    Is there anyone that absolutely will not vote, no matter what?

    +3  Views: 623 Answers: 8 Posted: 12 years ago

    8 Answers

    Don't vote? Don't complain when your life gets flipped upside down by an incompetent government.


    But even when I vote, we still get screwed by the matter who wins
    ed shank

    When Bush ran, the election was a total screw up. Florida had to hand count and validate every vote. He won by 360 votes if I remember correctly. Your vote will always count. Wining by 1% tells the winner that they don't have the support of the people.
    ed shank

    Our mayor won by one vote. A dirtbag that were trying to get rid of now. I was asked to consider running but, way too much time involved. I have a life and enjoy it.

    Yes there are.These are people who are usually living "off the grid",or perhaps gypsy-like in covert tent-villages or as hermits who all simply don't want to be tracked by government.There are also those who believe that if you do not vote,then you have no desire or right to kavetch about government affairs.Aloofness?Perhaps.Blissful mind?Maybe.As for me I do party never wins tho'!!!

    I know a man that I used to work with who never voted.  He was very good a pointing out what was wrong with the government though.  He believed that the New World Order was going to gather us all up, put us on Fema trains, take us to camps way up North and give us all frontal lobotomies.  We would then all become Zombie Drones...

    He had a lot of other theories as well and was happy to share them day in and day out.

    In a way, I am kind of thankful that he doesn't vote... all though he would probably only ever vote for the Marajuana Party... Yes we have that here.


    The Pot Party- LOL!

    ...funny ...and I've been voting for the "rock 'n' roll" party all these years...

    I used to go with a guy in the 80s who said " I'm going to vote for X as a vote against Y " I never knew how that worked. I sitll don't get it. All I knew was that he was going to vote democratic, as a vote against the republican candidate

    My Cat's... that is an attempt to sway the outcome because he didn't like that party member and it probably appeared that "the not so perfect" candidate was on the road to victory. He was voting against the individual in spite of the party.

    In Oz, voting is compulsory and you can be fined if you don't. I will not be voting in France as I do not have the right as a non-French national. I have to pay my taxes though- remember ' no taxation without representation'? Yes, I know that was the American War of Independence , but the principle remains the same.


    In Washington DC their license tags say "taxation without representation"

    what's Oz.......Australia ?

    Oz = Australia. (It is not in the USA so is of no importance)

    If we want to make a differece we need to vote for what we believe in. This time its more important than last time or we will end up with green energy down our throats.

    Yes , in past elections, I refused to vote, b/c I didn't like either candidate.   But, I will vote in this campaign b/c I don't want to pay for Obama care, adn I don't want my private health insur taken away from me

    I will always vote.

    People that don't vote have no right to complain about who represents them, locally or nationally.


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