    what is the worst thing some one could do to hurt the one they love

    just want to knw the truth

    +8  Views: 1506 Answers: 23 Posted: 12 years ago

    23 Answers






    Yep :(

    To be unfaithful and get found out. I hasten to add its only what I'm thinking. I'm innocent!  


    To cheat.

    Stop loving them..........


    Lie, cheat then leave them..

    Loving someone would preclude any other bad thing a person could do to someone they love, so it would have to be, to stop loving them. For to me, that would also mean losing a deep care about their well-being, and also a loss of understanding when they do something that annoys you.

    Great answers up there, I would have to say (Just breaking someone's trust.)

    There are many ways to do that listed here, what it all comes down to is hurting someone by breaking the bond of trust between the two of you. This is the most painful type of wound to the heart of someone you love or trust.



    To purposely hurt their feelings by saying things. Once something is said it is hard to get back.

    I believe it to be unfaithful to someone you love, we also need to forgive for the wrong we've cause,We are not perfect in every way, we learn through our mistake.


    Years ago I tried to make it worth with a woman I lived with who cheated, I couldn't ever gain that trust back on my part. I did try though, and I forgave, but there was just some part of me that couldn't trust her again.

    I know what you mean Leeroy! And again maybe I don't know what you went through,it not the same for everyone, but I do know that too forgive is not something you can do yourself unless you ask God to give you the strength to do.Again in your situation it might of been for the best,You just haft to learn from it,and keep on trucking. May the Lord be with you!!

    Cheat . How can someone take a person who loves them and make them hate so bad they wish you very bad harm . 

    My soon to be X did all of the a few other things.  Sweet guy!

    I must agree with leeroy.  Breaking the trust your loved one has placed in you is the most hurtful thing in the world.  You are trusted to be faithful, honest, and loving. You are trusted to defend, honor, and respect.  You are trusted with your loved one's life in many ways.
    To betray that trust is destructive in a way that just doesn't completely heal, even if you are forgiven. People DON'T forget.   Choose to ignore, perhaps, or look the other way, but NOT forget.

    ed shank

    All great responses. However, I see marriages that are dead. They don't hate each other but refuse to leave because of the long history between them. They have grown apart but still have emotional/intimate needs. This scenario is obviously when both parties feel there is a void. It becomes a mutual open marriage.

    It's a little bit of a Catch-22. That ranting sister of mine has been in a pathetic "marriage" for 20 years.
    When a marriage is dead, it is just a partnership of mutual "use". I'd rather be alone. But I HAVE been alone and I know I won't DIE without being "Mrs." something or other. It's a risk too many don't take and end their days buried next to the spouse with a headstone that says, "Together forever". OMG
    ed shank

    I have been alone for most of the week for a while now due to my wife being transferred to the Connecticut office. I miss her terribly, but we have a strange thing going on since her transfer. When she walks through the door I almost feel that I'm in the presence of an acquaintance not my wife. I can see that it wouldn't really take that long for a marital issue to develop, if for no other reason lack of daily communication.

    I'm sorry to hear this, ed shank. You have been married for a long time and always speak highly of your wife and marriage (as I recall). I hope you aren't one of the people you are referring to in your first comment. :(

    People cheat for a reason. If the love is gone and neither want to confront the issue, they go trawling. Normal humans need an emotional attachment to someone. If it's not at home, guess what. Why does the grass look greener on the other side of the fence. Maybe because it is.




    Couldn't agree with you answer or your comment more. People tend to forget the grass on EITHER side of the fence needs to be cared for!

    @ed.. Sadly, too many people find out, much too late, that IT ISN'T. :(

    I have separated with my wife for a year, and couldn't bear the pain or didn't have the courage to stick to it,long story short,now am too old and beside wouldn't do any good she is very in secure, would want to hurt more all over again. I can endure the little remaining days that I have left with her.I think it would be selfish on my part to break or separate now.


    all of the above and being indifferent.


    All the above answers,  also assault is another one.



    suicide definitely


    Break the trust in any way.

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