    Mel Is In The Soup Again

    Once again, disgraced Hollywood star Mel Gibson has found himself in a scandal involving charges of anti-Semitism.

    Screenwriter Joe Eszterhas has accused the Lethal Weapon star of 'hating Jews,' following the rejection of his screenplay for Gibson's planned epic about the legendary Jewish warrior Judah Maccabee.

    Gibson, who has faced charges of anti-Semitism in the past, announced the controversial project last September. Eszterhas, writer of such hits as Basic Instinct and Flashdance, was hired to pen the script.

    According to Entertainment Weekly, that script was rejected by Gibson and Warner Bros. in February.

    Now Eszterhas has accused the star of making anti-Semitic comments and of having never intended to actually make the film.

    In a letter obtained by The Wrap, the scribe accuses Gibson of having ulterior motives for wanting to make the film. Gibson, Eszterhas writes, wanted to make a film about the story of Maccabee "in an attempt to deflect continuing charges of anti-Semitism which have dogged you, charges which have crippled your career."

    The writer says that while working together, Gibson used numerous slurs in reference to the Jewish people.

    "You continually called Jews 'Hebes' and 'oven-dodgers' and 'Jewboys.' It seemed that most times when we discussed someone, you asked 'He's a Hebe, isn't he?' You said most 'gatekeepers' of American companies were 'Hebes' who 'controlled their bosses.'"

    According to TMZ, Gibson has responded to Eszterhas' letter with one of his own.

    "Honestly, Joe, not only was the script delivered later than you promised, both Warner Brothers and I were extraordinarily disappointed with the draft. In 25 years of script development I have never seen a more substandard first draft or a more significant waste of time. The decision not to proceed with you was based on the quality of your script, not on any other factor.'

    I think this guy is kookoo for cocoapuffs! He never knows when to quit!

    +6  Views: 909 Answers: 11 Posted: 12 years ago

    11 Answers

    Who do you think is koo-koo?  Mel or Joe.  If Mel used those horrible names then he is one lost and sorry soul. 


    If this is true, Fishlet, then I think Mel is kookoo.

    Who knows, at this point at least, which person is telling the truth?  Mel Gibson has proven, in the past, to have a major problem with alcohol (among other problems) but did this happen, yet again, OR is he just an easy target?  I'll wait and see.


    True Ducky, I suppose we rarely know the true facts in a situation.

    Especially when it concerns celebrities and/or money.

    Remember the Black List during the McCarthy Era?

    Well, uh, not exactly. :)

    Its hard to believe anything these days. I like Mel. I am with Ducka-wait and see



    Yes, I suppose people caan put whatever spin on it they care to, Ann.

    I think Mel is an easy target.  Why would he be caught after the last accusation? I still like his movies and his personal life is none of my business..............


    Who knows, JH? I was just surprised when I saw this on my homepage.

    Great actor .His life is private .We are no Angels !!

    Ahhh...Freedom of speech...!!!   :)""


    Nice pic.

    ...rather....Arrrrr Freedom!!!

    I loved this movie, Lindy. It made me cry and it gave me shivers.

    Great movie!

    This weekend I saw Mel ranting at that guy...there was a tape of him screaming at him...they blocked out the explatives...but there was nothing anti-semitic that I heard.  He does have major anger issues.  Lets face it there are a bunch of messed up peeps in Hollywood!  He makes me laugh and is a pretty good actor/director..I uess he's like Mike Ditka (Old NFL Coach) He's a screamer.


    Screamers scare me, Doo! Not very good for their blood pressure, either.

    me too. the way he was raging i would have walked out!!!!

    It's hard not to feel sorry for celebrities in how vicious and invasive tabloids are in making money off of bringing them down.


    The situation in which I became acquainted with Mel's wife and son were heartbreaking for them as well as my son and me. They were a caring, devoted family, including Mel. I sincerely hope for the best for all of them.

    I agree Shootah. The tabloids stop at nothing, including manufacturing stories in their entirety, just to sell magazines.

    Some great artist have/had grave personal/personality problems. A very good example is CARAVAGGIO. Read on and read through please...

    Caravaggio (Italian pronunciation: [kara?vadd?o]; 29 September 1571 – 18 July 1610) was an Italian artist active in Rome, Naples, Malta, and Sicily between 1593 and 1610. His paintings, which combine a realistic observation of the human state, both physical and emotional, with a dramatic use of lighting, had a formative influence on the Baroque school of painting.[1]

    Caravaggio trained as a painter in Milan under a master who had himself trained under Titian. In his early twenties Caravaggio moved to Rome where, during the late 16th and early 17th centuries, many huge new churches and palazzi were being built and paintings were needed to fill them. During the Counter-Reformation the Roman Catholic Church searched for religious art with which to counter the threat of Protestantism, and for this task the artificial conventions of Mannerism, which had ruled art for almost a century, no longer seemed adequate. Caravaggio's novelty was a radical naturalism that combined close physical observation with a dramatic, even theatrical, use of chiaroscuro. This came to be known as Tenebrism, the shift from light to dark with little intermediate value. He burst upon the Rome art scene in 1600 with the success of his first public commissions, the Martyrdom of Saint Matthew and Calling of Saint Matthew. Thereafter he never lacked commissions or patrons, yet he handled his success atrociously. He was jailed on several occasions, vandalized his own apartment, and ultimately had a death warrant issued for him by the Pope.[2] An early published notice on him, dating from 1604 and describing his lifestyle three years previously, tells how "after a fortnight's work he will swagger about for a month or two with a sword at his side and a servant following him, from one ball-court to the next, ever ready to engage in a fight or an argument, so that it is most awkward to get along with him."[3] In 1606 he killed a young man in a brawl and fled from Rome with a price on his head. He was involved in a brawl in Malta in 1608, and another in Naples in 1609, possibly a deliberate attempt on his life by unidentified enemies. This encounter left him severely injured. A year later, at the age of 38, he died of a fever in Porto Ercole, near Grosseto in Tuscany, while on his way to Rome to receive a pardon.

    Infamous while he lived, Caravaggio was forgotten almost immediately after his death, and it was only in the 20th century that his importance to the development of Western art was rediscovered. Despite this, his influence on the new Baroque style that eventually emerged from the ruins of Mannerism was profound. It can be seen directly or indirectly in the work of Rubens, Jusepe de Ribera, Bernini, and Rembrandt, and artists in the following generation heavily under his influence were called the "Caravaggisti" or "Caravagesques", as well as Tenebrists or "Tenebrosi" ("shadowists"). Andre Berne-Joffroy, Paul Valéry's secretary, said of him: "What begins in the work of Caravaggio is, quite simply, modern painting."[4]""


    I guess many people have trouble handling success, no matter the century. Thanks, Val.

    Seven years ago, I had the unfortunate pleasure of becoming acquainted with Mel's wife and one of his sons.  During the course of time, I encountered Mr. Gibson on one occasion. He seemed high strung, anxious, and was "take charge and direct traffic" (literally).  He was also cordial and courteous.  (His wife and son were wonderful people).
    Like Ducky and Ann, I'll withhold my vote for now.  


    It's good to hear that, in the words of The Who, the kids are alright, PKB.

    He said it all to Danny Glover in Lethal Weapon 2."We're back.We're bad.You're black.I'm mad". I love his work & the fact that he started out in Australia.


    I saw him in Gallipoli, Tom...what a tear-jerker that was!

    Ever see Mad Max Dardaigh?

    Yes,I have Tom. He was at the height of his charm, charisma and talent then. He is still talented but has become, rightly or wrongly, the media's whipping boy.

    Special thoughts for Galipoli here today.It's ANZAC Day.

    It's my guess he has an issue with anger or temper, after making violent movies like he does would haft to be in your blood, My suggestion is to take a temper management program.


    Or act like he has taken an anger management program.

    I agree Facebook. He doesn't seem to have the temper under control. I wonder if he's like that with his children?

    Funny, Fishlet! :)

    I think the temper bit is a media feeding frenzy on a famous dude...happens all the time...they don't mention his good s#@t 'cause that doesn't sell on TMZ or ShockFactor or whatever tabloid is exploiting the famed at that moment...I've never wanted the fame...just the glory!! ;D

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