    I am posting this because of it's importance to everyone who is a parent.

    Re: Roger Willcoe's avatar...

    I am posting this not to answer the question but to point out to the members of akaQA that Roger Willcoe has the photograph of a dead child's head on his avatar.

    This child was someone's true love.

    This child was the center of the Universe.

    This child enjoyed laughter.

    This child enjoyed life.

    And then the baby died.

    This man, Roger Willcoe thinks it is within his mandate to show the members of this forum how the conspiracy theory is actually a reality and by showing us this he has a dead baby's head as his avatar for the "shock value" in a war zone.

    I, as a mother of a wonderful toddler around the same age as this little angel, find this offensive.

    I will find this offensive until it is no longer here.

    Respect the family... this baby was love.

    Loosing a baby is the biggest pain in the world.  My mother did it twice... one as an infant and one at 45.  Have respect  Willcoe.

    +12  Views: 921 Answers: 11 Posted: 12 years ago

    I agree with you wholeheartedly! He should be banished to the Nether world (never to return).

    Fishlet...just saw this post and the current avatar is 2 birds in flight. You KNOW that I would have backed you up and reported it also. I didn't see it.

    Thanks Ducka... It didn't take much time after I made a huge stink. That was just not right.

    I didn't see it either, but if that is what this scum is capable of he certainly has no place here

    11 Answers

    Fair enough comment Fishgirl.I haven't seen his avatar & I don't intend to go looking for it either.

    We all have enough going on in our lives to cause us depression.We don't need to be reminded of these atrocities everyday.


    The baby was loved... This isn't fair to anyone at all. It especially isn't fair to the little angel.

    Please say something to admin.

    Fishy- This must have worked because his avatar is now 2 birds in flight.  Shame on him for his other avatar!!!!  Thank you for letting us know.  I think he owe's everyone on this site an apology!  & a huge apology to the child's family and friends!!!!!  


    Thank you Doo. This avatar was unfair to the parents of this child.
    Lots of Love, xoxox K

    The new avatar is of two birds but one is a falcon the other a pigeon.

    The pigeon is about to be a meal for the falcon, once a sicko always a sicko.


    He is New World Order sensationalist.
    I worked with a fellow for two years that was NWO nuts. He bombarded me with information for two solid years. He blasted it over the speakers at work for all to hear.
    We are off to fima camps where we will receive frontal lobotomies and become drone zombies or we will be killed and put into body bags (There are warehouses with stacks and stacks of these. The body bags have coloured dots on them for some reason not known yet).... Oh yes, The shadow people are here don't you know!

    I agree

    I dunno a frontal labotomy would be ok as long as your memory was destroyed- then you'd not notice the difference LOL....and once everyone is a drooling mess what will FEMA do with all of these nit-wits they have created?

    Oh my.............Unbelievable. Thanks for pointing this out Fishlet, i have alerted admin.


    Thank you. I am breathing now. Much love.

    He should immediately replace the picture.


    I agree.

    I've not seen the avatar either and don't wish to, just forget his questions as it were..................


    NO. We have to stick up for what is good and true and what is love. This baby, a wonder, a joy, a miracle, belonged to a family. This baby was life.
    I am going to look and I will not let this go or ignore.
    You are my friend and I understand your everyday experiences. I do respect you but I am not letting this go. This child's head could be your son's and could be my son's... we are just so lucky enough, not to live in a war zone today.

    This has been his avatar for months (although he has not been on the site since mid 2011 until recently). If you read his old posts, you will realize Fishlet is correct. It is also the reason I have refused to even look at his posts.


    New World Order... Oh yay!

    Well at least he had the smarts to change it, i did notice it in earlier days,i never really thought much of it till you brought it to light..


    I looked at it. Realized what it was and asked him just to make sure. He answered and then pointed me in the direction of New World Order propoganda.

    He changed it to what I suppose he believes is a good shot of himself with his NWO vehicle.

    Sweet fishy caring Mum . I did not see it. I am against "EVIL all sorts that "Alien not "Human or animal should be "Exterminated !! from our Planet.Bless you girl .

    Not worth a response.


    You didn't see the picture. It was morbid.
    ed shank

    Fishy, I didn't. Thanks for the heads up.

     what a jerk.


    He say's some pretty horrible things as well.

    I believe you Fishlet.

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