    What are you reading right now? I've begun the Douglas Preston and Lincoln Child "Pendergast" series and I'm hooked! What are loving to read right now?

    What are you reading right now?  I've begun the Douglas Preston and Lincoln Child "Pendergast" series and I'm hooked! hat are you loving to read right now?

    +5  Views: 831 Answers: 9 Posted: 12 years ago

    All non-fiction!These dudes went on a quest for the roots of Freemasonry not knowing that it would take them on this riveting amazing journey of discovery after discovery.Revues by the fold ranged from manic lunacy on the part of fundamentalists to utter awe and revelry by the portion of more,shall we say Theosophistic thinkers.

    An excellent far...they keep making incredible discoveries and realized that the books just keep writing themselves!Seek these books in second-hand book shops...they are so worth the hunt!Peace.

    Really?? Freemasonry fascinates me, even though I 've heard some and read little about it. Does sound fascinating,....and especially because it is all "real". I love to read everything that's real-life. Sounds like very far-reaching effects are a basis for it. All the more interesting!:->

    I am reading their books out of order, initially by accident, so I haven't read their very earliest books yet....but I certainly will! Thank you for your comments, lindilou!

    9 Answers

    My favorite writer is Steven James, author of the FBI super agent/serial killer hunter Patrick Bowers series.  They are The Rook, The Pawn, The Bishop, The Queen.  Very intelligent, exciting and fast-paced.  He's also written some excellent religious themed books. Visit his website at:


    Cannot vote up your answer, used up my limit today. Never read any of his. Sounds up my alley as these series I am reading deal with an FBI agent, as well, in very unusal circumstances, some religious based. I love fast-paced, intelligent, "can't wait to get back to books"! I'll note your author for future reference and thank you for sharing! :->

    The Life of Buddha and It's Lessons by H. S. Olcott and

    Lean Thinking by James P. Womack and Daniel T. Jones


    Have read a little about Buddha, enough to know I'd like to read more! What do you think of those books?

    The life of Buddha I am enjoying very much as the book is written with a fresh perspective.
    Lean Thinking is a slow read. It's a business mangagement book and I have two more on the stack... Wish me luck!

    It took me awhile but I finished reading>>>The Hiram Key>The Second Messiah>Uriels' Machine:The Origins of Science>and The Book of Hiram written by amazed and amazing writer/researchers Christopher Knight and Robert Lomas and prior to that a three year study of the Dead Sea Scrolls that nearly sent me over the edge!!! 


    Wow! Sounds amazing! Are they fictional or history based? They sound history based and also, are they interconnected?? Love those. Thanks!

    An Ocelot's Guide to The Amison River Basin as told to Harry Houdini Doolittle IV.


    Sounds interesting AND fun!!

    Lol, I always have to let people know when their replies make me smile.

    Do you have anything a little more...tame? ;)

    Just looked them up. Too cute for words.

    I like,, love, intellectual mystery, suspense and intrigue, in a strong way. These guys hit the hot spot with me. Anita Shreve is another fave of mine, intriguing in a different and more realistic sense. Is NOT a "horror" in any sense of the word. She is gifted at detailing and genuinely describing the situations and emotions and relationships of the characters involved. You get pulled in, very realistically.......... Though might not be for you, Dardeigh, as she, too, is pretty deep. Seems like you like more light-hearted reading, but a great author anyway, by my opinion. :->

    I'm just finishing up "Gone With the Wind" I read it at least once a year and enjoy it as if it was the first time. Not sure what going to read next thinking about a good murder mystery.

    I just finished The Virgins Lover by Phillippa Gregory.

    It's a fictionalized account of the life of Queen Elizabeth I and the Earl of Leicester and the machinations at court especially by Lord Burghley. Leicester was a cad and treated his wife abominably, hoping to become King Consort one day.

    This authoress also wrote The Other Boleyn Girl.

    Eric Bana was King Henry VIII-delish! ;)


    Sounds great, the history. Like to know more about what REALLY happened behind the scenes of Court and monarchy.

    I know, I can imagine a 16th Century scribe from Ye Olde National Enquirer running around with a quill and parchment trying to get a scoop.

    an ocelot is a cat!!! However, Chomper, my alligator is very funny!

    Yes, of course! How about a bearded dragon???

    Yes Ocelots are very cute! Hard to think of a bearded dragon as cute- but in an Doolittle way they are :)

    You guys are all so deep. I just want to read THE HUNGER GAMES series...........


    Hahahha!!! Read what appeals to you!!

    That series is "the best!" according to several of my closest sources!!You are going to be blown away as the books run much deeper than Hollywoods' portrayal.Enjoy!:)

    I just started it yesterday....

    That is a surprise.  You rarely hear of people these days reading something such as "Gone with the Wind".   I  have never read that book.  I should.  Once a year? I rarely watch a movie more than once or twice, and is also true with books. Admire those that do. You get the most out of the book in the end.  I look to visit the next exciting situation!  Thanks for sharing!


    Very fun! A great read!!!

    Just finished the Romanian translation of “Herztier “ by Herta Muller and Salt.""Started reading “Sentenced to live” by the Holocaust survivor Anna Nussbacher and The defector. ""

    For those of you that don’t remember or don't know, I am a “defector”.


    Are you really? I am an emigrant.
    I really wish you would post on the blog. It would be such a good read. :)

    Really, just an "ordinary" one.
    One of the things I'm planning to do when I retire is to write "my story" mostly for my grand children. If I'll still be in akaQA I'll blog an RD version...

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