    Are there any Judge Judy fans here. Think she is great.

    +6  Views: 1001 Answers: 17 Posted: 12 years ago

    17 Answers

    In my opinion she is too arrogant.  I prefer to watch the blond Cuban girl that is on "Peoples Court," if I'm going to watch any of the TV Court shows



    Yes, I do agree, she is very arrogant.Some of people she comes up against are rude at times also. Cant get Peoples Court here in Ireland.
    Jack Large

    That is too bad, "Peoples Court" was the original TV court show with a retired state court judge by then name of Wapner and the most like a real Small Claims Court.

    There was aarticleal in the newspapers that several of "Judge Judy Decisionsns," where "Overtured" when thplaintiffsfs later took the case(s) to a real court.


    Marilyn Milian on Peoples Court...the best! Tough when needed but also compassionate and helpful, I think. :)

    Is that on the " CRAP " TV Channel DB?

    Not in Scotland.

    Thank goodness.


    Its on ITV3 which is ITV UK.

    I don't care for Judge Judy.  I often think that her mind is made up BEFORE she even asks her questions.  She seems to pre-judge a lot of situations based on her past cases, but sometimes, I think that she is way off base.  Oh's just TV.     lol


    I have to agree.It seems there is only one opinion that counts,HERS!

    I have watched her only a few times. She seems to be overbearing at times.

    Sorry, I switch channels to watch DR PHIL.................


    I also watch DR. Phil some times, but he clashes with other programmes, I like to watch.

    I have no idea who Judge Judy is.  I can't watch television in this house.  My husband bought a new system that requires three remote controls ... The system will be running our house with all it's gidgets and gadgets... I spent 45 minutes trying to find Sesame Street this morning just so that I could make my son's breakfast... By the time I didn't figure out how to get Sesame Street on the television my son had completely destroyed the kitchen. 

    The old system (which was a "New and Improved" system) was at least user friendly for Sesame Street... I couldn't watch a movie from beginning to end though. 

    I think it is a sign.


    LOL!!!!! Oh this modern technology...I'm still trying to figure out "copy and paste" on my computer! :)

    Fish, Tell your husband that he needs to program the ONE remote to control ALL functions. He may not know it, but it's a simple maneuver. You TOO deserve easy access to the wonders of AV technology;-)
    Many otherwise happy marriages have collapsed over such complex, seemingly insurmountable conflicts.

    That is sound marital advice Digger. I have just conveyed the information. The husbandly-one has acknowledged the 'genius' of the idea... WE HAVE THE INFORMATION LOCKED AND LOADED!

    This fish is grateful.

    I'll consider this my good deed for 2013.

    Your work is done. Auuuuggghhhh. Relief!

    Hey Dr. Digger, MC (marriage counsellor). How much do you charge? There are so many here on akaQA who might need you this year...don't quit now.

    I charge NOTHING and I assure you that my customers more or less get what they pay for.

    That's my philosophy too, here on akaQA. I answer and they get EXACTLY what they paid for! Some even appreciate my "work". phhtttt..

    I hold the two of you in the highest esteem. Dr. Diggidy-doo and Dr. Ducklington. This patient is well taken care of. :)

    Then I can rest...ahhhh

    I personally like Judge Judy. I'll take arrogant but right instead of arrogant and wrong. She gets to the point. No BS!  Don't come on her show with your silly lies. She will catch you! Then you really looks silly. Some people don't like her because they don't want to hear the truth. She's not going to look light upon bad behavior. That goes for man, woman, child, or the elderly.

    Yes i am a fan of Judge Judy , she very rarely gets it wrong, she is no fool.

    Sorry Dolly but I think she is an overbearing bully. I don't get time for daytime TV but the glimpses I see of her makes me not want to see any more. I still like you tho!  Enjoy your Judge Judy.


    Tommyh, You have made my day. x

    I have no admiration for her, she is very condescending, She is a judge, not a God, she expects people to treat her like a god and furthermore, she is a man-hater..  She will treat guys worse than women but each gender is beneath her.  She's a nasty old broad that needs to be put in her place. I wish they would remove her from the airwaves, she takes up too much bandwidth.  

    This is my opinion.. However, my opinion of her has no affect on you.. We are all entitled to our likes and dislikes.  :) 


    I agree..I also think that she is very hard on the men who come before her, if it's a "man vs. woman case"...downright hateful to them sometimes.

    She's a pompous old hag who feels compelled to regularly remind  her audience that she is smarter than they are.


    As in "Uhm is NOT an answer"...before the nervous person speaks.

    Yes,but that's just one of her commonly used examples. I meant it literally, when she states "I'm smarter that you are.", you ain't miz judge.

    I like her she is honest. She gets to the point  immediately.

    In real life, maybe we have the same charm, and maybe even good looks, lol. As judge, I dont know, Some chancers do appear before her in her court, and she cant appear to be a soft  touch.


    "chancers" ?

    Ducka, my chances, not a lot. lol

    I don't watch her much, but I like her..........

    She is way too arrogant for me. I do like Marilyn Milian of Peoples Court.

    Well Dollybird, the Judge Judy fans are few and far between here, me girl. But I am a fan. It may be television but she makes people respect her, if only in the confines of her own courtroom. She's been in law for donkeys years and has seen thousands of chancers come up before her, all thinking they are slick and can get one over on her.

    She may seem abrasive to some but I find humour in her attitude. She is from a bygone generation who felt that age and wisdom should command some respect and I agree. People speak of lack of manners etc these days and it's because it hasn't been taught and jn this regard Judge Judy is very old school. I'm done rambling on. It was good craic.  ;)


    Dardaigh, as I reply, I have Judge Judy on, with her many chancers, as you stated, made me smile.They try to get away with so much, she has to be wide awake. Good for her,bringing justice to the people who deserve it.

    Maybe that is why I like her,  just good that Im not  the person standing in front of her.

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