    Have you ever found an old notebook or diary of your own?

    I have just found a notebook with all sorts of writings of mine from 10 years ago.  I was seriously sad at 40.  I had totally forgotten.

    Life is a curious adventure.

    +10  Views: 875 Answers: 12 Posted: 12 years ago

    12 Answers

    Many years ago I found a diary which had been written years only thought...."How ridiculous"!  


    I can identify....

    I am wondering how I will feel about the things I jot down today when I turn 60. ... and yes, I have thrown writings away in the past because upon reading them much later, I felt the same... "How ridiculous!"

    I wonder what hackers think of our e-mails ?

    Ben...probably..."How ridiculous"! haha

    Fish..when I wrote it, I felt really mature! Yikes!!

    I'm still crazy!!! But man I was whako back then-LOL

    I found my mothers war diary after she passed in 1988, I,ve read it only once.

    Tied it up again with ribbon binding, put it in a different drawer.

    It,s for family who didn,t know her to read, when I,m gone.


    That is amazing. I am receiving my Uncle's journals when he passes. I don't want him to pass but when he does they are the most important to me. He writes every day and he's a pretty funny guy. :) I imagine I will feel as you do.

    Not really, my Mum was in a pretty bad place in those years.
    Abusive, short lived first marriage, in love with my father who was in the army fighting during the war,working in a munitions factory 14hrs a day in a City far from home.
    Quite grim reading really.
    She never mentioned a thing to me about it when she was with us, I loved her to bits, still do.

    Your poor Mom. She must have been a pretty amazing lady.

    What a beautiful gift for you and yours.

    I only have one diary for some of my travels. Every now and then I open it and read from it. Brings back good memories...

    Agree, life is the ultimate adventure...""


    It certainly is. This is a lovely dog.

    Yes; it's very insightful!!



    I am reading it. It is so strange. I almost can't believe what went on in my life. It is a movie!

    As a senior in high school, I kept journals for my creative writing class.  I read them a few years ago and threw them away.  
    For each of my three sons, I kept daily diaries or calendars, and would write specifically for each one.  This went on for several years and became overwhelming.
    I got a one year journal/diary and wrote every day about each one of us.  That went on for several more years.
    The boys' calendars/journals are in boxes I put together for each one. Hopefully, they will appreciate them some day.   
    Oh, to answer the question....YES!  :D 

    I know where all my old notes are, I can get to them anytime. I try to keep a diary just to look up weather facts for some of the questioners............

    I still got my high school ID if that counts for anything..


    That's funny.
    I found some old photos of my husband... He then said to me, "See, I told you! You would have never dated me in High School!"

    I don't keep a journal.  I destroyed the only adult journal I had prior to my marriage.  There are some things that I consider private...and I want to be the one to share these things with certain people at necessary times.

    My mom did find one I wrote in 6th or 7th grade- I was nuts then-LOL


    Bet you were the best little crazy there ever was!

    And now? LOL!!!! (kidding...sure I am) haha

    yes i found one the other day from the 3ed grade


    Cute. I found a story my youngest daughter wrote in grade one.... also cute.

    awww :) you know the funniest thing for me was probibly how badly i spelled! :D

    Yes, I have one when I was still living in Europe. What wonderful memories.

    Yes! I often do a review of my day and when when I finish a notebook, I put it away so that I can check them out, usually annually to see where I've improved and where I still need improvement. I'll be 50 on the 24th!


    1/2 century!!!! :)

    Happy half way there!

    I found some 30+ year old poems...laughed my face off....that's why I had to change my avatar!!!LOL:D


    Now you have me laughing. :D

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