    what is earth best known for

    please tell me its for a project

    +2  Views: 913 Answers: 22 Posted: 12 years ago

    22 Answers

    The wonderful creation that it is!  From the highest peaks to the desert. The great pasture lands.  The beauty of the rivers, oceans, and seas.  The entire animal Kingdom!!!!!  Earth can sustain all of this life.  Being able to see the sun and the moon. The planets and stars too.  We, as people have a choice to care for the Earth and it's atmosphere (we arent doing a great job- but your generation needs to get involved too).


    WBMG....Means>>> Would be my guess.

    Thank You!!!



    My answer exactly, before reviewing the existing ones! Yes!

    The Earth is best known for her amazing and constant geological processes.From the movement of her massive tectonic plates to the amazing runoff streams that begin their trek at her highest summits and plummet down forming some of the most incredible raging rivers and waterfalls, this planet is always in the throes of transformation.The most incredible force upon her face is made up of one atom of Hydrogen and two of Oxygen...H2O...Water!!!Waters' mission on earth is none other than to straighten out the shorelines of her vast oceans that are said to encompass more than two-thirds of this...our beautiful home...thus I think it safe to say that Earth is best regarded as the Blue planet of Water! Peace.

    Environmentally destructive citizens. 

    Do we really need 300 different kinds of hammers at Home Depot, all kinds of inexpensive dresses at Ross', or 125 kinds of tupperware/food storage containers at Walmart?



    Yes we do!! And cheap tools that break after one use from harbor Freight, and Da Dollar Stores.. We need all that stuff the earth! I just can't imagine earth without Wal*Mart!

    From far out in our solar system, its the most beautiful with its blue, white, brown and green hues.




    nice touch, Vinny.

    Best environment for sustaining life.


    As we know it.. Carbon based lifeforms as we are may not be the same on other planets. Many people will say what you said without realizing that we are compatible to our environment-- although out there, other lifeforms may be methane based, or sulpher based, who knows! There are so many variables

    What do you divine as life? Vinny.

    Its known for its constant renewing itself through the four seasons to sustain life for everyone and everything living on this planet earth.

    The world is also known for its continuous wars. Shame, shame, shame for such a beautiful planet.

    its inhabitance

    Sustaining life as we know it, WBMG



    WBMG??? What does that mean??

    All great answers. I will refrian from adding my comment as I assume you are a young person. My answer would not be a positive one.

    The world is known as the world of the Cross, where Sons of God and great teachers became sacrifical offerings and children sacrificed to gods of war.  Grim but true. Correcting this tragic state without inspiring open rebellion and chaos is challenging but that is the task of this and all future generations.   


    and saving the animals!!!!!

    Thousands of animals are now extinct, the few that remain are endangered and humanity is awash in every novel compound chemists can make without testing for their hazard.

    Life and the ability of the environment to protect the life. Ozone , look up the importance of ozone for life on earth. Very few planets we know of has an ozone layer. Venus and mars has an ozone layer.

    Water, it is mostly water.

    Nourishment. Therefore it is called mother earth.

     It's a very odd question.  Perhaps you could cite what the other planets we know of are noted for and compare them to what the earth is or isn't in comparison.  The differences between them and earth would probably be the answer.  ?????

    A lot of unnessary wars

    Life,    People, Animal , flowers and trees, etc.

    All the beauty Mother nature has to offer.

    how about growing marijuana?

    the only one

    there is life on it

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