    Is there a such thing as true love?

    +2  Views: 1022 Answers: 21 Posted: 12 years ago

    21 Answers

    I think there is or at least for some people. There probably is a soulmate out there for everyone, it's just the case of you finding that one person.♥♥♥♥

    there`s a lid for every pot.

    My wife and I know true love. It does exist.


    My husband and I know true love. It does exist. <3 <3

    We're lucky, friendindeed.

    Thats nice. We are blessed
    Headless Man

    Me too.....

    I am one of the luck one`s found true "love" Fifty one years ago. Still strong.


    <3<3 :)

    Thank you Ducka.

    Yes there includes common interests, mutual respect, hanging on to each other tightly when there are difficulties and the rest....lots of fun together!      :)

    Absolutely.  It is magic.


    <3<3 :)

    There are so many different types of "True Love".  


    In my opinion true love is when you surrender your life too God.

    Headless Man

    ME too......
    Headless Man

    God created SEX, but it should be between a husband and wife....

    Of course but no matter how long my answer would be (and for that matter everyone's else here - no offense please) you will not understand unless you start reading and reading a lot about it and last but not least fallling in love yourself.

    Absolutely.  If you love somebody you probably want to see them have a wonderful life and do things to make it so.  As the Millionaire Matchmaker, Patty says, "Everybody wants love, but everybody is not lucky enough to find love."  That's her job, as she says.  Love is simple yet complicated.  Very often we need somebody to help us see what it is and what it is not.  Often you are elated and first and want to make the person happy and hopefully they might feel the same way about you.  After a while love dynamics might change for some people, but it still a happy feeling even tho you will have some disagreement as the relationship moves along.  Love is one of the best gifts we humans are afforded.  If you get it keep it.  It is so precious and so fleeting, as is life itself.



    Oh yes.

    I have doubts about people, but not about my faith.

    Yes, But it's not a mythical thing. It takes two people who really got their act together. They know how to comprimise, adn give. They put other people's needs above their my late husband did.  When you have two givers, they can have a deep,true,  love.


    AWWWHH!BLESS YOU!:-)..That`s lovely!...My Mum and Dad were married for 56 years!(My lovely Dad died suddenly just before Christmas)..But they were true soul mates..They loved one and other SO VERY MUCH..AND GAVE us ALL SO MUCH LOVE TOO!!!:-)...(When you are surrounded by are SO BLESSED)!!:-))
    Love and best wishes,
    Millie xx



    Try to get out and play some bingo Grandma!

    Yes, it's not a lie.

    " In answer to your question & to be truthful (YES) ! it exists in the boundless excitement that only a (child) can experience."

    YEAHHH!!!...course there is!!!:-))

    I found love, my wife found true LIKE.

    Different strokes for different folks , I guess for some for others no way

    not really

    Sure there is, a lot of it forced because it is expected. It happens to some, some grow into it, some are never given the chance.  Love is a many splendor thing. Recognize should it reach you...........

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