    On the flat belly diet, there is no way I can have the smoothie for a snack in the afternoon, is it possible to have it for breakfast ?

    0  Views: 376 Answers: 3 Posted: 12 years ago

    3 Answers

    \\as much as i know about this smoothie diet, if you do that in the morning you may be so much more hungry at noon that you could over eat. i would eat a lot more in the the a.m. since we usually are more active and can burn more calories then in the afternoon. eating fiber in the a,m, is light mixed with some fruits. this will set your stomach up for better digestion when lunch comes around. if you can not get a smoothie as a snack in the afternoon i keep an apple and a pear in the refrigirator if you have one at wosk which is filling until dinner time and helps alot with digestion. it works very well. it is easy to get in this habbit .

    I am no dietician but i have had my experiences with diets.If the diet reccomends you have the smoothie you should have it, if you can't drink all the smoothie you could have half in the afternoon and maybe the other half later.

    No you can't but if you set your clock back 8 hours, no one will say anything.

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