    why does my cat bite me?

    cats 2.5 yrs old. has been biting me since he was 6 months old. really nice cat until he does the Jekyll and hide thing. do not want to get rid of him if i can help it..Thank You,

    Richard Gallup


    +3  Views: 1262 Answers: 17 Posted: 12 years ago

    17 Answers

    He is fine..all cat give love bites. and boy cats like to can teach it is only rough-house tussle time by wearing a glove (be warned they can get pretty aggressive).  Neutering them doesn't always 'tame' them from this. 


    no it doesn't, my cat still bites, and swats me as I walk past

    To be fair ls, so would I.

    Neuter time, OUCH!


    Now now this wont hurt a bit!!!

    doolittle, Now now it wont hurt a bit,, mmmm did you have it done, Ouch lol

    My cats are neutered, never slowed them down! One of them is the devil!

    Is the cat biting you when you pet it? Cats are extremely sensitive to touch. What feels good to them  at first becomes too much for them to  handle.


    My cat loves to be petted , the more I pet her the more she purrssss. Not all cats are the same. Have second cat, she was a stray adult, and a bit of a devil, could feed her, no prob,other than that, it was nails and teeth to the ready, if I touched her even to pet.I used to point my finger at her, and say, in angry voice, No, then walk away from her,It worked in the end, but took about eighteen months. She is lovely pet now. She hates Dogs, and will go for them, any size. To brave for her own safety.
    country bumpkin

    Yes DB, not all pet bite for the same reason. I was only giving one possible reason for the cat biting, though I know there're many.

    love bites! Keep him!

    Mine use to hide around corners and wait for someone to walk pass so he could bite the ankles, usually, me or my  father. I would catch him peeping at me and waiting. I thought it was funny. The bite didn't hurt.  It felt like a pinch that made you jump. Crazy cat! He was so mischievous. 

    He knows you really wanted a dog.



    very intuitive cat. Hahaha.

    The cat loves you.  My cat bites me all the time.


    does that include my "Wife?

    One never knows, dowsa. :)

    My dog  (deceased) used to bite me when we play, I bit him back, he didn't bite me anymore.after a few yelps He growls, i growl.. He doesn't like it when I growl, he barks, I'd bark..  I kept him confused,  he wasn't sure which of us was the meanest dog but he quit taking chances.  He lived til a ripe old age of 14 then he died,  broke my heart. :(  


    :( !!! Sorry to hear about your pal- but he is waiting for you!

    Cool!! I'm going to Dog heaven??? :)

    MOVE AWAY from the food bowl.

    Might just be his idea of playing, let him get his teeth into raw chicken necks.

    You step on his tail!

    This is your cat equivalent of kissing :)


    Except that it doesn't feel quite the same! lol

     Cats will bite while engaging in aggressive play or to indicate fear, anger or over stimulation.

    Cats should be given toys that allow all kinds of play, but should be discouraged from biting you or other people. If you cat tries to bite while being pet, it's because they've had enough. It also depends on how hard the bite is, a light bite is usually playing a strong bite may be they are tired of playing or being petted.

    There are many reason why cats bite. Cats will bite when they're afraid, angry, annoyed, or stressed. They might bite when they're feeling playful or overstimulated. Biting is even part of feline "courtship."

    If your cat is sweet one minute and biting you the next, he may be telling you that you've crossed the line somewhere: Maybe he's tired of being petted, or maybe you found a sensitive spot.

    There are subtle warning signs. You just have to be alert for them. Watch for a flicking tail or flattening ears. Notice if your cat starts to stare at you, or if his head starts to follow your hand. Maybe he releases a little growl. All of these can be signs that he's just about had enough.

    Biting and scratching are part of your cat's predatory instincts. You can help him release a lot of energy by playing with him for a few minutes at least twice a day. It can be as simple as dragging a piece of string around for him to chase.

    This can help reduce unwanted biting!

    mycatsmom answer

    Thanks you McM!

    And then there is the obvious answer:  You taste good!


    Didn't think about that!

    Only you would come up that one, Bob

    My cat would bite also. I don`t think he meant harm. I would usually be petting him.

    I had a male neutered cat who simply appeared one day.  It was obvious he lived by his wits & means without a home and was probably too wild to have as a pet.  Also obviously didn't trust anybody.   He had been declawed so his only defense was to bite.  It was by then simply his nature. 

    I gave him shelter, all the cat food he could consume and affection.  He became somewhat trusting and afffectionate.  Sleeping on a lap I would say is trusting.  BUT if you would move your hand too quickly anywhere in the vicinity of his body HE HAD YOU with a tight and blood drawing bite.

    I tolerated this for along time feeling sorry for his history which MADE him bite.  Then one day of personal low tolerance he bit me and I retaliated with a firm but not crushing swat on the top of his head.  The bites afterward turned to playful nips and I became pack leader.   His affection remained the same  and I had earned his respect.  Things were better.


    It's a sad testimony when a neutered, declawed cat is homeless. Thank you for bothering! :D
    My mom's ultra-spoiled cat bites, yet is very cuddly, too. Will try your head-bop and see what happens.

    well see there is some different reasons..

    1) your cat needs more attention..

    2) The cat has a tooth that is bothering it...

    3) The cat is having a spasem...

    these are some symptoms that happened with 2 of my cats they were doing the same.....:)

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