    why must learn physics?

    its fun..

    +2  Views: 683 Answers: 11 Posted: 12 years ago

    11 Answers

    I pulled this answer from a website, but thought it was a better answer than I could give you personally, hope you like it?

    Simple question, simple answer: because studying physics helps you understand how the universe works. The laws of physics, when you really look at them, are absolutely amazing. The more you learn about physics, the more you come to see how seemingly unrelated phenomena in the universe can have remarkably similar explanations.

    Learning the laws of physics gives you an appreciation for some incredibly cool everyday phenomena that you might (probably) otherwise take for granted. In addition, you also learn about phenomena that you don't see everyday, but address some very fundamental questions: What is the nature of time and distance? How did the universe begin, and what is its ultimate fate? What really is matter and energy? What are the limits of what we truly can know about the universe? Would the earth fall out of its orbit if everyone in Asia jumped at precisely the same time?

    The skills that you learn studying physics are also very useful in the job market (see discussion below). Whether you go on to grad school (in physics, medicine, law, business, etc.) or find a regular job when you graduate, you will benefit from the problem-solving skills, laboratory techniques, writing and speaking skills, and appreciation of the physics of modern technology learned in a standard physics curriculum. And, of course, since the laws of physics describe the real world, an understanding of these laws is important for understanding (and manipulating) many (actually, most) real things.

    The bottom line: if you enjoy learning about how the universe works, you should consider a physics major or minor.



    People with a strong physics background can make alot of money.


    did`nt work for me, i`m still as poor as a church mouse!

    So  you can learn that what goes up , must come down.

    physic`s will explain all that you come across in your physical life from the workings of the atom to the whole universe.enjoy

    Who must also learn English, it sucks!

    To learn how things wok,chemisry to learn what things are made of. 

    Physics can be studied on your own when you are interested in known something, like how a refrigerator works. Sitting through physics lectures when you are not interested in the subject will not help you learn all about it. Better to take the subjects that you like and stay with that. I learned fisheries biology that I wanted in two years of full time interest. Never did graduate, was not interested in a "rounded education.” You can teach, without a degree.   

    Because you're not going to make a living teaching english, thats for sure


    Though teaching English is very important.

    Yea it is.

    So you can get JEOPARDY questions right...........

    Because advanced physics theories are really cool!

    The more I learn the more I realize how stupid I was. not a good feeling.


    That makes 3 of us, face, cause I'm twice as stupid as you, maybe even stupidder.

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