    Is life a circus? Did we get our free tickets when we were born?

    +5  Views: 872 Answers: 17 Posted: 12 years ago

    17 Answers

    Only if you are lucky it doesn’t turn out to be a 3 ring circus. My luck was not that good.


    someone better skip outta here then, hey?

    we make our own luck----good luck , or bad luck

    If life's a circus, does this mean KOTF is the ring leader? LOL




    "Have you seen

    my funny little car?"



    Aside from sitting ringside, I keep getting all the peanuts........

    I got front row tickets, i'm a bit dissapointed though,  because there are too many clowns.


    Hate clowns...they are creepy.....Nice picture!

    CLOWNS CREEP ME OUT too!!...They often look like REALLY SAD PEOPLE!:-(

    If life were a circus bring on the clowns..i got front row passes..


    I don't like clowns. And when my brother was little, he was very scared of them.

    I got my free ticket, but Congress and the Administration changed the rules

    I am still wating on the cotten candy,candy apples and the dancing dogs.

    Of course you did,  but you didn't know it then!!!nothing is free, is it?I don't mean to be controversial or opinionated, it's just the way I am.


    Yeah, but I do now.

    Moderator moved 2 of your answers into your 1st answer.Keep your answer/s to the one post, thanks.

    My life has been more like a broadway musical... Circus?  I don't know what you guys are talking about.

    Life is a circus, but I didn't get tickets.  I am definitely in on the act; don't want to sit and watch, want to participate.  Yes, get a lot of boo/hiss, but once in a while I "perform".

    No. Life is a freaking card game. Some people get the good cards, like my brother , and some are dealt the lousy cards---like me ---. But , we all have to play the cards that we've been dealt.

    Yes life is a circus and we got our free tickets when we were born.  You can be who you want to be. "You can be you or you can be me."  Environment carves who we are to a great extend.  But we all get a 100 year act.  In that act we have to get a skill, learn how to get along with others, make money, find love, be happy and then you die.  opps 100 years up.  We all get it.  We can call it a circus, a salad that we are all mixed into.  But its something else when you really think about it. You know my theory work, make some money. try to save some money, find a person to share your life with or a pet &  "don't worry be happy."

    the tickets are free but paying for it now though.....

    as a Doolittle it is not surprising that I do not like the circus at all!  (They abuse many of the animals- and severely torture some).  I also hate clowns.

    However, I do believe life is like an Amusement Park.  Some rides make you ill.  Others really scare you to death.  Some are fun, others boring.  The music is ok if it's a good band playing.  The food is overpriced but you can def. get enough sugar.  The water park is nice with the wave pool, multiple slides, and my favorite, the river that you float through on your raft or tube....and if you're lucky you have a nice quiet hotel room with a comfortable bed so you can do it all again the next day.



    Free tickets to a circus can be fun until it turns into a stampede.

    Carnivals aren`t much fun if you live in the middle of one...The Notting Hill Carnival  plans it`s route to go through our living rooms!:->...Drunks,addicts,gangs,fights,muggings...and people lining up wanting to pay to use your bathroom!!...TOO NOISY FOR MY OLD EARS!!:-¬(Don`t mind me..I`m just in killjoy mode!!!;-0


    Well, I'd be a killjoy too with all that jazz going on at my front door!

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