    I lost my sense of smell a year ago, but my sense of taste is not affected. What would cause this and how can it be resolved?

    0  Views: 489 Answers: 3 Posted: 12 years ago

    3 Answers

    My mom had the same thing !  We tracked it down to when she was taking a heart pill and a diuretic. I forgot the names of the meds, but I"m sure the meds caused it. She couldn't smell a thing, but T.G. she could still taste. Ask  your Dr. what you might do to get  your sense of smell back, so you can smell the beautiful blossoms and  flowers of the spring.

    Who needs resolution?  You can now turn this lemon into lemonade.  There is a great demand for people like you.


    Interesting that someone with the name "Chiangmai" would answer. Just came back from a month in Thailand, though we stayed down south near Pattaya, where my wife is from. Not having sense of smell has some benefits, like not being able to smell gutters and porta potties and the like, but it also somewhat diminishes the enjoyment of flowers and food.

    I live part time in CM and will probably be there in about 8 weeks'. Go there if you haven't been there. It's my favorite place in Thailand.

    I am worried that it took you a year to start asking.


    Didn't seem to be such a big deal since I could still taste fine, but I do miss it. I have talked to doctor and we are starting testes.

    Well it does sound like a side effect of some kind, even pot or cigs can do that to some people. Many problems with legal and not so legal stuff.

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