    I am way behind with my TU-ing because it takes too much time. This is only one of the reasons for which I am submitting for you review and support my suggestions on improving/automating our akaQA Karma points “system” which is based on TU and TD; TD is in fact prohibited anyway. I will submit to akaQA administration if a core of you supports them.

    AkaQa members receive automatically Karma points as follows:

    - 2 points for every question

    - 15 points for every answer

    - 5 points for every comment

    - 30 points for best answer

    Questioners will not be able (systemically) to answer their own questions. If they want to post an answer to their own question the can do it as a question comment.

    A member will be able to answer (systemically) one question to any answer. Additional answer(s) may be posted as comments to his/her own question or others.


    - the asker can bump an unanswered question up to 5 times

    - the asker that received only one answer can bump that question up to 3 more times

    +2  Views: 1887 Answers: 3 Posted: 12 years ago
    Tags: akaqa

    People who ask the question should comment as a comment, not as a new answer. If they need to add to their question, they should edit the question or post in the blue area. Adding comments as a new answer just means bonus karma. Some see this as a form of cheating to build karma for the sake of getting higher karma than the next guy. I think only one answer per question should be allowed too. Not single word answers down the page.

    Unanswered questions already have a bump button. It's there until it gets answered.

    We are a help forum. We should be here to help people and answer questions not worry about how many points we get. The best or most correct answer should always be at the top of the page. Too many times it's not because people vote their friends, not the quality of the answer. I've seen jokes take first place over the actual answer. The karma system and thumbs up system is not an accurate guide for knowing who gives the best and more correct answers or who is a trusted member. We just had a troll here who had over 600 karma in two days. A new member would see 600 karma as a lot and think we backed this troll. Going by his comments and the questions he was asking, he should not have earned over 600 karma in just two days. People give thumbs up for anything. Not many seem to understand what the TU's are all about. It's a silly system.

    3 Answers

    I support getting rid of the karma system all together. It does not work the way it's meant to anyway. When I see people getting thumbs up for saying "hi" and that's it, I know the system is just for show and not for proving the most trusted members for giving the most correct or valuable answers.  




    Points for best answer , I disagree. Some times best answer will be posted after a couple answers. I don't think that is fair for people who work or are in different time zones,etc

    Sometimes the best answer isn't the best answer. Sometimes the person who asked the question gives them self the best answer.

    How do we stop them from answering their own question? The app isn't set up to lock them out from answering. There are only so many administrative tools to these apps. Some of the ideas would have to be programmed in and that might not be possible.

    Colleen, trust me please, anything is possible. It is a matter for administration to set up properly programmers priorities.

    You don't know a lot about programming do you? LOL It's not as easy as one would think.

    I don't but i know people that do and the amazing thing they do.

    I like the tu and td. Don't like one answer. Some times you will have a different view of the question after seeing others answers. Posting as comment to your answer might not be understood. Getting 2 points for a question don't like that . Example  What is?  This will turn into a chat room if you 5 point for every comment

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