    Why must gays insist that there union be called a marriage?

    A civil union, also referred to as a civil partnership, is a legally recognized form of partnership similar to marriage.

    So why must gays insist that there union be called a marriage?

    Why must the meaning of a word be changed? Marriage= A union between a man and woman.

    Why can't gays accept that their union is different and should be kept that way?

    If gays are proud of their union then why not be proud enough to want it to be identified as such?

    Try to answer the questions, not just jump me for asking and trying to understand.

    +16  Views: 4567 Answers: 48 Posted: 12 years ago
    Tags: marriage

    The Gays want the cake and eat it too! -- Forget Christianity it goes against the Laws of Nature.

    No, it doesn't. Even animals in nature are gay. Want cake and eat it too? Marriage? Just like you have? Who wants their cake and eat it too? Just the homophobes is all. Your thinking is against nature, In nature, homosexuality is accepted.

    Homosexual behavior in animals refers to the documented evidence of homosexual and bisexual behavior in various (non-human) species. Such behaviors include sex, courtship, affection, pair bonding, and parenting among same sex animals. A 1999 review by researcher Bruce Bagemihl shows that homosexual behavior has been observed in close to 1,500 species, ranging from primates to gut worms, and is well documented for 500 of them. Animal sexual behavior takes many different forms, even within the same species. The motivations for and implications of these behaviors have yet to be fully understood, since most species have yet to be fully studied. According to Bagemihl, "the animal kingdom [does] it with much greater sexual diversity – including homosexual, bisexual and nonreproductive sex – than the scientific community and society at large have previously been willing to accept." Current research indicates that various forms of same-sex sexual behavior are found throughout the animal kingdom. A new review made in 2009 of existing research showed that same-sex behavior is a nearly universal phenomenon in the animal kingdom, common across species. Homosexual behavior is best known from social species.
    Headless Man

    Good argument Colleen, so you want to be like the animals not a human?
    Animals act on instink nothing moral about them.

    So you want to keep making yourself look desperate and silly with these kinds of arguments? Let me step DOWN to your level for a minute.
    Dogs fight over bones because they believe the bone to be only theirs. Do you want to keep acting like a dog fighting over a bone, yelling "Mine, mine, mine and you can't have it!"? My point was to show BM that his claim that it is unnatural is wrong, not to say I want to be an animal, oh close minded one.

    Animals love and are willing to die to protect their young. Would you die to protect your young? Would you say you were acting like an animal if you did? By the way, man lives by instinct too. You should pay more attention to nature instead of ignoring it like you are so far more superior and can't be bothered with it. Even Jesus defended animals as living creatures that should not be abused. Why do you suppose he did that? Why would he defend something without Soul or without the ability to love? Jesus knew, he knew that animals have Soul and contain God's love. Again I ask, who do you really follow oh dark one? You truly have no compassion for anyone but yourself, do you?

    Headless Man

    Close minded people don't ask questions that will only mean they will be hammered by others. Only someone trying to understand why you think a word will make your lifestyle better.

    An open minded person would not keep saying lifestyle even after I've explained that it is not a lifestyle yet you stubbornly refuse to open your mind and see that it is not a lifestyle. But I expected as much from you who does tend to act like a child in these debates. You just keep proving your close mindedness. You can't win so you type in stuff hoping to tick me off. :)
    You are not trying to learn. You are pushing your agenda. I've answered your question a dozen different way to help you to understand. Which one are you going to acknowledge and not brush off with some slippery slope or inane argument?

    Sorry to re-post this but I did not get a response... I am trying very hard to understand both sides of this debate...

    Randy, honey.. I dont meat to sound obtuse... but I really dont understand what it is you have a problem with...
    It sounds as if you are in favor of gays having rights... you just want them to fight for them.
    But you want to keep the name "marriage" between a man and woman...
    So Can we call their union "purple" and give them them same rights? .... Military pention, health care, federal taxes, power of attirny... ect...

    Jenn, who is going to understand purple union? They don't even understand that civil unions and legal unions are suppose to be the same as marriage at the state level. When you give it another word or name, you give it another meaning and pull it right away from the idea of that it is the same as marriage.
    Headless Man

    Colleen, Lifestyle:
    the way in which a person or group lives.

    Are you trying to change the meaning of another word?

    Jenn, I think you got it honey, that is all I ask.

    OK Colleen make up a better word, let us see if we can.......

    Lifestyle is a life one CHOOSES to live, something they are not naturally born to do. Something they choose later on in life to do. I did not choose to be a lesbian. I was born this way.

    I choose the word marriage. Let me repeat myself for the umpteenth call it anything else would be separate but equal which it never does become equal or recognized as equal. No other word but marriage with carry the correct weight and acknowledgment.
    Headless Man

    The word CHOOSES is not in the definition your trying to change another word to meet your lifestyle.......
    The word Marriage has already been chosen by MEN AND WOMEN, you can do better I'm sure, think....

    Headless Man:
    3 noun
    A common-law marriage.
    Isn't a common-law marriage a name for people not legally married.

    >>>>>So if you must use the word marriage put the word gay in front of it. Gay Marriage, maybe people could accept that.<<<<<<

    So this argument is done. I've been calling it gay marriage right along. The states that allow gays to get married call it gay marriage. Where exactly is your argument now about gays using the word marriage as you've already stated "put the word gay in front of it. Gay Marriage, maybe people could accept"

    Unless you are not one of those people?

    lifestyle [ˈlaɪfˌstaɪl]
    1. a set of attitudes, habits, or possessions associated with a particular person or group
    2. such attitudes, etc., regarded as fashionable or desirable
    3. NZ
    a. a luxurious semirural manner of living
    b. (as modifier) a lifestyle property
    1. suggestive of a fashionable or desirable lifestyle a lifestyle café (
    2. (Medicine / Pharmacology) (of a drug) designed to treat problems, such as impotence or excess weight, which affect a person's quality of life rather than their health.

    >>>>> A way of life or style of living that reflects the attitudes and values of a person or group: "It was a millionaire's lifestyle on the pocketbook of a hairdresser" (People).

    ****** Usage Note: When lifestyle became popular a generation ago, a number of critics objected to it as voguish and superficial, perhaps because it appeared to elevate habits of consumption, dress, and recreation to categories in a system of social classification.

    No Randy, I am not trying to change the meaning of the word. I used it correctly as to mean choice of a way of life.

    "The word Marriage has already been chosen by MEN AND WOMEN"

    I am a women. It belongs to me also just on the grounds that I am a living, breathing, red blooded human woman. I feel no need to pick another name.
    Headless Man

    Am I blind or did the word chooses appear in the definition of Lifestyle? Mute point.

    I could accept a hyphenated word Gay-Marriage but thats just me good luck with it, it won't change the way you are treated by others.

    Now take back all the names you called

    "Am I blind"

    Apparently yes as the description alone speaks "choice or choosing".

    I did not call you names. I described your actions and way of thinking. I will take back the descriptions when I am convinced you're more educated on the subject than you were yesterday.

    Colleen I am not suggesting that the union be called purple... I am trying to understand where he is coming form...
    As I said before.. If it walks like a duck, talks like and swims like a duck it is a duck... Calling it a horse would just be stupid.

    IMPORTANT NOTE: This question is 3 years old, has had almost 2500 views and has been debated by some, as though they simply MUST win this argument. (Nothing new there.) I say, enough is enough and this question has been more than sufficiently answered. Thank you for all of your responses. The question is now locked.

    48 Answers (31-48 Displayed)

    Its all just words. If two people of same sex want to live their lives together, let them. They have every right to be just as miserable as the rest of us. Partners with benefits. I was wondering , does anybody know of a same sex couple-people that have been together for over 50 years ? I have not ever heard of any.


    I had an Uncle who almost got there,48yrs together until he died,36 of those years it was deemed illegal,not bad eh?
    Headless Man

    No, but I sure some will be. I know a couple who is not gay but lives together as a savings and help when needed but are called gay by some and they don't like it one bit, should they have the same rights as a married couple also?

    "does anybody know of a same sex couple-people that have been together for over 50 years"

    I do. There have been and still are a great many. I can get you some facts as soon as I have time.

    @ Randy If they want to commit to marrying each other, yes, they should have the same rights.

    Right now its probably few and far between. Give it 40 years and will see it more often. Never seen in newspaper under anniversary.

    Zorro, you can not possibly make that claim without research and fact. Stop talking out of your butt please. You are not educated in this area. You just guess and surmise but you know nothing. I have not had a chance yet to check into it but I will. We just had a couple who had been together for 55 years get married. I will get you the information since apparently you are too lazy to research it yourself. You just spout off.

    I really dont care. I just say its rare to see a relationship like this for that long. There will be more because more people are accepting it more. I just have never heard of same sex couples together for that long of a time, thats all.

    You didn't see them because most were/are hidden, not talked about, hush, hush, lest Zorro finds out and comes and tells us about ourselves and why we're gay and tries to get us to take the pill he invented to make us not gay!

    Stop talking about homosexuals already. You are so wrong every time you open your mouth about them. This is why you should have come out of the closet years and years ago. Pretending to be straight has never worked. You were born gay, embrace it or if you still can not do it, at least stop talking about gays and spreading miss information.

    You probably are right, we all maybe are born homosexual, Only the lucky overcome it.

    No, we are not all born homosexual. The lucky are the ones who accept and embrace their true selves. They lead a happy life because of it and do not belittle others for being different than they or try to rationalize another's differences in order to somehow accept them.

    Meanwhile........Back at the ranch,The Lone Ranger, (Cunningly disguised as a door) got his knob shot off...


    Anice bit of humour cheers Tommyh

    Somebody's gotta lighten it up a bit.

    Wow, you guys were still here? This ended like 5 days ago. 3 days ago was clean up with the stragglers. ;)

    "" Hey, Randy this is you with your head on.

    Headless Man

    Better than picking your butt.....
    terryfossil 1

    very grubby eggplant

    Call it:

    Gay- Marriage= the union of two like sex couples with all legal rights as others.

    Marriage= the union of a Man and Woman with all legal rights.

    Would this be accepted by others, I've been educated by Colleen and have opened my mind.


    Headless Man

    This is not what I want but am willing to accept it as a compromise,
    My point it won't change the way people will treat gays.

    Life's too short Headless... all this arguing is exhausting.
    Headless Man

    Why is every time i make a comment people think I'm arguing.
    Just because I don't agree with everyone..........

    I don't always think you are arguing any way. Maybe it's the subject matter... You pick the touchy ones... also the way in which this particular question is written it definitely can be taken as combative in nature. Just a thought.

    It will not change the way some people treat gays, like bigots who hate them no matter what and overly zealous Christians who live eat and ______ the bible. Those close minded, selfish, controlling, scared beings we expect to not change their ways but they are also fast becoming the minority and will die out very soon. They will be replaced by the open minded generation of today. Have you listened to the young people Randy? They do not care. They are your tomorrow. Kiss you old prejudice world goodbye.
    Headless Man

    Yes true, predicted to happen in the bible before Christ return, I believe he's coming soon.
    ed shank

    Colleen, if you think prejudice is leaving us anytime soon you are mistaken. There will always be a voice that either embraces your cause or hates what you embrace. The end result will be where we are today in this question. Forget the young, they are tomorrow's bigots.

    I do not agree Ed. The young are more educated and more tolerant of others. They create their own classes in schools about the subject and educate each other. The world is changing, more and more people are lining up to support the homosexuals. They are beginning to strike back at the religious right. I see it in messages sent to me and in videos of the standing up for equality. The old ways are dying out and we are entering a world where people will come together and drop old hatred because all are tired of war and fighting. People are leaving the churches in droves because they want no more chains and no more preachings that tell them others are wrong. Give it time and just see if I'm not right. There will be those still stuck in the rut but they will be run over by the wheels of progress and we will progress just as mankind has always done. The dark ages are long gone. It is the time of light and love now. Those who can not keep up will simply be swept under.

    "I believe he's coming soon."

    You are not God Randy. You are not one of God's angles who will herald his arrival even though you think you are and have taken to doing so. You are not a messenger nor a prophet. You may be a Harold Camping however and we all know he has been so many times. You are not God's chosen one who is privy to advanced warning that the time is near. No man shall know this and no man can guess. This includes you Randy. If you have people in your life who care about you, I hope they consider getting you some intervention because I believe you are going off the deep end. You need help. You have scared yourself to death and you now want to scare others and drag them down with you, I can only sit back and watch you sink because it is not for me to save you from yourself. This is why I've left you to your ravings in your other thread. You are showing everyone just how over the top you have gone. You are pushing people away from you rather than draw them in. You're making a farce out of your religion. I feel bad for the Christians asking you to stop because they know what you are doing to their religion and God. You are making a mockery of both and I'm going to let you continue because you are proving points for me that I've made all along about the kool aid.
    Headless Man

    The young are more educated, now that is funny have you ever ask a student a question and seen some of the answers they give you.
    But there young mines are being taught to go against their parents teachings.
    As far as churches goes mine is setting attendance records over and over.
    I understand the Catholics are in trouble but thats there fault.

    You can say what you like about your particular church setting records, I don't care enough to research to see if it is fact. The young are more educated about tolerance and acceptance. I knew you would miss that and that I should have put it in. You have a way of missing a lot of messages that do not have bible in them. Perhaps I should do that, bible, insert the word bible into my comments to keep your attention. All religions are in trouble, bible, as God does not back any of them, bible and has decided they have misinformed the people enough. God is taking back his people, bible and the churches will dissolve. There is an end coming Randy but not the one you think is coming. You can feel it, you just are, bible, wrong as to which change is coming. I know you will ask how I know this. Again I can not tell you nor do I have to produce anything to prove it. Time will do that for me.
    Headless Man

    Colleen, thank you for not commenting on my other link, it wasn't for you as Darci13 was sure it was.

    I never claimed to be God or even a messenger nor a prophet, but I can see and hear and can read the signs.

    I'm not afraid of anything as I am ready and have been on what could have been my death bed a few times, don't claim to have seen God or anything like that, but ask him to take me if my work here was done and he brought me back for some reason.

    If anyone on the other link thinks I'm pushing they don't need to inter, Thats why I started the link so I can't be accused of coming on their link and pushing.
    I only ask a yes and no question but you can see people are interested in end times even though they are "afraid" to admit it.
    Thank you again for letting me hang myself if you think I am, I don't need your input on this subject as it will contain Bible verses.

    Your other question will not remain just so you know. It is preaching not questioning. The admin will do away with it. I saw you tell Darci the thread was yours. You do not own it. It is on a public forum and anyone is free to enter it and comment. You can not claim it as yours and tell others to keep out. I know you see it as your make believe church but it is not. You create traps by titling your questions the way you do, then hit people with verse or sermon. This ticks them off. They are not interested in your message. That is plain enough. You delude yourself if you truly believe they are there to hear it because they are interested. Other than your 2 or 3 Christian club members, you have everyone else telling you to knock it off and keep it off the forum or just making fun. Again I say, your loved ones need to get some intervention for you. You no longer see reality. Your belief that people are coming to see you for the message is proof of this. They want you to stop and go away with your false warning of impending doom. Try reading the comments when your not doped up on the kool aid.

    The doctors saved you, not God. You are not a vessel God is using because you push people away rather than draw them in. You are trying to be an anointed one with the whole "I know how to read the warnings" when apparently you believe no one else can. Well you're correct sort of as the warnings are all in your mind and I do not believe anyone here can see into another mind. So yes, you see them and others do not because, well they exist only in your mind. I'm done. Go play jester in your question. I don't really think Jesus meant to make a fool out of yourself first so that you could suffer ridicule and feel like you are him but whatever you need to believe to make it through another day, I'll not take it from you. Again, it's not my place to save you from yourself.

    HL. Glad you have become enlightened.

    Hi Ann, don't let him fool you. He's not. He's not even a smidgen more enlightened. He's still floundering around in the dark.
    Headless Man

    Thank you Colleen for your remarks, but when you put me down it just means I must be doing something right. Jesus was put on the cross by people just like you, you can kill the massager but not the message.

    An enlightened man would not see my words as a put down. He would take them and grow by them. I am showing you the truths of your ways. Take the blinders off. You've been told by enough people here that you are doing everything wrong. Take your fingers out of your ears and listen. Jesus went to the cross because he had followers he needed to play martyr to and for no other reason. Jesus accepted his fate. You are neither a messenger nor a martyr, you are an egotist if you place yourself there. I am not trying to kill you Randy. I am just showing the falseness of your personal message which is a warped version of the message Christ actually brought to this world. Again I ask you, where is God's love in your words of belittlement, accusations, judgment and scare tactics? No Randy. You do not speak the words of God. You speak the words of Randy. A scared, unhappy man who does not want to be alone in his doom and gloom. Always trying to feed the kool aid to others so you won't go alone. Jim Jones did the same. He could not stand alone. He needed others to support his cause because it failed when he tried to go it alone. I stand alone here with my beliefs. I do not try to get others to fall in line with me. I can stand alone Randy and still be secure in my beliefs. You can not do this. You need the confirmation of others to give you some semblance that what you believe is correct. This is why you need a church. You need the support and confirmation. Your faith is just not good enough to allow you to stand alone. Trust in God that He and He alone can take care of His Souls. He does not need a man who sends darkness rather than light to gather the people. An enlightened man does not see the differences in people. An enlightened man sees Soul only. An enlightened man shares with the grace of God and does not cry, "Mine, mine, mine!". He shares because He loves God and loves all of God's creation. An enlightened man sets people free to do as they will within their own world. He does this because he loves them. He does not try to tempt them with a proverbial "free gift". Parents warn their children of the stranger offering free candy for a reason. I see you as the stranger with the free candy. Nothing is free. Everything comes with a price. Even your Christian salvation. I refuse to give up my freedom of choice and freedom of thought to accept your candy Randy. An enlightened man would accept and respect that. You however can not because you come from darkness and not from the light. Your own fellow Christians have told you as much. Now stop feeling sorry for yourself and stop acting like I am the evil one just trying to destroy you. I am simply protecting myself from your darkness and false claims of love.
    Headless Man

    "I am not trying to kill you Randy. I am just showing the falseness of your personal message which is a warped version of the message Christ actually brought to this world"
    The Bible is the only message I give, not a personal one, Christ message is there, not your warped version that has only your word.
    Now end your preaching to me.....

    According to other Christians, the message is not there. When you end your preaching to others, I will end my comments to you on the subject.
    Headless Man

    Where did you get preaching from the question:
    Why must gays insist that there union be called a marriage?

    Bypass the falseness of the question and see the rest of the thread Randy and also, please see me as more than just a gay. Do not refer to back to me as "Why do the gays.." I am an individual and even if I were not a lesbian, I would still stand against you on this. You asked about a civil right then introduced your religion into it. You are all about preaching Randy and this extends to just about all the questions you reply to on this forum. You are well known for this. Do not feign innocence here. You opened this question on the pretense that you wanted to learn, to be educated so you could understand, then proceeded to produce your religion and religious views to argue any sort of explanation right on down to posting verses from the bible. Christians are not suppose to lie Randy but you sure do make a habit of it and then try to cover it up under silly explanations. Your pretense for asking this question is quite clearly a lie based on your arguments and religious overtones. You used this to promote your agenda against the homosexuals. You walk in darkness and not in the light.
    Headless Man

    I did not lie and don't lie, we where suppose to have come to an agreement on this question but you can't let it go at that.
    Yes I posted a BIBLE VIRISE to show my believes but did not use that when agreed to the compromise, and I will refer to you gays because this is not just about you as you or me as you have made it.
    You know nothing about light, ended now by me.

    Why do the gays should be why do some gays. If you were educated in the matter, you would know this. Some homosexuals do not care what it is called. Some homosexuals do not even agree with allowing homosexuals to marry. You are not educated in this matter. Homosexual rights is a civil matter. Neither religion nor your bible count in this matter. You used this question to promote your agenda,not to educate yourself. You continued it after the "agreement" by posting you do not agree with gay marriage but posted a snarky comment about "Colleen did in her put down way, convince me that gay-marriage would be OK". You thought I would just leave you alone while you posted things like this about me? I have stood in the light Randy. I have had it immerse itself into me. I know much about the light. You will not allow yourself to believe this. Not my problem.
    terryfossil 1

    i think you have debated very well headless man,,agree to disagree is the only fair outcome

    Of course you do, except he made no actual valid point as to why it should not be called marriage. He just claimed it, "mine, mine, mine" tossed out some verses that have no bearing and used some slippery slope theories.

    Some people are just too easy to please apparently.

    NO...i do get what you`re saying...but I think it`s just a case of movin with the times..old man!!LOL!...

    Society is so into equality...and so is it so wrong calling civil partnership Marriage?? marriage was so CRAP!!:-0...good luck IMHO  to anyone of any sex who wants their partnership to labelled as marriage!!!.....TRUE MARRIAGE IS SACRED...Doesn`t EVERYONE DESERVE a chance of it??!

    millie xx 

    Headless Man

    TRUE MARRIAGE IS SACRED, but not many go into it that way, taking a promise before your GOD should mean something.

    You're speaking of Holy Matrimony Randy, not marriage. Atheists do not get married in the eyes of God. They agree to and sign a government contract called marriage. Sorry but you Christians just can not own everything like you believe you do. You can own Holy Matrimony. Marriage belongs to everyone, even the non believers.

    What a lot of to and fro none of which stayed with the question, not even the questioners`.

    If our countries can fight other countries wars in the guise of helping, if the countries can allow "boat people" in and feed clothe and educate house them I do not see what a hand full of other sexual persuasion people  can do to upset the status quo by being married.

    Doesn`t worry me if they are called married, same sex marriage, alternative live style marriage or any other name, what does annoy me is that this question evoked a tirade of abuse by insinuation against both hetero and non hetero people from both sides.

    This has happened so many times I feel the Administrators, NOT, Moderators should take a stand and declare this type of "conversation" to be invalid and banned.





    Just so you know, the admin love questions that draw a lot of traffic.

    "Beating up gays in the name of Jesus" just happens to be one of those attention getter threads.

    The quoted bit is part of a message sent to me by a Christian friend here on akaQA after they read this thread. That is what they got out of this thread.

    I answered the question. Randy argued every answer I posted as to why homosexuals want marriage. So it went on. No one had to read it.

    The members here do not want this to be only a Q&A site. I got beat up recently for even suggesting that they remember this is a Q&A site. They want the discussions, they want the debates and they want to forget about the questions they do not want to research to answer. So, here ya go. This is what they want. 795 views. Randy knows as well as anyone, gay questions sell. He also knows I will enter them. He knew exactly what he was doing. He knows I'm the only homosexual on this forum who can answer the question. A straight person couldn't speak for the gays. He just wanted an argument with me as he accepted none of my answers. So he got one. Any abuse you saw from either side should be reported to the admin.

    fig, I could teach that course.
    Headless Man

    Colleen, I did not get a reason that made sense to be but did I not agree to Gay-Marriage ( the hyphenated word) as something I could accept?

    "I did not get a reason that made sense"

    Not my problem. My reasons make perfect sense to me and thousands of others, including many members here who were reading them. Since you can only understand your book and can not understand logic and reasoning, discussions are wasted on you. I am satisfied that you are not the one who will be making the final ruling on gay marriage when the US Supreme Court hears the case. I was simply catching Peoplelover up since I truly do not believe he read every word posted to see where each word came from before he posted this. Prop8 in California has been ruled unconstitutional and D.C. just joined other states in allowing Gay Marriage (no hyphen). We are moving forward even though you do not agree with it. This question was all about you Randy. Just you and whether you would accept the gays using the word marriage. You accepted gay-marriage. The states that allow it call it Gay marriage, no hyphen. Now knowing this, if it becomes an issue with you that there is no hyphen between the words, then you will have to deal with that issue alone as I have no more patience for shallow mindedness or what your book says or why the hyphen means so much to you. I really do not care. You asked a question, I answered. You never wanted an answer. You just wanted to argue and to push your agenda. Nothing in the world was solved by it and your agenda has made no difference. Gay marriage is out there with no hyphen.

    To be honest Colleen I did not read all the thread as it was a slanging match between you and Headless man in the beginning so I adopted a 'same old same old" attitude.
    Why homosexuality has to be such a big deal I do not understand you are what you are and so it is.
    Raging against each other is a waste of time and by the attitude used will resolve SFA.( Australian parlance for "sweet f--k all"

    @PL, I put out information that a lot of people actually learn from, those who care to learn anyway. These kinds of questions actually work to my advantage. I get to post about homosexuality without having to open my own questions and in answering questions, I get to provide a lot of information about my community that most people do not know. There's a lot of good and educational stuff here. Randy got to post, "mine, mine, mine" and a few bible verses for his side of the argument and I got to post oodles of information that is making people think and go hmmm, they really are not treated fairly. These questions designed to inflame dislike towards the homosexuals generally end up helping our fight. It's turning a negative into a positive. Some read, some don't but there's always a few who see them all and find themselves becoming aware and wanting to help the homosexuals get their rights.

    I will make no further comment on this matter except it is my understanding this site was NOT introduced for ANY one group to push their particular barrow.
    Be they black, white,religious, communist or hetero or non hetero.
    If non hetros on this site can push their desires of acceptance so can Mormons or any other secular group including Muslims.
    Think on that one and do not pick out a group who have similar ideals as yourself as being the only ones worthy of space on here.

    Well I can only say I'm sorry you have such difficulties understanding this. Perspectives when set in stone can cancel the chance of seeing an issue from another perspective. You have no real understanding of the other issue you mentioned here, so I can understand your confusion on this question. Just remember, the same man who opened this question and made comments that allowed me to counter his comments is the same one trying to declare his freedom of speech was infringed apon. His agenda to try and turn people off on the idea of accepting gay marriage still remains here. I'm not the one opening questions laced with agenda. I will use them how ever to educate through. If these people do not like it, they can stop opening these types of questions. Check my questions. I've only ever opened one and that was because leeroy had the same question but closed it to stop me from posting to it and countering his claims from the bible. So, I opened one of my own because some of us where right in the middle of a good conversation when he closed the thread. This is why people are no longer allowed to close their own questions. This happened almost a year ago. Very close to this time I think.
    Other than that, I do not push my sexuality as one that all should partake of. I just push for my civil rights when others begin the agenda of keeping them from me. This is not preaching. It is debating. The two are not blended. They are like horse and cow. The same because they are animal but completely different of each other in actions in what they offer. Preaching will always be applied to only the religious questions. That is how it is. That is the decisions of the admin. You can argue with them about that.

    Closed minds should come with closed mouths.


    I just noticed I hit the TD instead of the TU...sorry! Have corrected it!!

    " Marriage is the transference of (misery) from a woman to a man, plain and simple ! "

    hi headless man,,this subject is very well split,,1546 views and 44 answers,,so it is not a subject that will be solved here,,but democracy rules,,,maybe a world wide vote,,,that way the people get what they deserve,,be it right or wrong,,do it by the numbers,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,nice talking


    The numbers currently show that the majority of Americans (53% or 58% depending on the poll you look at) are in favor of gay marriage.

    Just when i was warming to you Randy,so be it,


    Ahhh. The good 'ole days. 


    Biology Doesn't Support Gay Marriage Bans


    Gay marriage bans don't make sense for a lot of reasons, but I'll just focus on one for now. The notion of defining marriage as a union between "one man and one woman" doesn't work unless you define "man" and "woman," and we actually don't have airtight definitions for those states. I know. You think biology has all the labels and definitions you could possibly want. But sex is complicated.

    Great write up! Love the ending.....

    "Sex is not the binary system we think it is, and we can't go around making rules about what people can and can't do based on what anatomy happens to be between their legs. So on top of the fact that gay marriage bans are unconstitutional, unnecessary, and downright petty, they are also terribly unscientific."

    Hey, Headless the article. Educate yourself on some ideas that do not come from the bible.


    Headless Man

    I dare you Grit to watch the movie "Gods not Dead" then get back to me……I will send you a DVD if you can't see it where you are….

    Marriage (also called matrimony or wedlock) is a social union or legal contract between people that creates kinship. The definition of marriage varies according to different cultures, but is usually an institution in which interpersonal relationships, usually intimate and sexual, are acknowledged. Such a union is often formalized via a wedding ceremony. Many cultures limit marriage to two persons of the opposite sex, but some allow forms of polygamous marriage, and some recognize same-sex marriage. In some conservative cultures, marriage is recommended or compulsory before pursuing any sexual activity.

    that's why! ;-)


    Headless Man

    GOD don't hate, He even loves you Grit........
    Grit Savage

    no surprise there, everyone loves me! ;-)

    ok. i reckon this has gone on long enough,,nobody is going to change their opinouns ,the gay mob are going to stick to what they think is right,,and christians must stick to what they believe the bible says to them,,to the gay community,i say i do not believe your way,my god says you are wrong,,but not to hate you because of it,,the rest i leave up to you and whatever god you believe in,,all the words in the world will not change this debate, for those of us that believe there is a judgement day of god,so be it,,for those that do not,i wish you all the best,,..................................


    This is a 2 year old question. You've now answered it twice. If you believe it's gone on long enough, why did you answer it twice? Please answer questions one time only. Use the edit option to add to your answer rather than answering 2 or more times. Thanks.

    By the way, "the gay mob" is a bit insulting, don't you think? We are human beings just like you Terry. Even if you think you are better because you are a Christian, we are not a mob. I wish you the best on your judgement day when you find out how wrong you were to think of us the way you do. Just remember on that day, you can not blame it on words you read in a book because you had people throughout your life tell you God does not frown on love. Another thing, unlike you, he does not put his head in the bedrooms of others. Your issue is gay sex. That is not your business. Keep your head out of their bedrooms. Love is not a sin so you can not have an issue with people who love each other. If you do, well it's YOUR issue, stop trying to pass it off onto God.
    terryfossil 1

    the word mob is not insulting,it is an aboriginal word for people,,and i stand by the last 3 lines of my comment,,and i still wish you all the best..............nice talking Colleen

    I stand by ALL my words. Use mob for the aboriginals then but I know how Aussies feel about aboriginals if that is what they want to be called. We are PEOPLE, human beings, not a mob. A mob is unruly and causes dissidence. We are PEOPLE just trying to make it in this world the same as you. Mob is insulting.
    terryfossil 1

    colleen,i am aboriginal,and the word mob is used BY the aboriginal people, and you do not know that much about Aussie people, and the aboriginal is Aussie people ........

    I know and speak to other Aussies. The non aboriginal Aussies, they might be Australians but they at some point migrate there. You can call your people a mob. Homosexuals are not a mob. They are people, human beings, part of a civilized culture. I (underline the I) am part of a civilized culture that is not a mob but law abiding citizens. Mobs cause trouble and destroy things. Mobs are not nice people.

    mob [mob] Show IPA
    a disorderly or riotous crowd of people.
    a crowd bent on or engaged in lawless violence.
    any group or collection of persons or things.
    the common people; the masses; populace or multitude.
    a criminal gang, especially one involved in drug trafficking, extortion, etc.

    Definitions 3 and 4 can become dangerous if a pack mentality sets in so even though 3 and 4 may seem innocent enough, a mob is still a mob which can be a dangerous thing.
    terryfossil 1

    you want to be a human being Colleen ? then speak to me like one,,not like a lawyer..your words tell me you do not understand

    Treat me like a human being. Not an object of disdain because your bible tells you to. You continue to look down on homosexuals and disagree with their life because the bible disagrees with it. This causes you to see us as less than you, as lesser than your human status. WE ARE PEOPLE TOO. We are not a mob. I am not talking to you like a lawyer. I am talking to you like a human being who does not like that fact that you have labeled homosexuals as a mob but called your people Christians, calling them a proper name. The Christians vs The Mob, huh? I don't thinks so. Make it, the Christians vs. the PEOPLE they have chosen not like.
    terryfossil 1

    i am finding it very hard to get through your thick skull,my point is the word "Mob",it was not insulting,christian mob,your mob,my mob,black mob, white mob..NOTHING insulting,,and you are the only person who has used the words "less than you" and as far as looking down on you, i have never done that,, and if you want to throw in the bible,the bible says to love everyone,but not the things they do ,that is not of god,,in other words ,love gay people,but not what they do,,,i have gay friends,i make it clear i do not agree with what they do,,but i still like them as friends,,i have a nephew who is gay,and we are still i do not know what planet your on,,but by your words ,it does not sound like this one,,i am not insulting you but it sure sounds like you are insulting me,,and believe me ,i have had experts throw crap at me...

    Perhaps in Oz it's not an insult, here in the states it is. We use mob for the criminals and gangs that cause death and destruction. Perhaps you can get that through your thick skull? How do you know what all gays do? Do you look into all their bedrooms? Fewer gays than you think actually have the type of sex you most abhor. Still it's none of your business. More heterosexuals have that type of sex than you think. That is well documented and researched by the way. Look it up. No one holds it against heterosexuals when they have that kind of sex though. No one is screaming SINNER! at them, are they? No one is trying to deny them rights because of it. No one tells them they can not be married because they are having sinful sex, are they? Homosexuals love their partners as deeply and as truly as heterosexuals love theirs. You still ignore that part, You give it zero credit because to you, it's only the sex that matters. Classic cherry picking.

    Your own words (past and present) speak volumes as to what you think of homosexuals Terry. You can claim to have gay friends all you want but you do not respect them at an equal level to you because you see them as sinners destined for h3ll if they do not just make themselves straight and beg forgiveness from your god. CONTROL. You threw in the bible first btw.

    I've been single for over 15 years now but I am still a lesbian. Does the fact that I do not have sex make a difference? No. You still see me as a sinner but hate what I do even though I'm not even doing it. Well Terry, I hate that you wrote, "my god says you are wrong,,but not to hate you because of it". So if your god did not tell you not to hate me, you would hate me, hate homosexuals just because of the sex we have? The same sex heteros partake in? Really? Hypocrisy and cherry picking, so typical of the ones who believe themselves better, believe themselves to be more "normal" than those they judge to be abnormal or sinners.

    I've had a ton of Christians throw the same crap at me that you try. "I hate what you do but I love you". BS! If you truly love, you leave the ones you claim to love alone! You do not threaten them with the classic repent or go to h3ll! THAT is NOT love! That is control. "Be like me or burn in h3ll", right Terry? Your religion is an insult on me. You just do as you're told like a good Christian. Your religion is insulting to anyone it does not agree with. If you feel I insult you because I have a problem with your religion insulting me, then I do not know what to tell you. It's your religion. Take it up with them.
    terryfossil 1

    i feel i gave ground and understanding on this debate,,you however did not,,you have a massive chip on your shoulder,and all you want is for someone to knock it of,,find someone else, it aint gonna be me,,i am above that,,

    I'm sorry but where exactly did you give ground? Where is your understanding? You still refuse to acknowledge the fact that homosexuals love each other as straight people love each other. You are still too fixated on their sex. You refuse to understand that not everyone is like you Aussies and uses negatives as a (I'm assuming) positive. Like using septic tanks in place of Yanks (the Aussie slang) to refer to Americans then saying "awww but it don't mean nothing bad". Or telling me that by defending my life from the perverted minds of the religious right, who only view the sex in it, is having a chip on my shoulder. Well Terry, you can see it as a chip all you want but it is a chip no one will knock off. Go back to your book and keep it's words to yourself. Stop using them as a weapon against other human beings so that civil rights can be kept from them. You infringe on my world and my rights then cry about a chip because I defend the people you look down on? You're correct, with your attitude about homosexuals, it will not be you.
    terryfossil 1

    i will not debate you anymore,you are a runnaway train,,and i have not met anyone on this site with your ability to insult everyone and anything.. and your ability to stay on the subject to be debated is all over the place...... ..enjoy your life

    LOL, typical come back from someone who can not debate the truth or answer simple questions because there is no answer. You can act insulted all you want but your objective here was to insult the homosexuals because you do not like them based on what they do in the bedroom. That is yours, own it. Have a good day Terri.
    terryfossil 1

    1600 views and 46 answers for what

    Well, you found a reason to answer. I thought you were done here, like twice now. :)


    I want more then Cake Bulletman,

    tax and other money benefits that everybody else gets.

    The word marriage and the idea of marriage, gets more societal respect, not to mention the benefits, than say 'shacking up with my old lady or partner".  I think that is the main reason. Also consider this:  you can very rarely get anywhere in a debate when you're not debating from the same premise.  It happens in my family.  Some argue from the Bible point of view.   some from the secular (every day) point of view.  It's not happening.  A Bible person can debate with another Bible person.  But a secular arguing with a Bible . . . they're not speaking the same language.  It's like a frog arguing with a snake.  The snake will eat the frog up and that's it.  The Bible person says you can't argue with God the almighty, and that's it.  The conversation is o-v-e-r.  Who wins?  In most societies around the world religious and Bible people win because they say God told them to do it or say it and to make you do it and say it too, even if it kills you or they kill you.


    I will hold my God to their God every time. My God does not judge, or destroy or kill or send souls to hades for an eternity. In my book, my God wins because my God is love and nothing more. Love conquers hate, evil and control every time. Just because man created a book, does not mean God backs it. If God wanted a book, then God would create it. God created an entire universe and filled it with living things. I'm sure God can handle creating a book all on "His" own without needing the help of men to do it.

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