    Do you think, someone smart can tell if someone is stupid> OR maybe visa versa!

    +6  Views: 851 Answers: 15 Posted: 12 years ago

    15 Answers

    Smart?  Stupid?  No one is smart about everything.  No one is stupid about everything.  It's impossible not to learn some things, as you go through life.  It's also impossible to know everything about every topic, although some certainly believe that they do.  What you CAN see in others, is whether or not you are able to have a conversation together, regarding similar topics.


    you are right, of course.

    Because I'm smart? (kidding of course) LOL!!!
    ed shank

    You can learn something from even the dumbest SOB on the planet.

    ed shank, you crack me up. LMAO

    "Talking about "ME again ED .Well you know the saying "Sticks and stones "Yes bloody "Names hurt me.Hee. you are a smart one my friend.

    We could ALL have a conversation together, so we must ALL be smart....oh, maybe we're ALL stupid? I'm confused!! LOL!!!!

    Sometimes but not always, some can hide it well, smart and stupid...........

    Sure its possible. You dont have to be smart to see or notice if somebody is a little off. From the experience i have gained from my past jobs i can look at somebody and tell if they have been on meth and even make a very good guess if they are a sex offender. Why , because working with them they tend to have certain traits . About three months ago i walked into the local grocery store and noticed something strange about a man that was working in the deli. I bet my wife that he was a child molester. I asked the manager what is his name was, then went to look up sex offender data base. Sure enough i was right.  So yes, to your question.

    I think brain power is obvious whether you are bright, brilliant or just plain (I hate to say that word... you know to what I am referring). 

    I know there is always something to learn.  A person can not possible know everything.  I have met people who have no interest in learning, people like me who just can't get enough learning and people somewhere in between.

    My ex-husband thinks I am one of the dumbest people ever to walk the planet earth... even while we were married.  The husband I am married to now thinks that I am brilliant.  Maybe it's just a matter of perspective.


    YES.May I add also "Eating "Fish gives you Brains!.( now let me see what!s brains Hmm "Oh I will ask Colleen. )
    ed shank

    After the "Honey do list" is all crossed off she always says "your so damn smart". Makes me feel good for about five minutes as I watch her make up the new list.

    Dowsa... stay away from the fish... stay away from the fish... stay away from the fish.

    Ed, you are smart. :)

    There are people who have great knowledge and are highly educated, but dont have common sense. I know a few of those and there are local people who are not educated, but have the knowlede of live and common sense. I prefer the latter one. But  there are plenty of people who think they are smarter than anyone else , when in fact they are the stupid ones.


    Yup. You got that right girl.

    Hear Hear ANN your making me "Blush. When you say "Highly educated. P.S "what! does it mean? help

    dowsa, That means they have a college education.

    Thanks ANN. sorry to be a "pest whats College education."Oh does Approved School count? you know like juvenile prison!
    ed shank

    I have a college education and I'm not by any stretch the sharpest knife in the drawer. An educated idiot can be dangerous to your health. Hence, Obama.

    I know a few very smart people that look like s***bums. Stupidity, by who's standards? I regards to what?


    Yeah ed, but do you know any smart people that look like crap?

    stupid question I guess. it's too relative>

    "Stupid is as stupid does Forrest!"

    "He who talks...knows nothing."-Lao Tsu                                                                        


    I've found the less a person speaks h/sh seems to be aware of much more. Which in my opinion is a good indication of intelligence.

    Still waters DO run deep...but a shallow brook just babbles...It's true!

    "Stupid", as in lacking in "common sense"  or "specific knowledge" is fairly obvious.  

    "Smart" is more difficult to spot.  Anyone who seems to have more knowledge than onesself might be considered "smart" in comparison.
    SEEMS is the key word...the more you get to know someone, the smarter, or less so, they become. 
    Some whose "intelligence" I admired have proven themselves not so smart by the choices they make in life, the way they treat other people, or just their values in comparison to my own, which means "smart" is subjective in my world.

    "Smart" and "Stupid" have so many variables.  I may be knowledgeable in English grammar but completely lacking knowledge in quantum physics.  Am I smart or stupid? 

    Not too long ago, I worked for a man who couldn't read anything more than the simplest of sentences. Ironically, he owns a multi-million business that he had built up himself. He also has the uncanny ability to look at a proposed job, and tell you off the top of his head what it will require for materials, and how much he needs to bid the job for. So, I guess there are times when you really can't judge a book by its cover.


    very true Shootah.

    Some people are smart from a distance, when they get closer you realized your looking in a mirror..


    lol...lots of different ways to take that!

    Exactly my intention...

    ""Just goes to show ya, ya can't judge a book by it's cover. An empty vessel makes the most sound...heh...heh.

    More than likely.

    I took IQ tests when I was young and passed with an IQ of 168. I was asked if I would like to join Mensa, but I declined when told only people with IQs over 140 were qualified. I know many people who could not pass such a test and yet have abilities and insights that anyone would envy. I have never regretted my choice that has given me so much to love and respect. Mensa members came to me over the years to invite me to meetings and such but its not for me. I have many friends and brilliance comes from all sources.  


    So...Mensa or akaQA??? lol

    Ducka….not “or” Dualism is too small minded.

    So you will stay with us, even if Mensa does come calling again, and I need not worry. :)

    The truly smart ones will never let on that they are smart by criticizing or saying something to the stupid, because the stupid cannot help being stupid, while the smart can outsmart themselves by saying something stupid, thus proving that the smart can be downright stupid! And if they were or are smart, they would not want to look stupid while trying to be smart! ;).


    Are you sure? LOL!!

    @Ducka Hi! Finding out every day :). The person who asked whether "are you human" for example is very smart, he obviously knows about Capcha images and is very "with it!" Therefore it certainly did deserve an answer, not answering it would have meant that we were all stupid :) or without it!

    Stupid is as stupid does; sometimes it's hard to tell.  :)

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