    Can drywall tape be applied over a finish textured and painted surface?

    0  Views: 289 Answers: 3 Posted: 12 years ago

    3 Answers

    Not recommended,it won,t look too good over a finished surface.

    The fact that it's textured really screws up any chance you might have had of blending it in so that it's not noticeable. I have no idea of how you have that textured, but unless you want to carefully sand that all down to a point to where you can start all over, you might want to consider the possibility of covering it with a wallpaper once you get it to where the texturing won't show through.

    All I can say is, you really have yourself a little dilemma there. Depending on what you're using for texturing, once you get it sanded down and the joints properly taken care of, you could also re-texture it. Well, which ever way you decide to go with it, I wish you the best. I'm not saying it can't be done...but, that is going to take a bit of patience. Just remember that the key to saving that, is making sure you take the time to blend it all in.

    Sand the area first then lay some mud down and use the screen like tape on top of that . Dont use the paper tape that shows . Let dry ,then spread thin coat of mud over the area . let dry . Sand area lightly . You can rent a texture machine and re texture the area . For a pro its no big deal and a real good one you'll never see the patch . You can dry by a job site and find a "Taper" and ask if they will do side work ,hire them pay only on completion Period No exceptions .        Bill 

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