    Do you ever feel as if the spark of life within you has gone away, And you ask yourself what s it all for, is this all there is.

    +5  Views: 705 Answers: 12 Posted: 12 years ago

    12 Answers

    At this point you need to listen to your soul... fill yourself up and start all over again.

    You are at the part in life,  where you have history and sometimes it bogs us down.

    xo F

    ... this is when the work begins.




    "God, grant me the courage not to give up what I think is right even though I think it is hopeless."

                                                            ~ Chester W. Nimitz



    Yup- I have felt that way strongly several times.......the last time it happened I knew something was up- everything was going well and the thought seemed non-sensical.  I was officially diagnosed with depression.  The bio-chemicals in my brain are out of whack- Hmmm, wonder if that is why I've been called whacky since I was a kid???  :)


    Welcome to the "Wakky Club". There are a lot of us out here.

    Yes, there are. Thank God I got help.

    yes, and we probably all do at times, sometimes it's a good time to reflect on our achievements,as workers, as parents, as friends,etc  value those things  and  acknowledge it may be time to move on with other or different phases our lives

    That sounds like depression to me. No, I can't say I have, I'm a bright spark that never dims.

    Too many times to count.

    Yep…Thats that dead again feeling for sure. Sure is odd when all your precious precious turns into green paper slips and piles of metal disks….when nothing has any value what so ever. I wonder…what’s all this about? Especially when I’m not dead…maybe the value of money fell off the planet, I think. The value of money is an illusion….maybe everyone just decided to quit the monopoly game and leave it alone for a while to enjoy the day. Wore the money game out. What’s next? Then the money game starts up again and the feeling of panic on Wall Street subsides. Yea…that feeling.    

    Brother this is all there is.

    There is a scene in the movie "HUGO", in which the title character and his girl friend are looking out over the skyline of Paris from the clock tower.  He comments that when clocks are made, there are never "extra pieces" added.  Only the pieces necessary are included in the works.  The world, he says, is the same.  Everyone has a purpose; there are no "extra" people who have no reason to be here. 
    "This" may be all there is to life.  I'm counting on an eternity that is heavenly, though!

    Find someone worst off than yourself and see if you can help then, amazing how that can pick you up........

     yes I am grieving the loss of 5 teeth pulled yesterday. But I am still walking.


    Oh, poor you. Five teeth. You are very brave.

    they had to come out they were infected. thank-you fishlet.

    I have certainly felt like this and recently too.I do believe that what doesnt kill you makes you stronger although it doesnt always seem like it at the time.I hope its just a rough patch youve been through and things are brighter now,take care x

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