    What does your state law say regarding towing of your vehicle? In Hawaii, while your car is being mounted by a tow truck driver and you arrive at the scene, the tow truck driver must immediately unstrap your car and is not permitted to charge you any towing fees.

    This actually happened to me a couple of years ago.   Know your law.  It could save a lot of grief and money.  I have seen so many arrive while their car is being towed and observe them watch helplessly while the gorilla mounts their car and drives away.

    +4  Views: 926 Answers: 3 Posted: 12 years ago

    3 Answers

    In Fresno, there are weekly DUI checkpoints.  If someone is inebriated or doesn't have a valid driver's license,  or has a warrant, (s)he gets arrested and the vehicle gets towed.  Even if there is someone  who could drive the vehicle, too bad.  Calling someone to come get it is prohibited, too. 
    My son's car was being hooked up to be towed away from a Jack-In-The-Box not long ago. He went running out and tried to get them to stop, but they refused.  They wanted his car keys. I think he pushed the "panic button" and the horn started honking. 

    There is a lot of money to be made by the tow company AND the police department for every car that is towed.  I like your laws much better than the bullying that gets done here  


    I arrived and told the driver to unstrap the car..."It's the law", I told him. He did just that.

    I will definitely be checking into what the law actually is around here. Thanks for the info!

    Bob, this is really sad how people get ripped off and its legal in your state.I am sure it brings in big bucks for the towing companies.We dont realize how we are beeing manipulated by such unfair laws.

    Thank you Chi, for pointing this out. It never happened to me. But now I will check it out what the law in my state is. At least I will prepared if it ever happens .It seems many people who dont know that law, are getting ripped off. Hawai has a pretty decent law .


    Yes, Ann, it is big money for the tow companies and the police. If a person can't pay to get the vehicle out of the tow yard (and sometimes the hold is for 30 days at $30-35 PER DAY, along with the tow fees, lien fee, and the fee to the police for a release document), the tow yard actually takes possession of the vehicle and can sell it, pocketing every penny. This is how the public is protected and served.

    I think this is wrong.It it is enforcing a law that benefits the towing company and the police.Its like lawyers chasing ambulances.Why does not anyone call theire state representative or collect signatures to change that law.?

    I realize there are exceptions to every situation, but if you don't drive while drinking, don't park where prohibited, don't cause your vehicle to be repossessed, it will not get towed. Is it really fair the tow company sends a truck and driver to a location just to have to unhook, and not be compensated?


    I agree to an extent with your answer, Flip. My son's car, along with one owned by another boy, were towed from a self-paid lot (you put in the money in a designated slot behind a metal cabinet). He did put in the required amount. The cost: cost of towing plus $15 per mile to tow and storage. The bill came to $450 cash. We took the tow truck owner to court and won the judgment against him. We were alert enough to get the phone number of the other kid. We had the same court date and both testified against the towing company. Ironically, this towing company constantly tows away kids' cars from the same location, daily.

    Somebody wrote this article. Here's a part of it:

    "To Drop or Not to Drop
    Because of the involuntary nature of many kinds of towing, the industry is strictly regulated. State law dictates the maximum rates that a towing company can charge, and there are numerous requirements designed to protect consumers.

    One of the newest towing protections has turned out to be a controversial one. In 2008, the state Legislature passed a law addressing one of the most frustrating experiences in towing: the scenario in which you catch a tow-truck operator in the middle of hooking up your car. Tow operators used to be able to charge a fee of $50 or more, and the late-night, on-the-scene negotiations with surly operators were notoriously stressful.

    Under the revised law, if you show up while your vehicle is still “on the scene,” the tow truck operator is required to unhook it, without charging you.
    It was a step forward, but, three years later, there are still tow-truck operators extracting drop fees from car owners who don’t know any better".


    @Chiangmai: As I say, there are exceptions, and one exception would be an over-zealous tow company that targets certain people just to line their pockets.

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