
    +1  Views: 891 Answers: 11 Posted: 12 years ago

    11 Answers

    One of the most evil beings that ever lived.

    the only thing that comes to mind is evil and insane!.

    ""An evil surpassed by Stalin only ""


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    The ultimate control freak.Madman.He got off vey lightly.

    I'm saddened and a bit disgusted that this is a post (question).  He was purely maniacal and absolutely evil!!!  Every human being should be taught about this awful man and his reign of pure hatred and terror so that no other can do these horrible things again!


    I agree Doc,hard to believe some people refuse to acknowledge his reign of terror actually existed..

    Ilumenata pawn. Carl Werner was the head of the Ilumenata when the man who became Hitler was working as an interior painter at the university where Werner was at the time. 

    Hitler....basically a loser all his of the most vile people who ever lived...someone who should never, ever be forgotten.  



    dowsa, are you ok, with your DADDY DADDY ??

    What the hell is wrong with you lately?

    Mum called him that!When i was young about seven ,He tried to "Dictate to everybody.Mum called him little "Hitler then told him to "Shut up !!he did ok Dollybird.

    Hi Bob "Reason. My wife has been very aggressive to me lately!! Talking in my sleep about a girl called "Bob /PKB I said we are just friends ."Then why she cried I saw you kiss her photo and "shouted "Wow"( Electric" static of course from the screen )ok Bob I am still crazy .

    I kinda like you crazy!!!

    Not many people Do. "DOO" Rhymes "Eh. Thanks Doolittle And you can Thank my "Wife she was responsible.

    Yes i have heard that name somewhere definately rings a ding.

    Evil no doubt. While visiting family in Germany many years ago, this taboo discussion came up and it was implied that initially Hitler was totally against the extermination of the Jewish race by way of execution. His plan was to prevent any future generations. This would be done by sterilization. His plan was to use the Jews as a slave labor force and eventually the race would die off. Bear in mind this is a group of Germans telling this story. History has proven that he was eventually convinced that the camps were the answer to the Jewish problem. I find the fact that he had to be convinced to the murdering of a race of peoples interesting. Many believe this to this day.


    Interesting also, is the fact that Germans will tell you (tongue in cheek of course) that NO ONE voted for him. Years ago, a German friend told me that all the older Germans, when asked if they did, say NO!

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