    is y=2x-3 is coinsiding,parellel,intersecting?

    0  Views: 473 Answers: 1 Posted: 12 years ago

    1 Answer

    This(Y = 2x -3) is pertaining to graphing correct? X and Y axis' are the number lines, X being the Horiz. # line, and Y being the Vert. # line. First # line X coordinator determines horiz. distance from the origin "0". The second # line Y coordinator determines Vert. distance from the origin "0". Think of a plus sign and where they cross is the origin "0". There are four quadrants, they go counter clock wise, meaning backwards. The 1st. Quad. is the top right-hand corner of the plus sign, and the 2nd. is the top left-hand corner, and so on! The line going up (y) between Quadrants (R-L) 1 and 2, are positive numbers (1,2,3,4,5,etc) starting from the ("0") origin, and so is the bottom line of Quadrant 1, which is the shape of an "L", remember plus sign. Now you flip that around and you get a 7, which is your negetive numbers (-1,-2,-3,-4,-5,etc) Therefore the -3 is where it crosses the Y intercept line. I really hope this is all right and I didn't make a mistake cuz I wouldn't want lead you down the wrong road!!! I am new to this math myself and trying to learn it in College, its very over-whelming to say the least. Good Luck, I gave it my best effort!

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