    Are you willing to work for a secure lifestyle with less money?

    The value of money goes up and down like a roller-coaster resulting in inflation and recession if not depression. If we could work for our freedom from these economic trends by developing  our own self-sufficiency, independence from economic tyranny, how would you do that? Even a little economic security is better than none.    

    +8  Views: 1364 Answers: 12 Posted: 12 years ago

    Cool ideas Robert. The zoning in or neighbourhood prohibits me running a business that actually lets clients on the premisis. There is a small grocery store on the corner that is historical as is our house and two others ... We are thinking there might be a way around the regulation... At the moment my husband is building a sustainable raised garden and then onto a patio of sorts outside the glazing/firing shed for more room to work. I like the idea of the generator and so will my husband.
    I will contact Colleen... I have already spoken to my husband about your ideas that you have shared so far.
    Thanks KC

    12 Answers

    Count me in, robertgrist.


    I was surprised how little lifestyle choices make such a big difference in money saved and profitably earned. I like to drink distilled water and have most of my life. Some think that drinking distilled water strips out minerals in water but considering what the minerals were in our water, distilled is preferred. Were I to buy it it would cost about $1.00 a gallon so I made a distiller that uses solar energy to heat the water a bit and a one-way valve to produce a vacuum on the tank when it cools down a bit. The line continues from the one-way to a clean water tank in the house in a cool location where distilled water condences and collects. This save about $60.00 per year but I need to improve my supply as my garden only thrives on distilled/rain water and dies on the water from the ground due to mineral content.

    If it means the difference between starving or not ..YES

    I am trying to produce an electrical utility for my home so as to end my dependence on the electrical utility company for  whose bills go up but not down. My own automotive fuel and household heat. I know there are ways and a fan base already exists for these processes but there seems to be sparse public interest. I think the lack of a greater interest is based on fear, ignorance and denial.  So I’m preparing to go much more public about the processes involved and seek out the barriers to progress in order to understand the various viewpoints on this subject. 



    It sounds like your household and my household are travelling down the same path.

    I don't get much money and sometimes I could use more but I get by and I'm secure so to speak....


    I try to make things simple and from junk parts because so many money saving techniques and products do not have to be complicated or expensive to make. It’s a hobby for me not born of necessity because I have money, but so many products are made to fail and no one is around to repair them…like coffee makers. I went through dozens of them that worked a little while, the heater would clog up with minerals and then replace them just as the warranty had expired. Distilled water ended the problem but I still prefer to heat water in a pot to boiling then add coffee and pour it throgh a coffee filter. Its part of my morning routine that I like.

    We use a French Press which is wonderful until I break the pot (I'm clumsy)......

    I have had solar installed to avoid our ridiculously high power bills, though they are still high but manageable now, I grow what I can and fortunately am sometimes able to share with others in my neighborhood, who have the goodwill to do likewise, I still work though am considering retirement.,I have been eligible for early retirement on medical grounds for some years, but have thus far declined, however due to our recent ....or lack of annual wage rise not keeping up with the CPI  I am seriously considering taking the gamble of leaving the workforce, It costs me a couple of hundred dollars a week just to get to work, worth, so the answer is yes

    My mate works for less money, she is well cheesed off about it.She and her colleages are gonna ask for higher pay and get it back to what it used to be.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx


    wish her luck with that

    We are travelling back to living off our land in the middle of the city no less.  My husband has a list of projects with plans of living off the grid.

    Where we are living the value of our property is sinking while our taxes are climbing.  We are choosing not to let this tick us off but solve the problems before they become too much to handle.  We have a neighbour doing the same types of things and another that is away learning about simple, clean and organic living... It seems to be a trend.

    The more pressure that is applied by the government the heathier our life style becomes. 


    Why are your taxes going up when your property value is going down? There are ways to insulate your property from excessive taxes. Most places let churches and charity group property go tax free. Schools also go free in some states and teaching pottery techniques could knock those taxes down even though sell pottery for a profit. I have taught kids electronics, bike repair and other skills as a scheduled class in summer to get a tax brake and a little extra cash.
    Business tax can be quite high but if your taxes exceed 10% of your gross profits, you can give 10% of your profits to a charity and thus be a charity support business which is taxed at a lower rate if at all. I hope that helps.

    You use electric kilns which an be powered by a motor generator which may be fueled by a lower cost system or by hydroelectric etc. Send me an e-mail via Colleen and maybe I can give your husband some of what I know and vice-versa.

    It seem the bats' turds will gouge us any way we panels and their very simple technology cost the consumer ridiculously high amounts for both product and installation making it cost efficient but only in the long run...the same travesty occurs with thermonuclear rods which can cost a small fortune to install hitting the 50 grand mark in places like Banff and Jasper Alberta!One of the more common modes of generating consistent storeable energy is windmills(at least on the prairies).These are not only cost efficient but easily maintained and capable of drumming out a lot of power.My bassist of many years had a nice mill at a farm that held 2 large households and 2 sheep barns plus they powered up a grid road line in winter for the area when the grid would go down through the main he was selling power to the power company at times!!Yes,seriously!  As I am not a homeowner currently,I tend to be a chronic light switcher offer and use wood heat in a top o' the line woodstove rather than expensive electric or gas heat.Had I my own real estate I am sure there'd be a windmill with a small powerhouse at its' foot somewhere on the property!!!""


    Windmills also kill birds. I would not have one for that reason.I too use my wood stove and even cook some things on top of it.

    I'm using your karma history on your profile page to award you TU's for your answer. Your answers section indicates no data.

    I could get by with less money if I had too, But I don't want too. I like having things that make me happy. Money allows me to live comfortably. The more money I have the happier I am. It gives me a sense of security and freedom. I never believed we were put here to "get by",  but to prosper, and prosper with morality.


    You have earned your right to be "lazy"; I know you aren't on the stuff that really counts.

    I am Under paid over worked ! 24/7 Cant complain."Fear of being tossed on the "Scrap heap !!.Where I was Found. Was asked one simple "Question "You will obey !! no talking back I will give you a roof over your head. "Food "OH my boss is a Lady.( so she says ) My name Is "WIFE!! Dont you forget that  She "Cried !!

    The more we earn, the more we need.


    I thought so too for a long time until I understood that the things I was buying cost me more, took up my time and gave me nothing in return. I thought things could make me happy but the I found my happiness in whatever I enjoy doing. The advertisers sell happiness as though it can be bought and that’s a lie. Their products are just another lifeless-joyless piece of trash there to occupy a place of debt and diminishing returns.

    I think a good place to start would be for all the stuff that is overpriced, from medical to food to entertainment to be reduced by a minimum of 40%.  
    Now that the price of stuff is a little more in line with what people actually earn (for the most part), people could rest a bit more securely.

    For myself, a vegetable and fruit garden or orchard would help; I rarely use my clothes dryer, and my PG&E (Pacific Gas and Electric) bill is about 20% lower than most people in similar homes, just because I'll wear a sweatshirt when I'm cold rather than heat the whole house. Walking/biking whenever I can instead of driving is another option.  

    ed shank

    I can't grow weeds. Biking is out of the question for me, lazy. I drive to the mailbox, 250 feet, lazy. Cutting back on electric is not an option. Everything in the shop runs on electric. Depending on my work load, the bill can hit $1,400/mo. for the shop alone.

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