    who invented homework

    who invented homework..and do teachers enjoy students enjoy homework?

    +3  Views: 1497 Answers: 19 Posted: 12 years ago

    are square friends cute..are short friends cute..yes they the kids jump up and the parents eat six meals a day after an introduction,do the kids sit still in mothers get bashed at home after the parents drop off the everyday exiting? does the sporty shorty ..or the square bear ,love to watch parents beating eachother senseless after the parents know how sporty shorties. or square bears make the day sunny..and the kids become mentals..

    we just love school..we are so lucky to be having such fun, and there is always help there if you need it.

    Dare2Bsquare, if you are having issues there is somewhere to turn... please be clear. You can ask for help.

    19 Answers

    I invented it... One of my more brilliant ideas... Here is the homework cheer!

    Homework Yay!

    Homework Yay!

    I love homework... Hip Hip Hooray!

    Homework!  Homework!

    Can't be beat!

    It makes me smart and really neat!

    Yaaaaaaaayyyyyyyyyyyyyyy Homework!



    Middle C, middle C.
    C U later!!!!

    It is a cheer! You are one crazy flea-man! Take care!

    You're a poet and you don't know it!

    Now that's positive!
    Hopefully you get at least a grin out of them :)

    A very evil wicked teacher back in the 1700’s handed out the first homework to all the framer kids in his area. It was hoped by him that it would interfere with their chores and the children would be spanked for it.

    I did do my homework. My dad would help me as needed.

    Some sadistic teacher who didn't like kids and wanted to ruin their days and free time. I did my homework in the bathroom at school.......

    Not sure where it was invented, but when my sons (now 21, 24, 25) were in school, the teachers were REQUIRED to give 20 minutes of homework per evening.  It got harder when they hit junior high and high school because they had 5-6 teachers....20 minutes from each one!!!!! 
    The point of homework is to provide "practice" time to reinforce the concepts you were supposed to have been exposed to during class time.  


    From what I understand now is that school time is fun time in elementary school then they are sent home with homework to learn schoolwork. I have seen it for myself.

    Terrible! Where I am (and when I subbed K-12), school time was for presenting the concepts and practicing with tutorial teacher available. The fun time now is barely recess. Kids are taught to test. My educator friends are completely frustrated with the edicts from above about what and how the students shall be taught. It's a sad state of affairs. I could go on for DAYS about education in CA

    Perhaps a frustrated english teacher who's only goal in life was to avenge all the c-minus students of the world..

    Homework predates all other forms of work. From home work skills were developed. Among the first homework jobs that have endured to this day are such mundane tasks as taking the trash out, and organizing one’s personal belongings. Tasks such as mending clothing and tending the fire have fallen out of vogue recently due to prolific production in supporting industries. Homework as a school assignment is to give proof that you can think and learn on your own, away from the school environment. As a result of homework you will demonstrate that you have gained enough skill to learn on your own in various subjects. If you choose to love learning new things you will find the task of homework fun and at times challenging to your interest. When I was assigned a difficult task as my homework assignment, such as analyzing a poem or sonnet, I would tear into it and look up every word and phrase. I would go to the library and find other peoples opinions and read the authors biography. I consumed my education and what was offered was not enough I wanted more…an acquired appetite. I left hight school in the 10th grade and my teachers were glad to see me go.        

    Blame it on

    Teachers who are overworked and underpaid, they are taking out their frustrations on the whole human race by making students pay for it :). To help overcome a time frame on a "syllabus" because they have not done sufficient during class hours. As a method of repetition therefore reminder, therefore well understood and to find out whether the students have got the idea that they want to convey on the subject material given as homework. The least likely, to give the mothers some time to themselves while the kids grind!. :).

    Our three sons did their homework everyday. I chased them into their rooms to do it and I checked to see if they were doing it. Guess what! It paid off as they are all medical doctors now. One is a heart specialist, one is an emergencey doctor and the last one works in a hospital. Now if kids didn't do their homework where would doctors, pilots and all other professions come from? Everyone would be deadbeats walking the streets at night.

    Justin Bieber.


    Blame it on the Bieb! Man! Everything is his fault.

    A good unknown unassuming teacher long time ago. Even today it comes without "Patent pending" stamp or label.

    Hmmm...Lets just think about this. Dare2besquare- you are one student how many are in your class?  How many classes (or subjects in your class) does your teacher Have.  I am going to give you a public shchool example for a middle- school or High School teacher.  Each teacher has to teach 5 of the 6 class periods a day. There are 30 students per class.  that is 150 students per have to do the homework for this calss once a day as do all of the other students.  Your teacher has to read 150 student's homework, grade it, mark the grade in the grade book, return it to all of the students, and speak with every student that disagrees with their grade.  Who had the harder job...the Teacher!!!!!!  So, be thankful you aren't the teacher!

    "" I did. I'm the Octomom! While the kids are busy with homework, I think I'll go and make more babies!

    At first didn't like homework, cause had no one too help me in the subject,but as I got older and learn on my own how too study it seem much more fun, just the same never got my high school diploma.

    hacked into my account

    Our self-imposed pressure to compete with other nations.

    Professor homework


    I bet it was a nun back in the day when they were the teachers!  Also she invented Corporal Punishment! 

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