    I have a friend whose son is mentally sick. He is taking medication, so he says, he quit his job, he lives alone, his apartment is a mess.I;ve just visited him and I was horrified. He excused himself, and he added: what you see here the same is in my brain. He is verry ,verry depressed. He called me recently crying, that he wants to finish with this life. I asked him how he gets the medication, and he told me that the last time he saw the psychiatrist was 2 years ago, but he kept on fax him refi

    0  Views: 476 Answers: 3 Posted: 12 years ago

    3 Answers

    As Russrocks  recommended call the mental health crisis team, every hospital has or can access them, unfortunately attempts to help  by those not qualified, no matter how sincere will be futile for someone in crisis, I work with them 


    Thank you lambshank and Russrocks. I called his mother and told her about your advice, but she wants to know if a team will be dispatched to his apartment. He does not answer the bell, or he could be out. The team will stay there to wait for him? Also, do you think that this team will believe his mom? What if he is going to be taken, and he can sweet talk everybody, and will be released and hate his mom for doing that and really disappear once he is released.( his mom concern)

    They are experienced people, they know what sort of problems there are, or what they could potentially be dealing with, they will listen,and they are all too aware of "the sweetalk" you speak of, unfortunately our health system doesn't always have an opportunity to help long term, but you can only help this person by referring them, maybe short term help will give you all some relief whilst a long term plan can be formulated,I wish all the best and hope things are O.K, please keep in touch

    Thank you again for your advice and concern. You gave us all hope. We only pray that the team will find him home; like I said before he does not answer the bell and we can not call him because we don't have his phone#.

    I am a 43 yr old woman and in my experience a Doctor doesnt keep you on refills for 2 yrs without seeing you. Something is seriously wrong and he needs help. Be a friend and take him to a Doctor so he can get his thoughts out and get his medicines that are needed.ope your friend does ok Good luck and I h


    HE DOES NOT WANT TO GO TO THE DOCTOR!So he has to be forced. Here comes my question: how? I heard that his mom has to go in front of a judge or something, to get some papers signed, or something, and she will be the surogate? or sponsor? Anybody knows what I'm talking about? All this is because he is an adult and if he does not want to go he won't go.His mom, having those documents, can call the police and commit him. But i don't know the steps

    Lmbshank, his mother called a local CSU, it was in the hospital, and a guy answered, and told her that there is no such a unit in the hospital. Hi does not know what is that. He told her to dial 911 and to bring him to the emergency. I don't understand why on their website there is such a thing like CSU and if you ask  them they dont have/dont know what is that.

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