    what is so special about salmon fish?

    +2  Views: 693 Answers: 8 Posted: 12 years ago

    8 Answers

    Salmon has omega 3 oils which are very good for the body. It helps to reduce the bad cholesterol and raise the good cholesterol. Omega 3 sends the bad cholesterol out through the body instead of lining the arteries with it.

    Salmon can live in both fresh and salt water. 


    They are REALLY good swimmers.

    Check here>>>

    The crystalline waters of Alaska host one of the world's most valuable resources: healthy, natural, nutritional fish. Alaska has recognized the importance of their marine life, and has taken firm measures to ensure that the waters around their 34,000 miles of coastline remain pure, and that the fish living in those waters are harvested in a way that is sustainable and eco-friendly.

    That's a lot to brag about when Alaska salmon are in such high demand. Alaska's response to this demand has been measured and responsible, ensuring that the world can continue to enjoy wild salmon for generations to come. What is that makes these fish so special, and the focus of so many great grilled salmon recipes?

    For one thing, salmon is a rich source of protein and Omega-3 fatty acids, while being low on the harmful saturated fats and Omega-6 oils found in other animals. Alaska salmon live a rigorous natural life, and this vitality ensures lean fish with high quality texture and taste. The clean water and healthy organisms keep the salmon free of toxins and impurities in their environment and diet.

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    Great comment., Mel

    thanks Ann xxx

    ""I can't bear to live without it. Fattens me up for hibernation.

    Farmed salmon is best avoided, it is fed antibiotics and fish meal. It grows fast and fat and does not have as good a flavour as wild salmon. Always go for wild salmon if you can afford it.

    The special thing about salmon? My wife's specialty dish. She prepared it for me on our first "real" date.

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