    Autopsy Reveals Whitney Houston's Body Ravaged.

    Updated: Sunday, 08 Apr 2012, 8:32 AM MST Published : Sunday, 08 Apr 2012, 8:32 AM MST

    (NewsCore) - Whitney Houston's body was ravaged by scars, cuts and burns when she died, autopsy details showed.

    Years of drug and alcohol abuse had left the "Bodyguard" star with a damaged heart and liver, a hole in her nose and 11 front teeth missing.

    She also had a needle mark on one arm and was high on a cocktail of nine drugs when she died in a hotel bath in Los Angeles on Feb. 11, 2012.

    Evidence from police and medical teams showed swaths of skin was burned from Houston's back after she got into the scalding water. It also resulted in "skin slippage" on her legs.

    Sources said the temperature could have been as high as 150F (66C) when she got into the tub.

    Six hours after her death, the water was still 91F (33C) and medical sources said she may have been so high she did not notice how hot her bath was.

    Traces of cocaine, cannabis, anxiety pill Xanax, muscle relaxant Flexeril, allergy medicine Benadryl and painkiller Ibuprofen were found in her body.

    The 48-year-old was also scarred by decades of cosmetic surgery, alcohol-fueled fights and falls.

    She had marks on her stomach, chest and upper left thigh believed to be from cosmetic procedures. A scar on her left forearm may also have been self-inflicted.

    Houston's lifestyle also had weakened her heart so badly that one of her coronary arteries had narrowed by 60 percent.

    The official cause of death was accidental drowning with heart disease and cocaine use as contributing factors.

    +8  Views: 913 Answers: 11 Posted: 12 years ago

    11 Answers

    There have been safety warning regarding high temperatures for several years. Temperatures of 105 F significantly reduce a persons sensitivity to temperature and other deaths have been attributed to bathing in excessively hot water also. My hot tub is set to maintain a temperature of 98 F and that is not adjustable any higher. Drugs and alcohol were perhaps major factors but tub temperature is what likely killed Whitney….unmonitored, unnoticed and perhaps drugged as well. That tub temperature is one thing we should all be aware of. 


    I have trouble believing this. The report I read said she had a high dose of a sedative in her system and most likely fell asleep. Water that hot would burn you before you fell asleep!

    So talented - yet so broken. How very sad.

    Sad...........So this is where drugs and alcohol took Witney.  It just goes to show that this sort of thing can happen to anyone, whether you have fame and fortune or you come from the depths of poverty.No one is safe when they are on this deadly path of destuction.

    This is such a sad commentary of how supposed "fame & fortune" can destroy a life if the person is unable to cope. Thank you for the article, Ed.

    She is gone but her poor family (including a teenage daughter) are left behind, to witness these gory details of their loved one, plastered all over the media and internet.  Along with that, they have the television networks analyzing it over and over, as though there is nothing else going on in the world.  Our fascination with "celebrity" is getting to be a sickness.  That, too, is sad!


    I guess...but sometimes I wonder if people just make this stuff up.

    That is very sad.  I agree with Ducky ... this too is sad.

    Kind of a sad thing that drugs had that much of a hold on her.

    So sad but all of this info is none of my business, her poor family.........

    It was like a slow suicide ... so sad.  

    Ducky ... I agree with you. It hasn't always been like this. Has it? When did it start?


    I don't know when it started but at one time, celebrities could do just about anything and their "studios" and agents, kept it quiet. Other than rumors, we only heard about it, years after they were gone.

    What an awful way to die.And an awful way to live ,I hope she rests in peace poor woman

    The papers and tv stations around here said she had a high level of ativan in her system- no alcohol, no pain killers, no other drugs.  The cause of death was drowning.  Sad.  But as jh said- none of my business.  


    I think that what gets reported, may depend on who is doing the reporting...friend or foe of Houston and family. :(

    No doubt about that. For sure things get twisted and blown out of proportion. That is the awful part of being famous.

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