    what do people think about a parent who would lie to thier child thier entire life about an absent parent?

    We have recently discovered that a family member was told terrible things about the parent he never knew, by the parent who kept him hid out his entire life!

    +5  Views: 1001 Answers: 16 Posted: 12 years ago

    I have been on the other side of this fence with a mothers' lies and bitterness over being abandoned by her husband and yes it is horrendous to be lied to as a child...but again,acceptance of what is,is key to getting over the angst...I understand that my mother allowed her emotions to rule rather than discretion...I apologize for my curtness and perhaps bulldozer-ness in my first response...not knowing the whole gist I may have jumped off my chair too quickly on this to the absentee parent alive?What happened and was it willful abandonement or child abduction?Were police involved?My own Dad actually kidnapped myself and 2 brothers for a short while as my mother refused to hand us over.Sadly,the police caught up with us.There is a silver lining to all of this...the "child" in question here will be greatly relieved to know the truth of it and often we'll say"...oh..I knew it in my heart!"Peace.

    Parents lie to protect the kids or themselves. Few lies remain hidden for an entire life-span. Kids usually can figure it out at some point.

    Mother took off and left the state with the child, and pretended the childs father was not interested. In fact, father did not know how to find child; twas the age before pcs! Father is alive, and has been searching since having computer assistance; found child...after decades, only to learn this child has felt bitter and abandoned for decades. Very sad for everyone. Family is trying to have grace and mercy in our hearts for the mother; but its tough going. Thank You.

    16 Answers

    It makes me sad because that has occurred in my family with one of my brothers and his girl friend.  I think it shows little respect for the child. What nerve.  It makes me want to shake the person and ask,  what is your problem to disrespect your child that much.

    I'll have to hand it to my mom, she never said a bad thing about my natural dad, she let us grow up and discover what a trash/bum he really was...................


    Better to figure it out on your own. :(

    I don't believe in lying to a child, but I suppose sometimes they have to be protected from some things when they a very young, but I think they should be told everything as they grow up.But in your case if they have been told horrible things that were  not true it's a different matter, then the person who told the lies was completely wrong.

    If the things that were said were not true, I would say that was a horrible and most selfish thing for that parent to do. It's wrong on a number of different levels.

    There is often much more to these stories than what first appears on the surface.  You may not have all the details/reasons/circumstances yet. You may not want all of them, either.  Besides, you cannot go back and "fix things".


    your right, but when one of your children's life depends on the accuracy or honesty of the child's background, to hell with saving face

    Understand. Very difficult all the way around and I DO empathize lambie.

    yep.Eggy hit the nail right on the head.These days when divorce/separation is so fashionable it is life.Unfortunately.

    If my spouse went to jail for murdering someone, I'd probably hide that information from my child.  It's hard to be a child as it is.


    I think the truth is easier than deception, never underestimate the stamina of a child if he/she is supported in a positive manner

    That's life.

    Never met my Bio father. Asked my mother about him for thirty some years and she refused to have any discussion about him.I did eventually find him in Europe through relatives. His response to me at my initial contact was "never call here again". I hated them both for a very very long time. Like Eggie said, "that's life".


    very sad, he should be proud of you ed
    ed shank

    Even at my age, I can't get this out of my mind even today. I don't feel complete.

    Maybe your mom schould have told you about him, before you went looking for your father. It is a natural curiosity to find out about the absent parent. They dont always end well, like in your case. But at least you tried.
    ed shank

    Ann, No maybe's about it. I had a right to know. She simply wouldn't talk about the relationship. My uncles knew him well and spoke highly of him. But at that time they hadn't seen or heard from him in many many years.

    It is very sad that this happened to you; and the Bios' loss for sure!! Hate is never healing...sounds like you are doing well & moving on. Blessings
    ed shank

    Thank you padovenick.

    This isn't something I would be able to get out of my head, either. The questions without any kind of answers...
    It's to your credit you have put the hate away; it never benefits you. May I echo, Blessings.

    I agree with eggplant on this one.

    I am guilty of lying to my 7year old grandson, but what can i do.His father is a drug addict and does not care to see his son, so i tell the little boy that his father lives overseas and one day his dad might make the trip to see him.This is my way for now , to protect my grandson from the harsh reality that his dad wants nothing to do with him.


    There's a good kind of bad friend!
    ed shank

    Your doing the right thing Phython.

    You are a good grandma. God bless you.

    There are exceptions...yours is one. Blessings

    I believe it is wrong. By telling the child terrible things about his father, it  must have had some psychological impact on a totally innocent child. I dont know anyone this has happened to in my family or circle of friends..


    Thank goodness you dont. Finding out there is more of these horrible situations than I ever realized.

    Parents should not bad-mouth each other to their children.  Period. End of subject.
    Look who got hurt in all the answers....the innocent child.


    Bob/PKB I agree but sometimes things slip out in anger also other family members also feel they should let them know how "lucky" they are because they have such a good mom and family. Children are so much like small mice with large ears and eyes they hear and see everything.

    Yes, gloriafrmCal, sometimes stuff slips out in anger and I am completely guilty of that when my ex-husband abandoned our children and me. Looking back, I should not have said one negative thing about him. I should not have said ANYTHING about him. I should also have advised everyone in my family that if they couldn't say something nice about him OR me, they should just keep their mouths shut.

    I was lied to all my life, I visited a grave that was my "my fathers" for many years, he  was not my dad, and as it turned out was my uncle, my sister is his daughter, so I guess we are really only half sisters, I detest the the lies I grew up with, it effected me, the health issues with my children, not to mention they were deprived of a poppy and me a father, I love him dearly , we still keep in touch, but I will never, ever forgive the deception , I;m happy he is alive and well living in Brisbane but it would have saved me a lot of of pain and anguish had either he or my mother had the intestinal fortitude  to tell me the truth before I got to my 40's


    There may be some details that you don't have? Often there is "the rest of the story" that remains forever untold. Sad but true.
    ed shank

    They simply don't realize what it does to ones heart.

    It must feel awful. :(

    Truths are much easier to forgive than lies. Glad to know you finally got your truth, before it was too late. Blessings

    Lamby. That is truly the greatest betrayel of an innocent child and adult. I hope you can come to term with it, for it is only hurting you. By letting go you become free and will feel so much better.

    Mind your own business!This sounds like a bit of gossip...which can lead to slanderous conjecture and approximations that completely miss the mark.Whatever happened is gone now and people will do what they do for reasons only they know.Slander and defamation of character are illegal in some places so use caution when meddling in others' concerns.Peace.


    Man oh man you laid it out there but good. Thanks.

    If I were not a person who is directly affected by this; It would be my pleasure to mind my own...but this IS my own; and it's intersesting to see how many people would feel it would be ok to raise a child in a lie; and then perpetuate the same throughout the childs' life!! Though not the one lied to; if I were, that would be the end of the relationship with the 'liar' once I discovered the truth! But thanks for your kind and insightful anwser.

    I believe as long as it's to protect the child from the TRUTH versus attempting to turn the childs feelings/caring against the absent parent.  Some children need the truth hidden from them, NO DOUBT.


    excetions always occur. I agree, if it is to Protect the child; in this case it only hurt 'the child'; and kept him from a loving extended family. sad. :(

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