What motivated me? Well, I liked the kids. Always did understand them. The other motivating factor was MONEY. I got paid for my work. If the kids didn't like to come to my daycare/preschool, I was sunk. I would be out of work.

    Directions: Pull yourself up and see yourself as others see y ou. Smile Smile Smile. Laugh Laugh and UNDERSTAND what it is. "To thine own self be true"  (I think that's the quote.)



    Currently, I'm drawn to Philip Phillips and his Usher song, U Got It Bad.
    He's a contestant on American Idol. This is the show to watch if you are REALLY interested in psychology and how people treat one another.
    Sometimes you hear good music. Ahem, Philip ... Oh yes!

    Occasionally you meet someone out of the everyday crowd that stands out, and they instill a sense of confidence in them.

    I don't consider most of the modern day politicians to have charisma, as amongst other things, I can't say that I respect most of them. To me, the greatest hypocrisy going, is when they are presented as, "The Honorable"...what a crock of s#%t!

    I don't know him but Steve Seigal has  a whole lotta charism as did B.B. King when I met him.I also saw Gordon Lightfoot command his stage and silence quite a few thousand people simply talking about a song and the adoration of his band and audience was humbling to say the least!


    I think JFK and Bill Clinton had charisma, and Tom Cruise, Mel Gibson... and Michael Jordan oozed charisma.

    The student body president when I was in college had it. He had that easy smile, confidence, easy-going attitude, literally everybody loved him. He called everybody "Buddy" and you felt he meant it. No one ever said a negative word about him. After graduation, he got a high-level state government job with NO experience, but based mainly on his charisma.

    Absolutely.  Charisma takes many forms but mostly it stands out as someone  who easily charms you, usually getting you to behave  in a way you usually would not.

    The one and only. My second husband who unfortunately passed away. He had the gift of making friends very easily. He always helped people was always happy and upbeat and could solve problems like no one else. People loved him.


    He sounded a very nice man ,Ann,

    Thans Hector, He was.

    Bill Clinton.


    Yes. Did you sleep with him too? :)

    He actually had a thing for cartoon-like faces such as yours.



    "OH Ha Ha Ha Hee!

    I've seriously thought about this and I can't say that I personally know anyone.


    Yeas  did in fact i bought my last Christmas from em..

    Steven Segal, the B movie action star from twenty years ago?


    Yes! I saw an incredible documentary about this very interesting man.He is a Zen Master and rescuer of children from the sex-trades of places like Thailand! Although his movies were B-grade they present social/spiritual dilemmas that were oddly before their time.Try to find a biography about this'll be as surprised as I was!! Peace....He also has a show on cable...he has been a Sheriff down in Louisianna for over 20 years now!

    Karma: 8080

    Lindilou: It's great that you're a fan of Seagal's because he's got the credentials and he's a good looking guy. But you have to admit, he was a horrible actor.
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    Yes, I know someone personally.  
    My eldest son has always had a way of attracting people and just generally being likable.  His dad took him to NY to visit his paternal grandmother when he was about 5.  They went to a fish fry (no offense Fishlet) in the village on Friday night. It was packed with people and my son got separated from the adults.  He returned to their table minutes later with a stranger in tow. The man was grandma's cousin, whom she had never met and didn't even know she had.  
    When they got up to leave, several people called out to my son to say good-bye.  Waving and smiling.....I still hope he does something positive with all that charm.  


    Wow is all I can say.........

    Is Steven Segai ,of orental origin,


    No.Mini Biography
    Steven Seagal is a striking and somewhat boyishly handsome looking (often with ponytail) and usually impeccably dressed action star who burst onto the martial arts film scene in 1988 in the fast-paced Warner Bros. film Above the Law (1988). The enigmatic Seagal commenced his martial arts training at the age of seven under the tutelage of well-known karate instructor and author Fumio Demura, and in the 1960s commenced his aikido training in Orange County, CA, under the instruction of Harry Ishisaka. Seagal received his first dan accreditation in 1974, after he had moved to Japan to further his martial arts training.>>>>More>>>

    Thank you for the imfomatiom Lindilou,

    For every charismatic there are how many narcissistic humans. Perhaps too many.


    I agree, Fatpops. I had a boss once who was very charming, almost charismatic. But those who worked for him knew him as an abusive narcissist.

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