    Should George Zimmerman be arrested for murdering the young man (Tayvon?) in Florida?

    +5  Views: 1037 Answers: 18 Posted: 12 years ago

    Gun Control in Canada has failed miserably from its' inception to its' dismissal! Unless of course you count the millions of dollars wasted on the process...meanwhile everyone is standing around scratching their heads trying to figure out where all the money went...where did all that money go?Ask the g%$#@!d&#%! liberals!What a freakin' mess!Do you really want to follow suit?I think not.

    18 Answers

    Yes.He was instructed to stand down!He did not.It was at that point that he "took the law into his own hands!"A public outrage!

    George Zimmerman was arrested and brought to the police station that night, but let go. What I think happenend is, they failed to collect all the evidence, because it was raining that night and had to let him go.He certainly schould be charged.

    ed shank

    Ann, "stand your ground laws" are passed for a reason. In Florida the population is in my opinion mostly people eluding the law or are mentally challenged. The state is a dangerous place to live. Let's forget the constitution for a moment and your right to bear arms. You wouldn't kill someone threatening your life? I was shot twice in the chest at 17 years old by someone attempting to steal from me. I was able to wrestle the gun from him and I shot him four times, twice in the head. I have no remorse for the incident as he shot with the intent to kill me.

    I am sorry you were shot and you had every right to defend yourself. I have to take my statement about abolishing the stand your ground law back, because I remember two home invasions here in southern and western NH. where in one a Professor and his wife were killed by punks from VT. and in the other one a mother and her daughter from southern NH.3 young punks broke into theire home in the middle of the night, while the husband was away on business and killed his wife and seriously injured theire 9 year old daughter and left her for dead. In both cases, the victims were living in secluded areas.We used to have a big gun collection and I always had a loaded pistol in my home until 5 years ago.I lock my doors during the day and I am thinking about getting another gun.The violence even here is escalating. Florida and many other states have violence on a daily basis. The world is getting to be a scary place.I am sure you would not be alive today If you were not able to get the gun and shoot the perpetrator.I remember, you lost one lung in the incident.That made you more aware of the danger of not having a gun to defend yourself.
    ed shank

    Ann, when guns are outlawed only the bad will have them. I will and have turned away from what could have escalated into a bad situation. But if it comes down to me or them, their dead.

    Ed: I like the stand your ground law in principal. In your case you were clearly defending yourself. In Zimmerman's case that is a very murky question. It will be interesting to follow this case, and perhaps the law will need to be tweeked a little.

    The cops blew it!!!  It was def. manslaughter or murder 2- unplanned but still happened.  Now, they are in a pickle- because if it goes to a jury the jury will know that if he goes to jail he'll probably be killed and if they aquit he will probably be killed.  The entire thing is insain!!!  Who the bleep carries a gun on a neighborhood watch??????

    Of course he should. He DID stalk the kid. As far as I know, he wasn't approached by the victim. What was his justification for firing away ?  

    America, get that archaic "right to bear arms" clause out of your constitution. Amendment,please !



    Interestingly enough, The Right to bear Arms was written for the specific purpose of War on US was never intended to be used the way it is now...and P.S. I totally agree!

    Agree with first paragraph, but do beleive the right to bear arms is important to indivual freedom.

    yes he should. Anybody that commits murder should get life or cap punishment.

    Not only should he be arrested, he should have been arrested that night and charge with murder. If George Zimmerman was injured, then he brought that upon himself. Trayvon didn't follow (stalk) Zimmerman and picked a fight. Zimmerman started a fight he couldn't finish. So, his solution was to "shoot to kill" and claim self defense.  I bet this "stand your ground"  or  "right to bear arms" law has gotten many people killed all in the named of "self defense'.  How do the police investigate these cases. Do they just take the shooter word for what happen and called it justified? That's what the police did in this case.  

    What if the only difference that night is, Trayvon Martin had a gun, not George Zimmerman, and Martin killed Zimmerman. Martin would say "I was being followed by a suspicious person in a car. Then a man who I don't know gets out of the car and continues to follow me. Then the man confronts me about who I am and why I'm here. We had a fight and he was on top of me, pounding my head into the concrete. I pull out my gun and shot him because I was in fear of my life". What do you think would have happen?


    excellent point!

    Killing is always wrong, no two ways about it but, I don't know all the facts. I can't imagine it being justified but I DON'T KNOW ALL OF THE FACTS.......

    I don't understand why it's taking over two months for this, and still not to be resolved. As far as his guilt goes, things don't look good for him. The courts will decide what is appropriate. As far as the gun control comment, never will honest people give up their firearms regardless of the law. I want the right to kill anyone who presents a life or death situation towards me or mine.

    All humans regardless of race and political ideology should be held accountable for homocide.

    Special prosecutor Angela Corey gave a news conference yesterday evening at 6 pm ET in which she stated, that George Zimmernman has turned himself in and was charged with second degree murder.At the news conference she was asked by a reporter where he was beeing held and she replied she could not divulge that. About 1/2 hour later I saw on CNN, where reporters were waiting at the jail for him to arrive. So in other words, someone was leaking the information to the reporters and put his life in jeopardy! I am so sick of the media and all the stories and speculation. Zimmermann wont be able to have a fair trial,  because of all the media coverage, the worst were CNN, MSNBC and HSN.


    In my opinon the media is the worse evil of our current life, society, culture, etc. Beyond sad :(

    Ann! I read a book on Communications Theory in the media and it goes like this>>>Mis-information>>Dis-information>>and absolute Confusion!!!
    ed shank

    Wonder how long it will take to charge the inmate who will eventually kill him in prison will have to wait to go to trial, 3 years.

    Var.They convict people before there is even a trial I have seen this over and over again.I dont think this happens in any other country.

    Lindilu, I totally agree.It is sickening. and they too, schould be held accountable for speculation and misinformation on theire part.

    Ed, They have to keep Zimmerman away from the main population in prison. I am sure that someone is planning already to kill him.We are a savage nation.

    Yes, premeditated murder considering the facts other have listed. He disobeyed the police, stalked the young man, while carrying a loaded, concealed (?) gun with intent to confront and threaten. Zimmerman set the scene for murder and planned for it by setting the stage by his own history of intentional personal involvement in police business. As a citizen, we should report suspicious activity to the police for them to do their job. That legal distinction makes Zimmerman.s activity a crime. It may also be a racial hate crime also since young blacks were clearly his intended victim.



    He is under arrest now but the media finished his trial already...

    What's the delay? He commited a crime and should be punished end of story.

    Zimmerman's head just minutes after he killed Trayvon. This seems to prove his claim that Trayvon was slamming his head into the concrete. 


    See Video 


    New picture?  What happened to the Newman/Wayne Knight look alike pictures?  We all love them!

    There needs to be concrete evidence to where there is no underlying doubts that this man is guilty. So many times the government andjury. We the people, have tried and hung the wrong person.

    Judge sets $150,000 bail for George Zimmerman

    A judge says George Zimmerman can be released on $150,000 bail as he awaits trial for the shooting death of Trayvon Martin.

    The judge says there is a possibility Zimmerman will be allowed to go out of state because of worries about his safety, but details need to be worked out among the attorneys and law enforcement.

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