    Do you believe in God?

    +3  Views: 1122 Answers: 19 Posted: 12 years ago

    19 Answers

    My answer is an unequivocal YES.  Otherwise, how could this image have come about?



    Good photography, lovely place.


    Yes Father, Son and Holy Spirit..Even willing to risk all eternity for my beliefs.

    Just look around at all the miracles, you can't help but believe...............

    No, I don't. The lack of evidence is conclusive.

    Yes, with all my heart. The beauty of our planet - the evidence speaks for itself.

    Joshua,  There have been thousands of doom and gloom prophecies. Your odds are better playing the lottery than accepting the idea that the big head in the sky has decided to kill us all on some predicted day. Thousands of people have read whatever and sought out the relationship between whatever caught their fancy and some other notion and now swear it leads to some sort of event….that does not happen. You would think that would be enough to convince them to quit proclaiming dooms day….but it seems to becoming a continual dooms day parade of destroyed television sets and gun sales just in case those (blank) people move into the neighborhood. I hope you are not intending to seek to enlist an army of loyal supporters and followers for your own dooms day parade….are you?      


    ♥ ♥ ♥

    God Jesus and Holy Spirit makes up the holy trinity, God in three-forms.
    Yes if you do one thing, accept a free gift. John 3:16 For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. Just say yes and mean it, tell others about your choice, then live it, and find a good BIBLE teaching Church. Read the BIBLE yourself and study.

    No i dont,despite having a religious upbringing.Funny enough i go to a meeting where theres talk of "god as you understand it",its not just me struggles with this one.I work on the lines that,if at the end of the day i can live with my conscience,im doing ok,i dont need a god.(Please dont shoot me down!Its just my look at life)

    i do not at all. been around individuals that drink, eat and sleep religion and live their lives with god in it each day but so many things a lot of them do to other humans that i would not do to my enemies. you got your fanatics as a christian or muslim or any other type of religion out have your cardinals and bishops for centuries raping children and commiting such high inmoral crimes and getting away with it. in the mean time i do not see any god taking care of these scum bags that should not breathe air living a full life while the innocent lives in pain or is dead. you show me a rightous force out there that cleans up the human garbage aside from the good humans that live by the rule of law and i will shut up about it for as long as i live .so far i have seen nothing of a godly entity except everyone else that has something to add about god but can not prove squat. you can only convince yourself that there is one but i guarantee you that no on this earth present today had been around when so called god was walking this earth. i know you exist and i can meet you in person but no can do that or ever has in the past with these gods that we have in between all the religions out there. mankind is very confused and afraid to admit that we are alone and after we die ,there is nothing left for anyone of us in the afterlife .

    I  consider myself agnostic. I believe in something, but I don't really care what it is. I believe in fate and karma.

    No I don't, but I do believe that organised religion is more beneficial to society than not. It provides social structure, moral and ethical standards and one of the greatest sources of philanthropy in the world. They are responsible for hospitals, soup kitchens, charities, and most times are with the first responders in community emergencies. My problem with religion is that I simply can't intellectually accept the existence of a supreme being. For me, the idea is antithetical to science, logic, and reason. However, sometimes I do envy those that are sure.


    99% my position.

    Why do you ask?


    I  donot even believe in me

    "I believe in God and He believes in Claud, and thats me"  Quick- what movie/musical?????

    I Would like to ,but i think its a dream world,

    My middle name is Agnostic.


    Can I call you aggy for short?

    Agny :-)

    OK Agny....'s a bit awkward that was Spiro Agnews nickname.

    I thought it was Piro...

    I believe if there was no God I wouldn't be here to believe in Him.  Human beings just couldn't have come about by blind chance, not even in quadrillions of years.

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