    Not a question, just a warning: my face is the same, only my mask is different 

    +9  Views: 896 Answers: 14 Posted: 12 years ago

    This is a Norwegian Elkhound. Below there is a description of this dog personality. It is 80% the description of my personality...
    They have an inseparable bond with their masters and are quite loyal; they have a sharp loud bark; they are loyal to their "pack" and make excellent family dogs given proper attention. It is bold, playful, independent, alert, extremely intelligent, and, at times, a bit boisterous. It is a dog ready for adventure and is happiest if that adventure takes place outdoors. It needs daily exercise, lest it become frustrated or even destructive. It is an exceptionally friendly breed. If untrained, it tends to pull when on leash. This dog needs attention for it to understand its place within the family (or the pack); else, it may develop social problems and feel neglected. This breed is a very proud and noble one. It can easily have its feelings hurt if its owner deserts his or her allegiance or duty. An inevitable bond will develop between the dog's family, master, or pack, and if there is disloyalty, the dog will definitely feel it and be hurt. They generally are gentle and get along great with children. They are happiest when they feel that they are part of the family. Training them is challenging because of their intelligence and deep independent streak, but they are acceptable obedience dogs, good-natured, and very understandable in their learning and training. For example, they may fail to "come" because there is something of greater interest in the other direction; they can be quick to learn the importance of the command if taught correctly, but they are a willful breed and still may not always "come" on command. They can be wonderful in agility and are particularly good tracking dogs.

    Doo loves elkhounds and Keeshonds (they are cousins)!!!!!

    did you ever have one?

    A Keeshond- Loved her dearly!!! She was a handful...more wills than smarts LOL! But the sweetest dog...only growled in anger/fear twice. Never bit. Liked to roll in anything that really stunk (Oh, and all that fur). Lots of great memories!

    Thanks for The Memories... good night...

    I think I saw you today! You were having such fun playing with another Elkhound that I didn't interrupt you to say hello.

    14 Answers

    I hope you're all bark and no bite? (*~*)


    very true :)

    Nice looking dog....................


    Thanks :)

    nice puppy, but why the change?


    thank you, why not?

    Get over here and let me scratch your ears!         :)

    A beautiful breed to pick.  Happy, carefree, willful...difficult to anger and rarely bite!

    Getting older will do that to a person.


    turning into a sog?

    LIKE it!!


    I am glad you do :)

    Cute little fella..does he bite ?


    never, yet barks very loud - at time too loud...

    Beaut dog, can't say i have ever seen one before, you say 80% of your personality, that's one lucky dog.

    You are very, very interesting! 


    dog... :)

    If I ever put my head on I'll look like a dog too...........


    nice that is, right?
    Headless Man

    Sure, anything is an improvement for me.

    I am a Norwegian Elkhund :-)


    I,ve often wondered.

    now you know :-)

    Sounds very much as if you are much intuned  and well-educated about your "pup".  Good deal.  Happy for you and your dog!!  He or she seems to be very fortunate to be involved with you.  Hope for a dogs lifetime of all the best!

    We used to have a Norwegian Elkhound-Shepherd mix. He died 20 years ago. He looked like your dog, exept he had the color and face of a German Shepherd. Theire fur is very thick and needed to be brushed on a daliy basis. Especially after the winter was over, his fur came out by the handfulls.

    We all loved him dearly. He was a great protector, gentle and kind.My cat used to love him so much, she was sleeping on his back when he was lying down.. I still remember his first winter in NH. He went outside while it was snowing. We could not find him anywhere. It turned out he was lying on ythe ground totally covered with 3 inches of snow. He loved the snow.We loved that dog and miss him very much.  The best of luck to you and your new best friend.


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