    Any tips on how to peel hard boiled eggs

    +1  Views: 592 Answers: 8 Posted: 12 years ago

    Check the site, missed the link, sorry.

    8 Answers

    Watch the movie, Cool Hand Luke.

    Start by boiling eggs no younger than 7 days old, the older the better. Chill the eggs via cold water when done boiling them. Peel them under running water.....


    I did not know that about the 7 days old thing.

    I have just read that myself somewhere, it made sense, the reasoning they gave.....

    After boiled quickly plunge into cold water let set in cold water a few minutes. Drain  Roll the egg on counter to crack the shell. Peel If you wait too long parts of the egg will stick to the shell.  PS. strange name you have must have something to do chickens. I guess you are a rooster worried about your offspring? lol

    You can also zap an egg in the microwave for about 20 seconds , it will peel like an irishman in the Caribbean..


    Would that be like a bomb then???

    That's what Chief Ramsey recomends.

    I always thought no eggs in the microwave!At work once my friend put two eggs in the microwave and the eggs exploded and blew the door off.

    I'm not going to take a vote, I just don't like your name

    try useing wet hands

    I normally after boiling them and putting them into cold water is to crack them a little bit and let them soak before pilling them. I don’t know why I just do it that way.

    Obviously you have a problem, and the cure is not in the peeling, but in the boiling. Adding salt to water and letting them boil longer than the prescribed 5 minutes gets a harder boiled egg. I think shelling is more appropriate. And I hope you don't get shelled at for asking the question :).

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