    what REALLY makes you happy?

    +4  Views: 909 Answers: 16 Posted: 12 years ago

    16 Answers

    My life makes me really happy.  I am blessed.


    Then be happy that`s what makes the world a happy place

    LIFE. Loving wife and Son In good health have fun we laugh a lot .Mostly at "Me.

    I like happy so I choose to be happy in whatever I am doing. I do not choose to become upset, angry , sad or hostel, I just choose to be happy. I checked out the other emotional states and settled on happy because it just feels right. I think many folk don’t understand that they choose how they are going to feel emotionally. I can be tired, so tired that I make mistakes and be happy because I choose to be happy. Being at the effects of your emotions is like using your chosen mood as your excuse for snapping at someone. Pretty childish when you know you can choose to be in charge of your own emotional state. 


    robert you are a choose happy emotional powered bulldozer

    being alive and in good health.


    bravo!!! keep doing it, you're lookin' good.

    Too much to list, I'm not that hard to please............ recent moment of happiness.........watching the look on my child's face as she realized she was voted Top Cadet at Firefighters' Camp,a 7 day training camp...!Happy Mom in the house tonite!


    Congratulations! You have every right to be proud and very happy, what a accomplishment.

    Thanx Miss G,I certainly am that!

    May.That happiness last for ever your a good "MUM".

    Thank you dowsa and right back at ya with that happiness factor!!

    How wonderful. Thank you for sharing lindilou...
    You live in the same neck of the woods as my husband's family.

    To help poor people

    I'm generally happy most of the time.  I enjoy a lot of the simple things in life. Life is too short to not let yourself enjoy it when you can.

    Making people "Happy" Just to see them smile Love singing to the old folk at party`s being funny also helps ,and it does not cost a Penny.Giving your free time to a lot of lonely people the only thing they cling to is the past  Like the "Song "FOUR WALLS TO HEAR ME"

    expressing joy and laughter to myself and others.

    My animal and human friends.

    Little things....a good book, lunch with friends, a sunny day, a work out, a walk by the water, a friend over for coffee, a good movie, a bird landing on my window sill, a dog wagging his tail at me.....   :)

    My pets. and I Thank God for them, every night.

    All good, sincere answers. A lot of good people here in this forum. Hope I spelled forum right.

    I love having my bills paid and having extra money to do with what I want.  Seeing my sister, mom and dad other family members.  Going places I like to go to like concerts and stand up comedy  clubs & movies.  Walking down the street and seeing what humans are up do.  Seeing ladies out shopping and what their little kids are saying and doing and how parents discipline their kids.  Looking at televsion. Spending time with my better half. Eating and drinking coffee from McDonald or starbucks with an apple pie.  Wow.  And talking to the akaqa folks on computer.

    Seeing a drug dealer get runover by a fast car near the school house, and it does happen, tickles me pink.  chemical castration and life in prison for child molesters and rapists, just love it !   Long drop, short rope for  murderers and violent permanent life changing assults, warms my heart.  When good prevails over evil deeds.   These things and safe, healthy grandchildren make me happy.

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