    What (who) is the God, what is the Truth, what is the Reality?

    +1  Views: 930 Answers: 7 Posted: 12 years ago

    7 Answers

    God Jesus and Holy Spirit makes up the holy trinity, God in three-forms.
    Yes if you do one thing, accept a free gift. John 3:16 For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. Just say yes and mean it, tell others about your choice, then live it, and find a good BIBLE teaching Church. Read the BIBLE yourself and study.


    I've let it ride for a week now but you really need to stop the preaching of the free gift and preaching to read your bible.
    Headless Man

    Your the one that is preaching a false God I only tell the truth.....

    I am not preaching. I share my opinion, I tell no one to follow it. I told nongrad... to look within them self, they can find their own truths there. You are preaching and telling all to follow your path. Your truth is yours, it is not everyone's truth. This is where you err.

    You think the "book" you read is the truth Randy?

    I believe what Randy said! you need to educate yourself by reading the good book " Bible" yes the truth is within your heart as Colleen said but leave out the Kool-ade The ten Commandment are still true today if more people would obey them we might be much further ahead in our world of corruption.

    The kool-ade is the trinity. Man made in order to promote a dogma and a man created God. I've read the bible. I've probably read it more than most Christians as I've had to read and research it in my debates with Christians. It's not factual. Even it's time lines are off. The 10 commandments fall short of the truths of the Creator. They work well as moral compasses but not all together good guide for all. Like the one, honor thy mother and father. The mother or father or both could be nasty abusers, pedophiles, murderers. How does a person honor that?
    As for believing Randy, that's fine since you are a Christian. Randy is trying to convert others. This forum is not for converting people. He can take his show to another forum where holy rollers are allowed to preach.

    I think you need a new head. The one you have is old and stale, like bread. We are sick of hearing your stupid preaching. Go and join another site which will appreciate everything you say.

    So you are telling him to stop giving what he believes to be a true and honest answer? Even if I were not religious I could still respect his freedom to freely speak, is he really hurting anyone? You preach new age theology but we don't tell you to buzz off.
    Headless Man

    Boy, you are in for it now JoshuaJ........ thanks anyway!

    Joshua, you would do better by using a name and not "you" so people know who you are directing your comments to. You are too new to this forum to know why people have an issue with Randy and his preaching. I will moderate, you just go about your business of trying to get people to believe in your made up religion. If you are referring to me and saying I preach, look up the word preach. I tell no one to follow my beliefs. I just share them. Randy preaches fear. He preaches for everyone to follow his ways or else. This is not allowed and he knows it. If you do not like these rules, speak to the admin for they set down the rule.
    By the way, my path, my beliefs come from a teaching even more ancient than your old testament. The old testament borrowed from these spiritual instructions. No, what I follow is not new age. You will know it again when it reveals itself soon. The world is in dire need of the love and light it will bring. Have patience. The truth is on it's way. :)
    Headless Man

    As Colleen said: "Randy preaches fear. He preaches for everyone to follow his ways or else"
    I did preach some maybe, but was kicked off for it, now I just answer questions with the truth of the Bible that some have tried to say is wrong, but for every link that tries to prove it wrong, I can post one that proves it right and that has made me more faithful. I do however think Colleen is right when she said "The truth is on it's way" it will be here when Christ returns, hope you all are ready. If that is FEAR, sorry but truth will make some uncomfortable.

    Why has the truth only been opened to you, Colleen? Anyone can get a Bible and learn, there's a reason it's far and away the most popular book ever...

    No Randy, you preach fear. You preach to accept the gift that you call free but is not free. How much of ones self does a person have to give up to accept this questionable salvation? You instruct that it's the only thing that can save a Soul. B.S. You use the scare tactic, get saved or you may find yourself in eternal damnation. That's the fear I was talking about. It will not be Jesus himself returning but rather the Christ Consciousness. Many have held the Christ Conciseness. If you are looking for a man or being to return, you will be led astray. That is the warning in your bible. Wake up if you can.

    "Why has the truth only been opened to you, Colleen?"

    The truth is out there for everyone. You only have to open your eyes and your heart to the Creator to have it and to know it. Why do you believe I'm the only one Joshua? There are people all over the world who follow the path I do. We just do not use God's truths for our own agendas or to brainwash people like the Christian faith does. Generations of families handing down the religion with some even going to the extreme of disowning family members if they left the religion. This is some of what's caused it to appear popular but how many who are classified Christian truly are Christian? People are so fearful of the accept/repent/or burn in hell message, that they join the religion just as a safety feature, you know just in case the b.s. scare tactic is true. It's not the quantity, it's the quality that makes a difference. There is no quality in a religion that is borderline cult like. Jesus has been merchandised for eons. He's an easy sell. It's all about the money and how much men can make off the name Jesus. Leaves little positive for the religion because of this. Factor in all the different versions of the religion based on one book that keeps getting changed to fit a churches dogma and wha-lah! You have the appearance of one religion being popular when it's actually many factions that you rope together to make the claim so many follow the bible. These same denominations who fight with each other over who knows Jesus better. Quality, not quantity. I'm still not seeing the quality from the Christian faith.
    Headless Man

    Yes Colleen you do have to give up sinful ways and be Christ like.......

    God is man made, man makes God to suit himself. The Creator (the IT) is the truth and the reality. The Creator is who created the men that mankind calls God depending on the religion they follow. The truth is inside you. Seek within.  

    Headless Man

    If you choose to believe Colleen that God is man made you will never find the true God that has always been and always will be....

    If you choose to believe Randy, then you choose to drink kool-ade and believe a non truth. Jesus was made a God by the vote of men. Paul had to petition to have Jesus deemed God and not just a mere Saint.

    Jesus would say to you. Father please forgive her she knows not what she is saying

    No, he would not actually. This is what you and your bible say. Jesus did not write the bible. I know exactly what I am saying, as does the IT, who created Jesus.

    The reality of it all is their is one true GOD,father, son and holy spirit, it's up to us as individuals to seek him out.

    Headless Man

    Simply put and true....

    True for the believers. Every religion has it's truths as long as there are the faithful to believe.

    Go to a library and start reading... I promise you will never  finish reading everything that was written on these subjects and you will still not know the answers.

    God is responsible for your knowing him.Pilate ask Jesus , What is truth?. This while gazing upon truth in the form of  Christ himself. What is real to you?

    I  am paid to share such revelations, My idea graduation rate is 87% these were acquiered by my participation in wars,The discovery of love and it's loss,Debating those who would debate,Holding a job as a combat photographer,knowing both cowards and hero's,Sleeping in a grave to avoid enemy activity,Being stalked by south east Asian Tigers,Coming to appreciate dog soup,From going on drug raids, Avoiding hit men,Staring down a barroom full of thugs,always being ask to lead,Never being ask to follow. I had to kill my falseself that is who i thought i was,And who others thought i was,I had to bury my dreams those i loved, And that loved me. When the applause of my generation faded this generations could be heard.I live and my value to myself and to others is still great. Make the mistake that i made when young,Ask God to allow you to see him working in your life, Only this  if you8 belive in God.

    These are questions that can only be answered by yourself after you have taken the time to search for yourself and yourself only. Happy searching!


    We have a new one. His name is JoshuaJ. Watch for him. He's pretty humorous in his beliefs :)

    Colleen, why do you continue to wage a war on me? I haven't trampled your opinions but you insist on doing it to me and many others.

    I'm not waging war. I'm shielding others from your assaults. You have trampled the Catholics many times here. Please do not cry innocent, for you are not.

    You call the Catholics pagans, this can be seen as bashing but it is truth is it not? Aren't questions posted to find truth?

    I never called the Catholics pagans. Show me where you claim to have seen this. Others have pointed out they they borrowed pagan traditions, I believe you were one but I never called them pagans. Instead of trying to come up with your next argument for me, do as others have told you and just listen for a bit. I believe you are in over your head in your war to strike down anyone who does not follow whatever faction of this religion you follow. The Christian religion gets broken in so many ways and directions and yet the sheeple just keep blindly following on, no matter how many times the religion changes.
    That's right, you told me, you follow the old outdated version. The OT right? I suppose we should bring back public stonings, sacrifices, Puritan sex and silence the little woman and shove her back in the kitchen because only the man has a voice. Pfffft. There's a reason religious beliefs die out Joshua. Resurrecting them makes little sense unless one is trying to create their own religion by borrowing from a dead one. You can not call yourself Christian is you follow the OT. Christ came after the OT and the NT was created around him. The OT has nothing to do with Christ.

    find a secluded area in the woods by yourself and find a rock or log or piece of ground to sit on meditate until the answer comes to you...... i think your comment ( although it is placed correctly) is in poor taste colleen.


    Which one? I have many comments.

    must be a test.....jk....the one about JoshuaJ being the new God, it seems like all you do is hate on him.

    This is not a religious site. Go and find another one.

    When did I say he was the new God??

    No I do not hate on him. I make him stand down on his attacks on the Catholic faith. We have a lot of Catholics here who do not need to read his rhetoric. I think I have it correct in the belief that you are a Christian which is why you do not find his remarks about the Catholics insulting. He is entertaining to read though with his thoughts and beliefs all over the place.

    The comment below witchway, I apologize, I must have misunderstood it.
    I believe that Jesus Christ is God ( so you can call me a Christian if you want but I do not associate myself with any church.) I have extensively studied religions from all over the world and enjoy many of their philosophies but i do not believe that any established church has it exactly right.I believe the Bible is true and therefore superior to other religious texts because of all the prophecies that have come true and continue to. I don't want to sound crazy here, but if you research the catholic church you will find that there is no legitimate basis in the Bible for any of their traditions, practices or church structure. Catholics are also taught not to question tradition or challenge their beliefs which is unhealthy.

    As for JoshuaJ I agree that he is entertaining but I don't think he has bad intentions, he just maybe comes off as more belligerent than he really might be.

    Hello there, Eggplant you are correct this is not a religious site, but it does have a religion and spirituality section. Doesn't it?

    " because of all the prophecies that have come true "

    Sigh...another one. OK, I've asked this question of everyone who has ever said this yet no one has given me any of the fulfilled prophecies.

    Tell me, which ones have come true? When you say, continue to come true, can you see the future or are they happening right this second, one after the other and I and most of the world are just missing them?

    As for the Catholic church, it does not matter what you or any other Christian believes about them. It is their faith. All religions have a place in this world and are accepted on this forum. You do not agree with the faith so you do not need follow it. This should not give you rights to pick it apart. God allows free will. This means He allows people to believe what they want. What makes people think they can override God in this?

    As for this forum having a religious section, yes it does but we are more designed to be a help forum, not so much a discussion forum even though discussions are allowed and do take place. The problem is, Christianity is discussed to death here by it's followers. In my experience and opinion after a year of seeing the Christian postings, I have to say, of all the religions, Christians appear to be the most unsettled people within their religion. They fight between themselves a lot too. They push agendas and dislike and even hate. They needle and pick at every other religion. They are also the most judgmental people I've ever met. The most complaints the admin get here are complaints about the Christians and the fact that they want to use the site as a pulpit or church. This is where Eggie is coming from. Quite frankly, a lot of members here are sick to death of hearing about the Christian religion. All members here have their own faiths, beliefs and non beliefs and they are tired of having religions pushed at them.

    <moved to it's proper spot>

    Karma: 1225

    this may get you started. i urge you not to follow this blindly but investigate it for yourself and do so faithfully

    i cannot see the future but i wish i could . most people miss them because they arenotlooking for them you just have to look for prophecy its all around us if you have the initiative read the book of Daniel. it is littered with prophecy

    especially read Daniel chapter 11 verses 36- 45.... some say its a prophecy predicting the rise and fall of .Moammar Gadhafi

    turmoil in the middle east has been prophesied many times in the bible and every day it gets worse.

    False teachers and prophets are also prophesied and there are many still around today that continue to spread lies, Joel Osteen, Peter Popoff, etc.

    i think many Christians believe they are doing the right thing by spreading their faith albeit most have undesirable tactics. there are very few Christians who actually understand their own religion and the teachings of Christ. I think this is because the bible is intended to be hard to understand and has apparent contradictions on purpose to make people search for the truth.

    the Catholic church once again does not have origins in the Bible (this is fact not my opinion) but if Catholicism rubs anyone the right way you are correct they have free will and also every right to follow it. i can believe that the tooth fairy is real too.

    Well of course you could believe in the tooth fairy. You believe a mortal man became a God.

    Anyway, here's my answer to your links on the prophecies not yet proven to be 100% accurate. I hope you can keep your mind open to what he found

    I never follow anything faithfully. I need clear fact and evidence. Even Paul told his people not to follow the bible faithfully so faith really should be removed from the Christian religion.

    theern needs no convincing Headless one. Pay attention, theern is already converted. How's your score card by the way? Have you converted enough so you can get into heaven? Is it true that if an Evangelist doesn't convert anyone they are in danger of not getting into heaven?

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