    Why are some people so hurtful?

    +4  Views: 935 Answers: 15 Posted: 12 years ago

    15 Answers

    There are many people in this world who lack tact, and then there are those who engage their mouth before they do their brain...these two types are very similar. Then there are those who get jealous, angry, or are reacting hurtfully out of their own pain. While there are yet other people who will attempt to use it to gain control, and commandeer a situation by catching people off guard, and attempting to perpetuate that. Then there are those who just don't know enough about something, to say anything at all without risking hurting or offending someone.

    It's just something we all grow up learning to deal with.


    You said it "All Shootah.well done.

    These people are incomplete, they lack a willingness to trust others and are restricted by their incompleteness. They have a need to control and that comes through with their hurtful words and action. Try to forgive and move on, if they are family try and accept them. Do remember you cannot change them that they have to do on their own if ever. Good Luck


    Letting go can at times be difficult.

    Just a curious question here, have you made it thus far in life without ever being hurtful to another living creature? If you have never hurt another, you stand exclusive to all others, kudos to you :) 

    The people most hurtful to me are those I care for who are simply indifferent about me. 
    Nothing hurts more than indifference.  At least when some "actively" dislikes or "hates" me, there is some emotion and effort. 
    I will qualify my "nothing hurts more than" statement by pointing out that when someone is indifferent to you, anything goes because (s)he just doesn't care.


    Indifference is a hard one to don't get a chance to talk about it. :(

    thoughtful statement.

    Bill Cosby said it all when he quoted a friend..."Hurt people hurt people".


    lindalou: That was the quote I was thinking of.

    Some can't stand seeing their own vulnerabilities in other people.

    Total lack of emphathy for other peoples feelings, because emphathy was never shown to them.

    Those who shun empathy are in harms way and live to give others all the pain that was never comforted to sooth away in the arms of loving companions. Callous pride replaces pain and fear, resentment of all forms of perceived weakness soon follows to give reason for their cruelty and blinds them from seeing the source of their behavior. Without understanding there is no relief and who would not face their forgotten pain are themselves damned in their condemnation of all about them without insight.

    Because they are already hurt by some one or they like hurting others as the cannot understand others feelings.

    People who have been hurt when they were children, grow up to be hurtful adults. 

    I have seen mean people right here on this board.


    Who do you find mean here ?

    They are insecure scumbags.


    in a nutshell perhaps they're miserable with themselfs, so they must prey on those weaker...

    We need something to aim at.

    because sometimes people like to do this

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