    What should a man do when he is depressed

    +3  Views: 1066 Answers: 16 Posted: 12 years ago

    16 Answers

    Force yourself to go outside for a brisk walk.....everyday....even if you start with only 5 minutes and keep increasing both, the number of times that you walk and the length of time.  Also, seek counselling and ask your doctor about anti-depressants to get you over the hump.  Do it now!


    There are medical stigmas about a lot of problems...chronic pain is another big one. Sometimes you just have to tolerate the folks that "Just don't understand" so you can feel better.

    Depression is a medical condition that is treated with appropriate medication prescribed by a mental health professional. 

    If you believe that you're more than sad or blue, if you believe that you've persistently feel down and empty, if you feel that nothing gives you pleasure in life, if you can't sleep, if you're getting irritable with people, if you can't concentrate, then you should do a number of things.

    First of all, if there's a trusted loved one, tell them so you can get some support. But they have to be someone you can trust. And then go to see a  mental health professional  or your family doctor and let them know the symptoms you're experiencing.

    ed shank

    Good info.

    Well said. Thank you, pythonlover.

    Get up get out and find something to live for, lifes not easy but hanging around the house dos not help, try helping others and you'd be amazed how quickly your problems disappear..

    Seek professional help, WBMS


    I agree with Ducky. Walk every day as long as you can. Dont skip a day.This young girl I used to know was institutionalized for severe Depression. A young Doctor  who just joint the facility., walked with her several times a day, at least 2 miles each time and she revovered from her depression in a week. No medication has helped her before. That is a true story.

    There are several types of depression...some go away as quietly as it came in a few weeks.  Depression can alter every aspect of one's life.  It is a health concern that may bring problems in other areas of your body too.  Please seek help.  Depression is thought to be a bio-chemical problem that effects your mood center in your brain- an anti-depressant can fix that problem.  It is nothing to be ashamed of, Millions of people suffer needlessly.  If you had an infection taking an antibiotic would be a "no brainer"  treating depression should be too.


    Sadly it isn't...there is still a stigma attached. :(

    Yes..very difficult for "us" (people in general) to grasp what we cannot see and if we haven't actually experienced it...even harder! Brain injured is another one (and I'm not joking). :(

    excellent answer doo

    Remove all firearms from your home. Not kidding. Talk to a shrink. Very easy to think about making it all go away.

    Recognizing you are depressed is a big step in recovery. Following the good advice you have been given are the next good steps.  Hang in there. 

    He should pray and get some counceling. And above all, DO NOT start drinking and doing drugs. It'll just make it worse. Go out and walk everyday while you're sorting things out with your therapist.

    There are some really good answers here, try and be positive, get out and help others, you will always find someone worse off than you it's true. Just keep working at it , life can be crap sometimes ,but just keep working at it, things will get better, and you will feel better.

    Uplifting music,especially from ones' youth.....Maple Leaf tea....Creative Visualization....could be mid-life blues...walking is good to uplift spirit and dispel dark of a good friend...get a dog....if there is no real reason for feeling depressed then this could very well be a physical malady expressing itself through many of the symptoms noted above.See a good Psychiatric Nurse/Diagnostician and re-read all of the above advice because it is all very good!Peace.

    Youve made a good start to getting better just by realising and admitting you may be suffering from depression.Thats put you on the right track.Have you a friend you can talk to?And ,please see your doctor,he may prescribe you something to lift your mood(actually thinking about prozac,i had it years ago and it worked for me.But if you do get antidepressants they take maybe a month to get into your system but they WILL help.)In the meantime,be nice to yourself,dont set yourself impossible goals,give yourself little treats,as has been already pointed out,a nice walk can sometimes help.And keep talking!Dont bottle it all up.Please let us know how youre feeling.There IS a light at the end of the tunnel although it may not seem like it at the moment.My love and thoughts are with you,take things easy and take care J x

    Exercise, eat more vegetables and less meat, drink lots of water and juice (not beer), watch funny movies, play with a dog, and last but not least, go to the beach and look at gorgeous women.


    google the black dog institute,a help for everyone with depression, not just men, there are also "mens sheds",where they are exclusively for men. not sure about the availability of this group where you live


    Is that in relation to Kafkas' black dog??If so...bravo!

    Talk to someone he feels comfortable with.

    Walk at the the same time, it is good for mind and body.

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