    Do other countries have idiots throwing lumps of concrete off motorway bridges, or is it just an English sport ??

    +9  Views: 947 Answers: 22 Posted: 12 years ago

    22 Answers

    That was atrocious Lb, happens here all the time.

    My car got hit with a scaffold pole in 1996, nobody was prosecuted, nobody was hurt thankfully.

    Nothing is going to change until proper discipline returns to society.


    It seems to becoming a bit popular this side of the wall ROMOS. Just like to thank everyone for their input, cheers

    Thank God no one was hurt!!!

    They are not idiots, they are criminals and should be treated as such with the maximum custodial sentence available. This I believe would act as a deterrent to at least some of them and make them think twice about the consequences.  



    Sorry west-bus, l thought most if not all criminals were idiots

    Unfortunately, we occasionally have it here in the states. Some empty headed moron thinking it's all a big joke to kill an innocent passerby.

    Unfortunately, there are idiots such as that in most countries.

    It happens here in the US too.

    Rocks are too primitive around these parts. 

    In  Michigan,USA on some of the overpasses of major expressways they are building much higher barriers to prevent this. I guess this helps somewhat.  I guess I'll never understand why doing harm to another is appealing to some morons!!


    My State has done this too.

    Yes, I live in Mich, and they did build enclosed barriers on some overpasses. Wish they would hurry up and do it on all.
    The saddest thing about that issue that I remember was when a newly-wed couple was going somewhere on the x-spress way and someone threw a bowling ball onto their windshield...killing the young man. He was in the passenger's seat

    Yes, we have hade numerous incidents where idots have thrown bricks off a over head walk way in South Australia, two of them were serious, one the driver was killed, the other is a vegetating unfortunely these numbskulls were never caught, may be if we didn't slap there hand when caught and they got the cane instead it may stop, there is no deterrent. ---- most over head walkways are now fully caged.


    that's terrible. I thought that only happened in the U.S.

    I'm afraid mycatsmom, if the kids of the world have access to a tv , this will occur anywhwe because of copy cats. -- i hate calling you mycatsmom, it sounds like something my mum would punish me for. (SHE)--- my nickname for you is CAT.

    For some acts and deeds you must forfeit the right to live . Send them back to God as we have no use for them here . Return to sender !!!!! We have our share of wack jobs here .Shame those lives were interrupted,our stay here is fragile indeed . Its all changed or just plain over in the blink of an eye at the whim of a perfect stranger for no reason at all except wrong place wrong time .

    idiocracy  knows no happens here as well (usa)

    They've down it plenty of times here in Detroit. They have broken people's windshields and have killed people. We had to drive thru Detroit to go to Windsor on my wedding night, and I was scared everytime we went under one of those walk-way type bridges, or car bridges. But, we made it. Maybe God was looking out for us.

    I don't know what they're thinking, the thought process that makes random acts of destruction or violence a good Idea, or maybe they're just not thinking.

    I did something stupid similar to  this when I was a child and got into a heap of trouble and learned a valuable lesson. I believe I threw a mango at a car in my neighborhood. My dad kicked my butt and I was grounded for two months. If kids don't have parents to teach them boundaries and respect for other peoples property then this is what happens.

    So if they are young kids I don't think that they realize the value of a car windshield, or that their actions could cause a horrible accident. The mind of a child definitely isn't the same as an adult. If they are an adult, there just isn't any reasonable excuse.


    I would think from the age of about 6 or 7 a kid of normal intelligence would or should be able to grasp the out comeof a heavy object hitting someone on the head or in the face.

    You'd sure hope so lewboy. But I was meaning that there's a huge difference between the mind of an adult and the mind of a child.

    I know that I didn't start thinking like a mature responsible adult until about thirty, lol.

    Would you like to see for your self? Try in your search bar www.koat thats our local TV news channel news is at 6:00 pm our time  . See for yourself . No I dont like Albuquerque

    Yep we've got them here as well (Sydney Australia) the overhead walkways are caged.The idiots are also known to sit in bushes on the side of the freeways and throw stuff at the oncoming traffic.

    In NYC they throw shopping carts off the roofs of buildings. Two 14 year olds threw a cart and hit a woman. She has been in a coma for months. When the Judge sentenced the two, one of the mothers said "what's the big deal, they were just having fun". Mom's head would be on a stick if it were my wife. 


    I would have left her chained to a pipe in the sewer for the rats . Whats the big deal I was just having fun ? Morons making Morons ,sad state of affairs indeed .
    ed shank

    So true.

    Some years ago a youth in UK was jailed for this crime. he was traced from DNA evidence. He had not committed an offence before but a near relative had been arrested and charged and had his DNA taken. By this, the rock-dropper was detected and convicted.

    A reason to take DNA sample at birth perhaps?

    It happens here all the time. Its hard to catch these criminals. The worst I heard, was someone throwing a dog off a brigdge quite a few years ago. They never caught those monsters. I rather live with animals any given time than some who are supposed to be humans.

    New Mexico is the home of MORONS . No end to stupid here !!!!! They say to watch the news you must put a pan under the TV to keep the blood off the carpet . Claims to fame : Most dangerous place in the nation for a pedestrian . Over dose capitol of the USA , Last stop before the gates of hell . The land of NO and I dont know. Most corrupt Government this side of Mexico . Drunks every where drunks ,some of our folks have a dozen DWI 's and are still driving !!!!!!!! A member of the Governors security detail is being prosecuted for a DWI resulting in death . A real crap hole Albuquerque !!!!!


    I'm only guessing but i reckon you don't like Albuquerque??.

    My best friend lives in albuquerque, nice place to visit, but....

    Then I hope you enjoy your stay . Having a friend helps . This place is not for me and I dont seem to be able to leave . Trapped !!!! No money No car . Others like it ,I do not . If you investigate you will find all the things I said true sadly .

    Good to hear that Detroit isn't the #1 city for murder anymore. When you turn on our 10pm news, it always starts with the murders.

    Takes 30 minutes to recount the mayhem of the day . Then they follow up with deaths by drunk drivers and count the pedestrians killed that day .Then its the wife beaters child molesters followed by sports scandal and weather .

    ATTENTION PEOPLE:  We have to get Bluesman a car. NM is going to kill him.




    Watch our local news : I cant say any more .

    It happens all too often in NSW too, protective barriers have been placed on many overhead walkways but if this has curbed the viscous practice it certainly hasn't eliminated it

    Would you like to see for your self? Try in your search bar www.koat thats our local TV news channel news is at 6:00 pm our time  . See for yourself . No I dont like Albuquerque


    Had a look at that site Bluesman, busy little place you live in, think l will stay this side of the pond.

    This reference will most likely mean nothing to you ,but Ill try . Life here is like being stuck on a episode of Jerry Stringer,inbreed hillbilly trailer trash,marrying there cousins sisters and family pets .Drunks and heroin dealers ,crack heads ,perverts ,convicts and thieves. Yes life is interesting here .

    It must be something in the air because we have the same thing in New South Wales, Australia. The Government has responded by putting wire at the sides of roads that go over freeways.

    when I was boy a or just a becoming a teenager those IDIOT'S throw a cinder block off a over pass and killed my eye doctor he was a great doctor!!

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