    i have a problem with my landlord,about a bill

    landlord breakes into my water supply to provide water for another properyty,the water bill is in my name,it's my responsibility,elegally taps into our line to provide water for next door(another one of his propertys)then pipe breaks and leaks.bill before only 24$to26$ a month,then pow a bill over 3,000.00,i bring in the city,explain to them,they understand but i am responsible for it so i pay it,i feel that he needs to compoansate me,but we hear nothing from today i get a call cause i refuse to pay the rent up til the amount owed, so he threaten me by telling me that he will evict me.although he did get the city to credit 2,000.00 of it (guilty)i feel he really is responsible for the remaining amount(1,700.00)help me,please.

    0  Views: 636 Answers: 6 Posted: 12 years ago

    6 Answers

    You need a lawyer and you need to file a small claims lawsuit  on him. Be prepared to move however as he will not renew your lease. 


    doesn't sound like a great deal anyway!

    He is counting on you to be afraid....and if your bill went from 26 bucks to 3,000 or even 1700 then he expects you to pay for the leak-which must have been huge!!!  This guy is no good!!!  

    It seems to me he got you by the short and curlys , like Colleen says best get a lawyer.

    Get a lawyer, and have the landlord also pay for the legal fees as well.

    If the bill was 3,000.00 and the city credited 2,000.00, why is the landlord responsible for 1,700.00? Seems the difference would be 1,000 less the normal 26-28, or about 972.00, which you should take to small claims court.

    Landlord cannot do lawyer.

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