    Should all Cats be neutered and mico-chipped be Mandatory.

    This of couse would be teated differently for registered breeders, micro- chipped only,  the kittens bought as a pet and not for showing, as above------ Actually the same could be said for Dogs that will get someones tail wagging

    +3  Views: 992 Answers: 15 Posted: 12 years ago

    What is the upside to this ? Down side as well?

    Bluesman, i guess there would be less stray cats going feral, less cat fights as neutered cats are less territorial, the tom wiil have not only cleaner fur , it will be a lot softer, and more affectionate.believe it or not they will get along with dogs, that is unless the dog has been train to kill cats. they also have tendancy if you let them will come inside at night, as they have less interest in prowling at night, the down side is parting with a few dollars to have him or her done.

    15 Answers

    My tom was kidnapped and deballed and had his ear clipped to boot.  He didn't look like any stray.

    All the same, he no longer gets in fights, coming home with fur hanging off in flaps and rules my two dog house rather well............


    What do you mean kidnapped?

    What do you mean kidnapped?

    A neighbor called the pound on my cat as a stray. Around here, cats are picked up, neutered and have their ear clipped as a sign.....

    Deballed ??? you mean he was no more a male ?

    That's right. He's fat and kind of happy now.....

    I believe all cats and dogs should be neutered unless they are being bred by REGISTERED RSPCA inspected breeders for sale as part of the business or for show purposes.

    I am a dog lover and all my dogs over the last 30 years have been neutered.

    As a matter of fact I also was "neutered" in 1970 by way of a vasectomey, best move I ever made, lots of fun with no risk.


    Come on PL, if you were truly neutered, you would not be having fun, a vasectomey is not being neutered. lol.

    And another burst of blanks goes off into the distance.

    PL, i know how you feel my bullets are powderless as well.

    Agree totally PL, I also had the 'snip' and have no regrets.

    If I was a male cat ,I would be vigorously protesting this .  Do you have a cat problem ,where you live ?


    No not yet but the authorities are thinking of making it law, Bluesman, if i was a cat i would too but i'm not a cat.

    "" I beg your pardon...


    love a cat with attitude

    It is law where I live, that all cats and dogs coming from a humane society need to be nuetered. According to recent news reports, it is actually working well, in that we've been able to help out other over-stressed shelters from other states.



    Shootah, we have the same regulation in my state as well, i don't know about the other states.

    Here too, it's a good idea

    Hey, read my lips: NUTS AND BOLTS, NUTS AND BOLTS, WE GOT SCREWED (repeat 3X)!



    Hey Fifi, it's a matter of time before this dude turns his attention to us.


    I love animals and have 2 cats, which are both neutered and micro chipped, I do think they all should be unless you are a registered breeder, mind you it didn't curb their bad behavior nor did it stop them bringing me treats in the middle of the night, often a mouse they let go on my bed at 2am


    LS, they bring you treats as they recognize you as their leader.

    We get them left at the front door. You have very thoughtful cats trying to serve you breakfast in bed!

    fresh too, they're still running around!

    I agree and consider that dogs should have a DNA sample taken and registered. Then if the animal craps on the sidewalk a sample can be taken and the animal identified and the owner fined.

    Here in France the problem is particularly bad and unless strict action is taken the French will ignore requests to clean up their act. Oh Merde!

    I' know here in Boston it's law to pick up after your dog ,could very well be uniform across the usa ..if that's what you mean.

    Hmm, not sure on this one, i guess i you really love your pet then why not but who's got the tracking equipment to find  him/her and how about the costs.


    The costs of registering and taking the DNA sample would be down to the dog owner, no concessions would be made even for the elderly. Dog mess is not a problem in other countries, for instance in New Zealand people clean up after their dog. I have an idea that a town in the USA has this scheme. Any info?

    All Humane Societies neuter animals as far as I know and thats the way it schould be. However there are people who have pets(especially cats) that are not neutered and those people are responsible for millions of animals beeing put to sleep each year. I agree that it schould be mandatory.

    Yes they should be, it would save a lot of homeless cats and unwanted kittens.

    I have spoken to many cats.  They do not want future generations inbred like many dogs are.  They believe this will happen if only breeders can reproduce their species.  They believe that adopting from the Humane Society, SPCA, and other rescue groups should be a high priority and highly encouraged!!!!!  I believe all of the rescue groups should have a sliding fee scale for adoption.

    Nom, there are communities in Virginia that have, for the most part insisted that the dogs have DNA tests done...but there are also lead laws...all dogs must be on leads unless they live on farms or are in enclosed yards or special dog parks.  People still complain. The Dogs are not at fault- it is their lazy and inconsiderate owners that are.


    Doo, thanks for that info. I will start a campaign, here in France.

    LITTLE DOO, It is already an offence to walk a dog off a lead any where out side of the home, to leave dog dropping and not scoop them up in a plastic bag, an offence, all cats and dogs from reputable breeders and vets on the first visit are micro- chipped, it helps if your pet gets out or your yard, and picked up as stray, and god forbid if their killed or injured they know who the owners are and notify you.

    I agree with the micochips! In theory I think the spay/neuter is a good idea- mine have always been 'fixed' at very young ages...but there are some issues I still have with it

    My cat never goes out(i live on a main road) but hasnt been chipped.She has been neutered.My dog hasnt been "done" though he has been chipped.He isnt allowed off his own property without one of us so obviously doesnt go loooking for "ladyfriends".I was once asked if i would let him be used to sire puppies with another German Shepherd ,hes a beautiful dog and i was quite flattered,but the answer was no.Too many unwanted animals about 

    After loosing my 2 cats last aug.   I was depressed for a long time. My son then got his cat,,Timmy,microchipped.  it is up to the person on wether to do iit or not. It could save your animals spay or nueter is the best thing.

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