    what do u do with a man who wants to be in control of everything in your life.

    i need to move in with my sister to keep my son,,he doesnt want to,and wanten to throw all my things out

     thats just the problem,,he has been a great dad and loves him soo much,,my sister has helped us with my son since he has been born.he is 19 months old sister has gaurdianship so he stays in our family.i dont understand why he doesnt want to do this so we can be able to take are son with us whenever we want?/

    +2  Views: 1233 Answers: 18 Posted: 12 years ago

    18 Answers

    Does he also take control of the dish washing, laundry, ironing, vacuuming, cooking...etc ?



    This is the answer of the day. WOW.

    Thanks,Bob. How do I get eash to agree by clicking on the "best answer" button? I need the points ! Wanh,Wanh

    It's a red flag if a man is a control freak. Some women are too. Those kinds of men can become abusive. It sounds like he doesn't like  your son, so don't live with him , or he may be mean to your son.

    It's time to walk away and start a new life. You CAN make it on your own and your son needs stability.  If there is one, call your local women's shelter....they can help.

    It can be hard to leave...but if you have to move in with your sis and he doesn't want too then God is giving you a way out!  Trying to control someone else is sick- this guy is not well.  Leave!!!

    No one has the right to control anyone else, that is unless they are in some way incapable or developmentally delayed,of which you seem neither, take control of your life and that of your son's

    It is up to you to start taking control,do what is best for your young son, he should come first and be your top priority.

    I do'nt think that this man is good for you or your son. Tell him see ya!!!


    ..AND THEN DON`T SEE HIM!!!:-)..He shouldn`t be pushing his inadequacy issues on you or anyone else...sounds like he needs professional help to sort his own life out!

    we have lived with my sister ever since my son was born.9-11-2010..but for the past 5 weeks we have been living in a motel sis has gaurdianship of my baby,and he does live with her.i cant take care of him by myself.i do need my sis boyfriend of 2 years doesnt want to move back n,but if i dont then im not gona be able 2 have my son.walfare got involved cause of a dumb mistake i made 3 weeks ago.

    I never understood the need or desire to control my wife. It's her whole persona that attracted me to her in the first place. I have on several occasions made a decision that she didn't agree with, but there are times decisions have to be made, now. No time for bulls***. She is a bit bossy at times. I have to remind her that I'm not the "Help", I'm the guy that pays the help.


    careful ed, she may just write you an account, help doesn't come cheap!!
    ed shank

    She's been home all week on vacation. I have been working around the property like crazy. Now I know what the Egyptians felt like building the pyramids, minus the whips.

    yES...iT`S AN IMPORTANT POINT!!!..Women TOO can be the point of it being a problem as serious for men!
    ed shank

    Millie, she's really not controlling she knows I'm lazy when it comes to certain things around the house. I have commitments though and they have to be addressed. $$$$$.

    It sounds as though you need to get away from this guy, as he sounds like he has some major issues to deal with. Have a talk with the local police regarding getting your stuff, and see what they would be willing to do.

    a breakup followed by a restraining order could be a good option.... a person who attempts to control another is a person not fit for a meaningful relationship, there are a lot of nice guys out there go find one of them

    Why would anyone want to put up with a CONTROL FREAK??! maybe hard to distance yourself from this guy...but if you are looking for a happy life....YOU MUST!!...Help and support is available for you!(check out websites which specialize in helping women in abusive relationships)!...You`ll be so much happier when you are finally free of him and regain your freedom and self worth!!:-)..(Been there..done it)!!!;->

    Good luck..just muster ALL your strength and GO FOR IT!!!!;-)

    I divorced him..........


    yEAH..ME TOO!!;-)

    Weigh the pros and cons of staying in the relationship.  Remember to include your son's BEST interests.  
    If I had to move tokeep MY son, that guy could be the man of my dreams and it wouldn't make a bit of difference.  Partners come and go (no offense to the soul mates out there), but your children.......nope, my child would take precedence over any man.   


    ^6 months goes by and here's me needing this reminder from your wisdom...thanks for this Bob...yer brilliant!! Peace. And HEY!!! :)

    Fire them. There was someone many years ago who thought they could be in charge of me. I haven’t seen them in all these years because I had the good sense to ignore their demands and leave. I never looked back and lived my adventure one day at a time. At first I would remember them demanding something that I would ignore, then, gradually, day by day the memory of their demands and insults lost it’s sting and I found it easier to enjoy my day. Now the terror I felt for them has long past and every day I know I was right to leave.



    Call her Jacqueline

    Call him uncle sam.  Really! Time to move on and find someone who really cares about u and your son. This is a wake up call!





    Personally, I prefer the ones equipped with wheels and a retractable drag handle.;-)

    Take back control and never give it away again. Good Luck!

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