    What is the stupidest and most pointless law you can think of?

    +4  Views: 882 Answers: 8 Posted: 12 years ago

    8 Answers

    drink driving on a horse, this underestimates the intelligence of the animal, they all know the way home from the pub!!


    Not my mount.
    She gets a bit confused after 10 pints.
    Ended up 100 miles from home when she thought she was Sherghar.

    About two weeks ago, some Amish teens wrecked their carriage when the horse collided with a police car. The "driver" had been drinking (the CARRIAGE driver).

    About two weeks ago, some Amish teens wrecked their carriage when the horse collided with a police car. The "driver" had been drinking (the CARRIAGE driver).

    PKB not that difficult where I live,3 streets, very much a country town, and if we're very inebriated the publican or his wife drive us home

    Romos, that happens a lot to me when I'm driving, I'm now the proud owner of a GPS!

    I have to walk my ferret" under" any bridges in my local community because the minks own the right of way on the road!

    Stupid??? You tell me!


    Perhaps we should put your (very cool) ferret on an elephant's back:)
    Now then, if the elephant cant walk down the middle of the street...whose yard(s) shoud she walk on???

    Lovely!!! Make sure the bridge has some height to it...We wouldn't want the elephant to bump her head!!!

    Really? Leave it to the politicans to come uo with something stupid as that.

    Really? Leave it to the politicans to come uo with something stupid as that.

    In Texas it's illegal  to take more than 3 sips of beer while standing up. Maybe this is why people are always falling down drunk. LOL

    Madera County just passed a marijuana law that outdoor plants must be "housed", not grown in the open sunlight.  It is contrary to the actual laws of the state.  
    It's not really "stupid"; there are some from the 1800s that are still on the books that border and cross ridiculous in the 22nd century.  


    Re: Amish drunk kid...don't care about the carriage- how was the horse???

    Hurray for the horse!! No one should treat a horse like that!!!

    Perhaps the parents are a bit naive ???

    I just read (and forgive me if I misquote) that in AZ life is considered present 2 weeks from the date of the last day of the period, that's 2 weeks before conception.................! as my sister wrote on FB, geez louweez...............


    The law makers in Arizona are nuts!!!! Have been for a long time!!!

    Governor Jan Brewer Signs Arizona’s Extreme New Abortion Law
    Life now starts earlier in Arizona: In practice, the state has banned abortions after about 18 weeks.

    And for years they didn't recognize MLK Jr's Bday...don't know if that has changed.

    Idaho state law makes it illegal for a man to give his sweetheart a box of candy weighing less than fifty pounds. (I see many women are getting ready to move there)

    It is illegal to say "Oh, Boy" in Jonesboro, Georgia.

    It is illegal to throw shoes at weddings in Colorado. (for this you'd have to go to Baghdad County)

    Citizens are not allowed to attend a movie house or theater nor ride in a public streetcar within at least four hours after eating garlic. (this makes sense, actually. Garlic breath is FOUL)

    No one may catch fish with his bare hands in Kansas.

    A Kentucky law says that burglary can only be committed at night. (what if you're blind?)

    It is illegal in Michigan to hitch a crocodile to a fire hydrant.

    A man can legally beat his wife, but not more than once a month in Arkansas. (Don't you guys start calling your UHaul rentals now)

    If an elephant is left tied to a parking meter, the parking fee has to be paid just as it would for a vehicle. (lions and tigers and bear, oh wait...)



    'it is illegal for one freight train on the same track as another freight train traveling in the opposite direction pass the other freight train until the first freight train passes on same track.

    It's on the books!


    I am more than a little confused!

    It is illegal to walk your elephant down the middle of the street.


    Yep, same here!! LOL

    I think the minks would be avoiding my little ferret on your elephants back, should be quite amusing!

    The horse wasn't injured. Apparently the Amish "allow" the kids to "go wild" and most of them return to the Amish lifestyle after a brief burst of "freedom". They were actually "pursued" by the police car. Weird story.

    The horse wasn't injured. Apparently the Amish "allow" the kids to "go wild" and most of them return to the Amish lifestyle after a brief burst of "freedom". They were actually "pursued" by the police car. Weird story.

    No kidding. Parents shouldn't give the kids the "keys" to the carriage when they KNOW what's on the agenda. Very irresponsible.

    The theory is the kids will "get it out of their system" and come back to the Amish way of life. Supposedly, most of them do. Naive to think they will always be okay. Alcohol poisoning is for real (I have a story, but no need to elaborate). In agreement with you, animals suffer all too often by humans' selfishness and carelessness. :{

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