    will you talk to me

    I am going into hospital on wed, 8th march for 7 days (ugh) I know I will be bored silly, I hope I can use my laptop, jokes or any contact with anyone would be be very gratefully appreciated xxx lambie

    +12  Views: 1264 Answers: 26 Posted: 12 years ago

    Good luck with Wednesday. I hope all goes well and the stay is short and sweet.
    xo again from the Fishie

    26 Answers

    YO Lambshank, hope the visit is not for to long or for anything serious.

    Iwill be sure to give you a shout on the day, take care and chin up

    Hope every thing goes well for ya, i 'm sure you will be able to use your laptop as long as you have an internet comnnection. good luck Shank/ Lambie.

    Sure we will. We won't forget, especially if you let us know you're online there!

    Good luck for your hospital stay. I hope it is nothing  serious. I'm amazed at medicine these days, they can do much.  We will all be thinking of you! xxoo

    Hope everything goes well, will look out for you on hear. Good luck and get well soon.

    Just pop in here lamb...we'll try to cheer you up and keep you company for a while.  Good luck.    Flowers for your room >>>>>     **###**         :)


    thanks ducky

    Hide the lap top under your bed pan , cause you'r always talking out you'r arse...LOL .just kidding of course we will all be looking foward to hearing about your speedy recovery.

    On March 8th the internet is being turned off. So, no contact on that day. What hospital are you going entering? My computer crashed yeaterday (desktop). At the moment, I am on my laptop.

    Thinking of you, hope all goes well. Wish I had your e-mail addey, could of kept you busy, with jokes  etc. Good luck.

    Hello  to you. Nice to chat.

    Surely you can't be denied computer access. We can't do w/o you. A whole week? You're going to go bonkers............


    you bet, this is a new hospital for me, I'm hoping they do otherwise it will be a very long week

    lambie, hoping all goes well and your recovery is quick and complete.
    I will be happy to talk to you.  Email me if you like. We can set up a chat time. 
    Love Ya!


    xx thanks

    Hope its nothing to serious and that you have a speedy recovery.  Looking forward to chatting with you.

    Lambshank- I was in the hospital a while ago to test this...Is it a medication pump or a spinal stimulator?  Either way, I hoe it works!  Prayers...and Please pop in and let us know how you are!!! I will make it a point to make you laugh and smile!


    Hi trying to get on the net, nurses are not good at computers, and neither am I, hope to sort out the connection hiccup tomorrow, thanks to everyone for your thoughts, and good wishes xx

    doo its a spinal stimulator

    I hoe everything goes well and the stimulator decreases (or, better yet, eradicates ) your Pain!!!!!!

    Lambshank! you didn't tell us why your going in for? Just the same have a speedy recovery, let us know how your doing when your well enough, our prayer are with you God Bless!


    Thanks facebook, its nothing very serious, just having an implant in the spinal chord to help (hopefully)control pain from perepherel neuropathy, more tedious than serious

    I've spent several months in the hospital and I know you will be fine, just keep your mine busy and your eyes off the nurses.........


    I guess he thinks you're a bloke Colleen.LOL

    Tommy, where did you mean to leave this comment?

    Hang on.I'm getting my Colleens confused.
    Headless Man

    There are men and women nurses, you

    I'm so sorry they wern't able to get your head back on, though you just fine carrying it :)

    Thanks, but my name's not Colleen, it's Karen,anyway its taken a few days to sort out the wing Im in is in a "blackspot" so the connection keeps failing

    ??? Tommy!

    Make sure you don't get sicker than you are. Good luck!

    good luck,to you

    My thoughts will be with you as you are in the hospital and wishing for you a speedy recovery! Everyone here is so wonderful to each other and I'm sure you can count on all of us to help you through your stay with plenty of concern and laughter as well.  After all, laughter is the best medicine!

    Good luck with it Shanks. Hope it all goes well.We'll be in touch.


    What's up with the comment you left under Randy's comment?

    Lamb,   Good Luck. I'll pray for you to recover fast, with no setbacks .  ~ ~ ~ ~ Julie D.



    back home a day early yay, downside is I have to go to hospital again on Wednesday,never mind, the food was actually nice!

    Take care and get well soon.  Say "hi" to all the cute nurses for me.



    nah, they don't look so cute to me
    Sorry,think I presses td somewhere accidentally,(I'm using phone) will try and fix it

    Of course..

    Don't forget the bedpan.


    Hi. Hope whatever it is you are going into Hospital for, is not that deadly serious and that you do walk out after the 7 days. One way to get over the hospital doldrums is to be a bit more sympathetic to those who surround you, and if able, to help your neighbor in his/her bed to yours. A good ear also helps while away several hours unless you are comatose and on a drip. Watching the antics of nurses can give you immense delight. Listening to conversations with other patients can give you "book" material, both in the lessons of life and humor in the wards. I have noticed that boredom also causes a quick cure, i.e. 7 day reduced to 4 or 3 if needs be :). But sure, we are here for you (and that's the hospital line). The nurse says "It is time for us to have a bath" the patient replies, "you have the bath, and I will watch! "


    Thanks,the nurses are really busy, and truly I'd love to just have a shower myself

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