    wat does it mean when your boyfriend doessnt answer your texts

    +1  Views: 488 Answers: 13 Posted: 12 years ago

    13 Answers

    The longer he ignors you , perhaps not good..

    I get txt's in the car and in loud places.  can't txt back in the car and can't reply until I realize I've received a txt.

    Here are some good reasons..

    1 - He is in class and can't answer texts while in class.

    2 - He is driving and can't answer texts while driving.

    3 - He is learning to sky dive and can't answer texts while falling through the air at the greatest of speed.

    4 - He is having dinner with his parents and his famous Aunt who just flew in for a quick visit.  He can't answer texts while visiting.

    5 - He has meetings scheduled all day and will text you when he has a minute.

    6 - Texting is very difficult on his new iPhone... I know it was difficult to switch over for me.

    7 - He is at a sporting event and can't hear his phone over the cheering of the crowd.

    8 - His phone fell into the toilet and now needs replacing.  As strange as this may sound, it is very common.

    9 - The battery inside the phone died because he forgot to re-charge it last night.  This is very common.  I do this all the time.

    10 - He is not feeling well today and so he shut off his phone, took one of those extremely potent lemon drinks and went to bed.

    I hope this helps. 

    It means that for some reason,unknown to you or I,he can't answer...perhaps a last minute stop to pick up something special for you?...or he could be loading up on fuel at a petrol station...maybe stopped for a bite...helping his old man out in the garage? Baby ,if you are suspicious of his activity then you'll have to say so and then we can get down to the meat of it...but if you are concerned in any way about his well-being perhaps call one of his people and see what's up, but I do not want to lend any approximation to what he is doing.

    Lots of reasons, he may be busy, left his phone at home  maybe still getting around to it, or maybe just choosing not to,

    He is probably "busy", texting with someone else, WBMG


    Lemons...what do you think that it means?  It could mean a lot of different things, depending on the ages of each of you.


    I dont really now and what do u mean the age of us

    Well, are you young teenagers? Are you in your mid twenties? Are you in your early forties? It DOES make a huge difference in the answers that you should get.

    He must have found someone else. Don't cheapen yourself by contacting him, let him sweat it out. You don't need someone like that.

    He's too busy checking other things out?  Check the box "Not Ready" next to the cheese and move on!


    Tired of your bothering him all the time, let him alone......


    it was te first time i texted him in a week
    Headless Man

    Lost or broke his phone?


    OOps.  Guess  he really isn't your boy friend anymore.

    He's busy doing things a man does. Like practicing the salsa with his X-Box. Leave him alone.

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